The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 05, 1896, Image 9

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Japanese departments have become so popular in the largo eastern cities, and
the peoplo have taken to Japanese wareB eo kindly that the Big Storo de
cided to give the lovers of tine china in this community an opportunity
of satisfying their tastes for this beautiful ware.
Tete-a-Tetes, ChocalatePots, Plates, Vases, Jars. Umbrella Jars, Tea Pots, Sugars
conceivable shapes and styles are to be found in this department, and the
surprise you.
The foot ball season is over. The
team has gone out of training and are
indulging in many heretofore forbidden
frivolities. Manager Oury closed the
season with a deficit but thanks to his
shrewd business management it is only
a small one. The Thanksgiving game
was the cause of it. A bad day, hence
a light attendance tended to reduce Ne
braska's share of the receipt?.
The team expects to leave next week
for a short trip through Texai, playing
exhibition games at Galveston. Dallas
and Houston. This is the only means at
hand to raise money enough to pay the
balance duo Coach Robinson, whose
work has certainly been of a superior
character. Ho did what money has
failed to do, he made somethirg out of
nothing. With this team back next
year and a large field of recruits to pick
from, Nebraska ought to have a team of
pennant winners in 1S97.
Now that winter is so far advanced
that the enjoyment of outdoor sports is
almost impossible, indoor games are at
tracting considerable attention. Basket
ball is becoming quite a feature of the
gymnasium work at present. It is
played by the young women as well as
by the young men in the department of
physical training. The game of basket
ball is a remarkable one alike in its
origin and its rapid spread and popular
ity. It was only in '92 that the game
was devised and is now played from
Canada to Mexico and from Portland to
'Frisco in the colleges, Young Men's
Christian associations and athletic
clubs. The game was organized in tho
Y. M. C. A. training school at Spring
field, Maes., by James Naiswith, now
physical director of tho Y. M. C. A.
gymnasium at Denver.
Like Leverrier's discovery of Nep
tune, it was the result of deliberate cal
culation. There whb need in tho ath
letic field for a game that should meet
occurs.Thursday, December 10, and from that date till after the Holidays the
Big Store-will spare no pains in making this opening an event not to be torgotten.
In past years the Big Store's Holiday openings were looked forward to withthe
greatest interesttfby old and young.
the opening will he finer and grander than ever,
day opening will occur the formal opening of our
&U&h&4diUni&i, Vfe
certain conditions. Having specified
the conditions he deliberately devised a
gamo that should meet these.
It can be played indoors or out. It has
been played in a gymnasiu 21 12x20 and
can bo played on a foot ball field: It can
bo played by any number from 5 to 20.
Tho twisting, bending, wriggling, run
ning and reaching leave no muscle un
used. It is an attractive game as evi
denced by its rapid spread over tho en
tire field of athletics.
Everybody plays it. Men, women and
children. It is much in favor at many
of the women's colleges.
No indoor sport has yet reached its
popularity. Many of the objectionable
features of foot ball aro avoided. For
example, running with the ball is not
allowed not can any player tackle
another. The ball can-not bo held with
the arms, it cannot bo kicked or punched
with the fist though it may be slapped
with the open hand. Disregard for
these rules and of others as well consti
tute a foul, the penalty for which is an
unimpeded throw for a goal by the op
posing side from a distance of fifteen
feet. If the rules are adhered to this pen
alty soon reduces fouls to a minimum.
The university floor is a remarkably
tine one for basket ball.
Lincoln Coal Co.'s "Beauty" Eg., best
cooking coal in the city, 84. 1206 O.
First publication Dec. 5, 1896.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In tho County Court of Lancaster)
County. Nebraska. jS3
The State of Nebraska to Mary Crowley of
lies Moines. Iowa, and to any others inter
ested in said matter:
You aro hereby notified that an instrument
Surporting to bo the lust will and testament of
Iichael McCarthy, deceased, is onfiloinsaid
court, and also a petition praying for tho pro
bate of said instrument, and for the appoint
ment of William Dullenty as executor. That
on tho SSth day of December. 1S9C. at 9 o'clock
a. in., said petition and tho proof of tho exe
cution of said instrument will bo heard, and
that if you do not then appear and contest,
said court may probata and record tho same,
and grant administration of the etato to Will
tarn Dullenty. This notice shall be published
for three weeks successively in Tho Courier
prior to said hearing.
Witness my hand and official seal thi.i lstday
of December. 1W. S.T. Cochran.
c Dcc 3 County Judge.
Everything imaginable in Japaneso wares will bo found in this depart
ment. Tho best Japan teas will be on sale at department etoro prices
and during the holidays we will serve - ,..'
AT lc A CUP.
iVIcClwre'si will begin publication
Mactizlne in tho .December num
ber of u series of views of tlioauthentic historic
places anil monuments in Palestine. It is
only by very recent exploration and study that
many of the more significant of thoso places
and monuments liavo been certainly identified,
and not a few of them havo never been pic
tured until no. Last spring tho editor of
McCxcbe'r organized a considerable expedi
tion, and, accompanied by a photograper
specially skilled and experienced insnch work,
nudba tour of nearly tho wiinlo of Palestine,
and took photographs of whatever of imiort
ancQ tho latest and most authoritative investi
gations havo definitely connacted with Hiblical
incident and history Special attention was
given to tho great ancient highway loading
from Damascus t Jerusalem and on down
through Bethlehem to Hebron: and many
views wcro obtained of localities and object! of
tho first interest that will bo entirely new to
tho public. They havo been produced with
great caro, and will make one of the most at
tractive features of McCluee's through tho
coming months.
We want one
or two men in
each county to take orders for Nursery
stock, and are willing to pay well for
good work. We agree to REPLACE
FREE anything that dies from natural
Wo also have a choice line of SEED
POTATOES. Give us a trial.
Milwaukee. Wis.
Playlna: Cards,
Send 12 centB in stamps to John Se
bastian, Gen'I Pass. Agent U. R. I. & P.
R'yt. Chicago, for the slickest pack of
playing cards you ever handled, and on
receipt of such remittance for one or
more packs they will be sent you post
Orders containing 60 cents in stamps
or postal note for same amount will se
cure 3 packs by express, rchargp paid
Dec. 12.
llVC YfWornroItiSpSoppCTW
MMTC IUU Colored Spot. Ache. Old BorcaH
w InHooU. Halr-TaUlccf Writ CObV
BluIDT CO). 9V MaiMUe TeaptoH
IB., f or moots ot carta. Caa
tal SMVM0. worst oics cored la liH
& CO.
connection with our Holi-
and Creamers, etc., etc., in all
prices we quote on them will
in a Tourlat aleeper
It is the RIGHT way.
Pay more and you are
oxtravagant. Pay less
and you are uncomfort
able. The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest
riding Tourist sleepers
are used for our
Personally conducted
excursions to
which leave Lincoln
every Thursday at
6:10 p. m., reaching
San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los An
geles Monday noon.
Ask G.W.Bonnell city
ticket agent, cor 10th
and O Sts., Lincoln
Neb for full information
er write to
J. Francis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb.
Well the new flyer leaving Lincoln at
3:20 p. m. via Missouri Pacific will save
you several hours to St. Louis. Cincin
nati, New York and all eastern points
and connections are made in the St.
Louis union station, the most expen
sive, completo and finest in tho world
Any information or sleecping car berths
city ticket office 1201 O St
The Filer will make better time by
several hours to St. Louis. Cincinnati!.
Washington. New Tork and to all east
ern points, than any other line out of
Lincoln. It Is a screamer.
For Information about rates, connec
tions, ets, or for sleeping car berths,
call at city ticket office. 1201 O street.
F. P. CORNELL. C. P. & T. A.
9 GO
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