The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 05, 1896, Image 2

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There Ware steps forward to offer hie elect'oB. No man can euro a
jsrTJrrn M je priest has c8 chronic panic, such as ours, in a
act yet arrived. But the month or. a day. But the silver men are
pries, accompanied by a bcautif ul wiUirg to take the gold cure so long as
gtrLeonesin. It is these two who, in- e majority has decided that gold is
Bocently on the part of the priest, ac- good medicine. The tone or theColo
eonpliek 1 heron Ware s destruction. n& V is conciliatory. Last Sunday
Hoob Theron forgets everything but the Denver Republican advised Colorado
the fascinatirg .Irish girl. All his congressmen in ah editorial a column
previous ideas of the Irish and long not to obstruct legislation but to
the Catholic religion gradually disap- by their votes the administration
pear. He also loses his faith in his own and congress in. whatever remedial legis
ttligiou, until, at the end of the book, he ktion .might be proposed. When the
h preaching better than ever and be- state that free silver would lift from
lievii in nothiwr. His passion for the penury to plenty accepts defeat so
redheaded Irish lassie brings him -with gracefully, there reason to hope that andcit ,crk wouId be greatly weak.
oaly-a HttkJ coquetry on ner part to me i.m.uu j wum ened.
unaer iuo most iuroraum circumstances,
and that if it fails to restore activity and
confidence the nation will be willing to
try bimetalism.
custM now being held and the deep in
terest aroused indicate sassy things
not generally known.
For instance, let us take up the name
of George Woods, whom some please to
say is not a candidate, and who, per
haps, is not. And then select the name
of William J. Turner, who has not yet
decided whether be will be a candidate
for city clerk. But suppose for a minute
that these two young stalwartB conclude
to make the race. Would they not be
a strong pair to draw to? In such an
event every other candidate for mayor
point of sadness.
It is the story of the degeneracy of a
nan whose goodness in the first place
was suppositional and negative. It had
Beyer been tried. His religion was of
environment rather than choice. He
did not elect to be good or bad. His
emotions led him into the ministry and
they led him out of it His emotions
threw him into love with his wife, when
she- was his sweetheart. When she
became his wife he fell in love
with acother beautiful woman, as
though he were not bound. The book
ends here but it Theron Ware is alive he
lata love with a woman not his wife
bow and he will be till finis is written
after his same pa stone instead of on
aper. The book is on the order of the
When Bryan was in Denver his car
riage was surrounded by a
packed mass of people for blocks.
The iolicemen made way for
the carriage to move very slowly only by
a great effort. Of course all this is
known, but the testomonyof eye-witnesses
to the throngs which followed him
wherever he went, only to touch his
coat and hands, is a new evidence of his
power over the people. When ho stood
in the Brown hotel, the crowd surged by
him on both sides. While greeting some
one in front of him,frequently the people
Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde problems with behind him were eagerly Blinking both
the difference that Dr. Jtkyl knew how his hands. When he finally escaped
vil Mr. Hyde was whereas Theron is and reached the elevator, the crowd de
aaware of his own loathsomeness. It vined his plan and endeavored to get
aada like a book, with a Eequel that has a parting sight of him, they shoved so
aet been written. that they nearly smothered their idol.who
It is a Htoet discouraging book. It merely said "Look out. boys, don't
leaves us with an uncommonly poor crowd," with his world-famous smileand
epiatoB of human nature and the worst he was taken up by the elevator into
ef it k Mr. Frederic proves bis case.
Then would Graham lose heavily
in the First, Second, Third and Fifth
wards, Webster in the Third, Fourth,
Fifth and Seventh, Woodward in the
First, Second, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh.
The First and Second wards particularly
would make Woods strong. However,
it should be stated that Turner could
not detract from City Clerk Bowen to
the 6a me degree that Woods would
from his opponents.
And the basis of this prognostication
can be readily perceived. Woods and
Turner being young men would prob
ably receive the undivided support of
the young republicans of the city who,
by the way, are destined to be the con
trolling factor at a 'not far distant day.
Besides, the element which always
becomes prejudiced against a man as
soon as he holds office, would undoubt
edly be divided in a way that would
benefit Woods.
Now The Courier does not mean to
infer that Mr. Woods has a cinch or a
walkaway. Far from it. The Courier
the good air and elbow-room of an upper is simply viewing him as a "middle man"
chamber. Some of those who heard in the event of a close fight among the
him said that they were disappointed in other aspirants for mayor. Mr. Woode,
his speech, having rend something about on the other hand, has much to fear
silver before. from the older element of the republican
Although Mr. Bryan addressed the party Being a rising and ambitious
crowd as "boys," he took a liberty in you ag fellow, he is viewed with much
doing so, for it was made up in equal jealousy and apprehension by this party
proportions of men and women. contingent, as they are aware of George's
ability to go higher in the political
scale once he has been given an impe
tus. And, as is known to all, the an
cient crop of politicians want "no young
ster meddling with their affairs." For
thio raaann mrtA tbon n Ailina FFUa
- - . , - w w iuvu ujuio mau OUT VIUCI 1UU
a bravely wimaiamonas asm u, ;,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,; Courier looks upon George Woode as a
wheetbectnsboughtthemandthe .,... strong man. The voumr men. who have
; nKJ AntAAtlianvti nA A1UUUIU Ul UUltLU II! Ul IL'W 1UX9 UUU IUU
tiaras,, belts, necklaces and garters "ol politics is of .till fewer days
studded with jewels, the dry goods and hath more trouble.
coasters are piled high with stuffs, and Han bora of woman springctb fcrlh like a
the Markets compare favorably with blade of grass.
- . . i-i. ..:j. Mn born of politics sprin&eth forth evenmore
those of Chicago. The. only evidence npiMy.
ttat a great battle has been fought and Man born ol woman wi,en j,0 Wuhereth and is
lost here is the lonesome look of the cut down is at pcoco. v
liut man ol pontics when cut down know-
Colorado people, although very much
disappointed over the result of the elec-
v ties, are willing to wait for commercial
beaetta.thatlho republican party lias
proaused the nation.
If crowds hurrying up and down the
abeete of the. metropolis indicate good
tjmrff'-- the state then is Colorado pros
perous, for Denver streets resound with
the tread of men and horses and the
ramble of wheels. Everything in sight
but Money; the jewelry windows glitter
banks and the accessibility and leisure of
lMBk officials. Suavity and gracious
BessiaaoaBk or railroad officer is a
fatal, an awful sign. As the mildness in
aa irascible person is an indication of
approaching dissolution, so the gentle
expression on the face3 of western
bankers and. railroad managers
is a sure sign that hard times still
has .them in a throttling clutch.
cth naught but misery and discontent.
And. yet we hare more men born of politics
than of woman!
Newspaper article?, as a rule, whether
authentic or imaginative, are more
times than not credited with being par
tial and biased, and it is usually con.
eluded that a writer elucidates his
individual sentiments whenever he un-
tMr. Kountae and Mr. JMocKett, dertakes to explain anythinc. especially
who have Denver in their pocket, walk jf bj8 8UDject matter is or a political
the street as though they deplored the nature. But this supposition is at fault
ctrcwastacces which have made them in this instance at least. The foregoing,
tke owners of thebHtchcr shops, diug while it is simply the production of an
stores, dry goods emporiums and peanut active imagination, is nevertheless
Umki on1 both sides of it If 'Mr. based upon inviolable rules of politics,
Kowtae should return to the hauteur aml wheQ consider the differ
with folded arms in a coupe of still re- ent character and peculiar situations
esat saesaory, to the residents of Den- 0f the men who now are can
yer, they would consent to be splashed didates for mayor, he will coincide with
by the wheels of his carriage. For that the assertion that a writer fs capable of
fofl&diBg expression and imperious at- stating a condftion honestly and ith-
tRudo would mean mat Denver ana uie out prejudice.
always furnished the energy and muscle
for campaigns are seldom rewarded.
They know they are liable to disappoint
ment at the hands of their older col
leagues if they ask recognition, and
knowing this, they have organized for
the sole purpose of demanding what
they deem their just dues and what
appeals nave tailed to receive.
- .. rattinc well and that Mr
Xbwatse was practicing attitudes- on
these who would borrow.
People eB both sides of the silver dol-K)Baew-'that
neither McKkiley cor
swjuavcouldkeep'the pre-eJectton prom- meataty changes during the past two
laartawt hk w""88 stump-speaking weeks have put an entirely new aspect
tu the event ol taetr can- on politics generally, and the ward cau-
WhileThe Courier has made the con
test for mayor a feature, it has enjoyed
bo rarer occasion to observe the political
than it enjoys at present. The mo
lt will be a matter of news to some to
learn that Councilman Young is a can
didate for mayor in earnest, and not in
the interest of any one else, as has been
shyly intimated. There are those who
contend that Mr. Young will be content
with a third term in the council, but
this is not true if Mr. Youngs own
statement to The Courier can be relied
upon. Said Mr. Young: ''If the Craw
ford county system is to be used next
spring I will be a candidate for mayor."
And why should not' Dick be a candi
date for mayor? It is everybody s fight
and no man knows what his chances are
at present. Dick has all kinds of
friends, and if he sticks to his present
intentions there is no telling where he
will haul up. It he withdraws from
the contest, however, he may expect a
visitation from the righteous wrath of
bis many friends.
Barr Parker and Jim Parker need not
be classed as candidates, the former be
cause he will not enter the fight unless
he has a cinch something no man will
have this load of poles and the latter
because hr is awaie of his weakness, a
fact which was fully demonstrated at
the -lection last November.
To judge from the articles being daily
published in the Evening Nnws, we are
of the firm belief that that paper would
be very indignant if Lincoln or Lancas
ter county should receive a federal ap
pointment or two, notwithstanding the
valuable service rendered McKinley by
our people. But then, yon know, the
News always was a patriotic pap:r nit.
R. Henry Thorpe, the boy orator, will
deliver a lecture at the Lansing Decem
ber 14. Mr. Thorpe needs no introduc
tion nor recommendation, as his prowess
as a speaker is too well known. His
address will bo devoid of politics and
will be of tho most entertaining and in
structive character.
In accordance with the advice of The
Courier, the city republican central com
mittee held a special meeting and again
adopted the Crawford county system.
During the meeting Chairman L. L. E.
Stewart charged that quite a number of
demo-pops are holding positions under
the present administration, and insisted
that republicans should bo given their
places. If Mr. Stewarts statements
areas well founded as he claims them to
be, he is fully justified in making tho
kick which he did. The amendments
needed to tho Crawford system have
before been suggested by this paper.
Canon Pea coal, ?5 per ton. The best
for the money, at Gregory's, 11th and O
Will make it a point to place
BER of
II itii
which will he issued De
cember 19.
Time i Monty
Actual time traveling.
31 hours to Salt Lake.
Gl hours to San Francisco.
68 hours to Portland.
77 hours to Los Angeles.
City office, 1014 O street.
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