The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 05, 1896, Image 12

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I don't know of anybody who is
quicker than 8. Aleck Sawdoff to eee
mad recognize ability in a man. Cer
tainly he was one of the first to see it in
himstlf . and no one has ever seen so
such of it there as he has. Sawdoff is
the well known advertising solicitor of
The Omaha Weekly Irritator. "I do
not wish to assert," said he to me one
day with his accustomed modesty, "that
I never fail to get a contract, but I'll
just bet a plug hat that if Graver Cleve
land and I were tied up in a bag I'd se
cure a contract for adrertiaing the sale
of Gray Gables before he could get the
string loose."
Sawdoff is said to be the man who,
prior to his ptesent position, got up a
corner on baby carriages and kept them
out of the market till the price was
doubled and infant mortality increased
thirty per cent. He modestly denies the
story, but I believe it to be true for cer
tainly bo man is more thoroughly in
line with modern business methodo
than he.
It happened some time ago that old
Uriah Boomerang, the wide awake and
energetic dry goods merchant of Beat
rice had a dispute over the alleged cir
culation of the local paper and its
doubtful advantages as an advertising
medium and declared he'd have nothing
further to do with it, on the contrary,
his advertisements in The Courier of
Lincoln had always brought substantial
results, it had a large and constantly in
creasing circulation among the monied
clasi, aBd he determined to place all
future advertisements with this up-to
date and metropolitan sheet.
It is said, however, that both Uriah
aad the local manager had violated the
provisions of the joint contract until it
had become invalid, not only in reason
aad morals, but even in law. Sawdoff
got a quiet tip on this atate of affairs
and took the .first trian for Beatrice,
(the boys say he rode oq the cow
cateher, so as to be euro of getting there
For months Sawdoff had been trying
to get Boomerang's big advertising con
tract away from The Courier. Once
when The Courier's advertising solici
tor west down to Beatrice after an order
Sawdoff waylaid him and beguiled him
isto a atate of intoxication calculated to
be highly offensive to Boomerang, who
is a deacon in the church, but Uriah,
oat of the kindness of 'his heart, per
suaded the unfortunate man to sign the
pledge and join the Bociety of the An
ciest Order of Anti-Sour Mash Con
sumers, aad then rewarded him for his
xpresstoBs of penitence by awarding
him the contract, much to the disgust
ef Sawdoff.
The following month Aleck again met
The Courier's solicitor .on the train en
route to Beatrice and secretly gave him
several grains of hasheesh in ' his coffee
ia the dieing car, as they were approach
tag Beatrice. This threw the "ad" man
ktto a trance which lasted some twelve
er fftea hours, asd his weakness was
as great oa coming out of it that Boom
erang feared to refuse him the contract
lest the shock and disappointment
might kill him. Thus by every legiti
mate business method did Sawdoff strive
lor Boomerang's contract, but tough
luek aau the perseverance 'of Deacon
Boomerang always euchered him.
This time, however, Aleck felt auie of
auceeas. Oa a bright Saturday after
aee he reached Beatrice aad took a
IraMey ear aad want direct to Boomer
sag's seta hliahmnat There sat Uriah,
mtariaf aemile felly as Btomieiag as
erne ef Aleck's edvertieiBg circulars, but
iw weaUa't talk rmsisf , be ceuldat
he ieiduesd to hear a word. "I'mamaa
ef very street rehgiew feelings," he
afternoon with me, I never think of
business from that time till Monday'll be in town over Sunday I
suppose?" Aleck rather thought he
would under the circumstances. "Glad
to hear it," 'aid Uriah, "come up to our
church tomorrow and have a seat in my
pew, my folks are all out of town and
there will be plenty of room.''
Aleck saw business in that and ac
cepted the offer with thanks, he then
hunted up an old acquaintance whom he
had known when he was a boy, and
agreett to spend a day or two with him,
meanwhile charging up 87 hotel money
in his expense account.
The next morning Aleck directed his
steps churchward, wearing upon his
countenance an expression so devout
that several sinners whom he met by the
wayside were brought to a realizing
sense of their condition. An obliging
usher showed him to Deacon Boomer
ang's pew, and Aleck congratulated him
B2lf on finding the pew empty, he would
have Uriah all to himself. His scheme
of combining worship with business was
somewhat interfered with however, by
the entrance during the next five or ten
minutes of three other advertising men,
representing as many different papers,
they too, having heard of Boomerang's
prospective contract, had descended
on the old man during the previous
afternoon. They had received the
same ''stand-off ' that Uriah had given
Aleck, and the same invitation to attend
divine services at the church. It is easy
to understand that their meeting in this
unexpected manner did not tend to put
them in a proper frame of mind to de
rive much benefit from the devotional
exercises. By a considerable muscular
effort, Aleck managed to secure and
maintain a position at the end of the
pew nearest the aisle. The pew was
now pretty full, but Aleck thought he
could squeeze his competitors against the
lower end and thus reserve a place for
Deacon Boomerang. This arrangement
would of course place Aleck alongside of
Uriah, but the three others hotly re
sented it, and would have shoved Aleck
out through the side of the house if it
hadn't been Sunday. Presently Deacon
Boomerang arrived. The four solicitors
had been watching the door, and they
all began to smile and look pleasant the
instant the old man hove in eight They
had smiled at several other benevolent
gentlemen before by mistake, so they
were in good practice when the deacon
Boomerang leisurely walked up the
aisle to where Aleck, red in the face,
was holding the others packed like sar
dines. There was about six inches oi
room, whereas Boomerang is fully three
feet of beam, so he bowed politely, and
took another seat up near the pulpit.
When the usual time for collection
arrived. Deacon Boomerang arose and
took one of the boxes, this waa more
than Aleck and hiB companions had bar
gained for, they had come prepared to
contribute something under Uriah's
eye, but it never occurred to them that
he would pass the box. He smiled even
more graciously than usual, and having
a decided cast in one eye, each man ap
propriated that smile to himself and re
garded the contract as good as signed.
As Uriah handed the box in, Aleck who
was nearest him, of couise felt called
upon to start the ante at one silver
plunk. The next man raised it the
limit, and by the time it reached the
last one it was necessary for him to put
in so much that he didn't see how he
was going to get it back from the house
in case he lost Boomerang's contract.
Aleck didn't like to be outdone in gen
erosity, and the others had similar feel
ings, so that when the box came back
through the pew each man added a sum
aB would make his total exceed the man
next to him. None of the boys had the
nerve to call him again and the deacon
passed over to the other side and they
breathed easier, but their relief was
destined to be brief as Uriah subse
quently took up a collection for the re
lief of the benighted heathen of South
Africa, and came near getting the boy's
overcoats and watches, Aleck even put
iu his I O. U. and every one felt that
he would have to borrow some of the
money back in order to get out of
The next morning when the four ad
vertising men called at Uriah's store he
met them with a 6mile that shed even
more of the light of Christian character
than the Btnile he had worn in church
the day before.- He called them back
to the office, and having proffered each
a chair, he said: "Gentlemen! The
disposition of my contract for advertis
ing for the ensuing year was determined
by the events of yesterday. It is rare
that I allow business considerations to
intrude upon my Sunday thoughts, but
when our good pastor spoke so feelingly
of kindness, charity and forgiveness, and
the blessed results of heeding the teach
ings of the golden rule, it made me feel
that perhaps I should not hastily break
off my arrangement'ewith The Courier,
which has always done more by me than
justice and fair dealing demanded, and
whose methods are square and honor
able, and I mailed ray contract to that
establishment this morning."
"I am pleased te have met you all,
and can carefully bear witness to your
devotion to the cause of religion, and I
hope you will call on me whenever yna
are in the city.
The four solicitors were taken oui of
the office in a comatose state and their
feelings toward the deacon are so pro
nounced that he is considered a very
bad risk for an insurance company.
The Rev. Dr. Thirdly, pastor of the
church, who witnessed the performance
in pew 17 thinks so well of Uriah, that
he has recommended his appointment
as general solicitor and tieasurer of
church funds, A. C Zeimer.
EDDIE TOY In "Off The Earth."
Every Thursday evening, a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves
Omaha and Lincoln via the Burlington
Route. It is carpettd; upholstered in
rattan; has spring eeats and backs and
is provided with curtains, bedding,
towels, soap, etc. An experienced ex
cursion conductor and a uniformed Pul
lmau porter accompany it through to
the Pacific Coast. While neither as ex
pensively finished nor as fine to look at
asa palace sleeper, it iB just bb good to
ride in. Second class tickets are honored
and the price of a berth, wide enough
and big enough for two, is only 85. For
a folder giving full particulars, call at
the B & M Depot or City oflSce Corner
Tenth and O street.
Geo. W.Bonnel),
O. P. T. A.
Third pub. Dec. 5.
FENDANTS. To Philetus Peck. Lombard Investment
Company, Mary P. Hooper.
Notice is hereby given that on the
19th day of November, 1896, the Con
cordia Loan and Trust Company as
plaintiff, filed a petition in the District
Court of Lancaster county, State of Ne
braska, wherein the following named
farties were made defendants, to wit:
rving L. Lyman, Mary D. Ly
man, Charles W. Axtell, Alice
S. Axtell. PhiletuB Peck, Lom
bard Investment Company, a corpora
tion, and Mary P. Hooper. Ihe object
and prayer of which said petition is to
foreclose the lien of two County Treas
urer's certificates of tax sale upon the
following described parcel of real estate,
respectively, to-wit: Lots fifteen (15),
and sixteen (16), in block nine (9), Peck's
Grove, situate in the County of Lancas
ter, State of Nebraska. Said tax Bale was
made on the 25th day of November, 891,
for the delinquent taxes and assessments
of the year 1890 upon said parcels of real
estate. The amount claimed by the
plaintiff is as follows: 816.04 paid Novem
ber 25th, 1891; $8 08 paid June 20th 1892:
816.04 paid June23rd,1892; 87.80 paidMay
25th. 1893, and 811.40 paid June 21st,
1893, together with interest thereon,
from date of payment, as by law pro
vided. The prayer of said petition is
for a decree declaring the aforesaid
amount together with interest thereon
and costs to be first and paramount lien
upon the above described parcel of real
estate, respectively, and that said real
estate be sold, under an order of court
to satisfy the same, and that said de
fendants and each of them be forever
birred and foreclosed of all interest or
claim in said real estate, or any part
You are required to answer said p:ti
tion on or bernr Monday, the 28th day
of December, 1806V
Concordia Loan and Trust Company.
By A. B. Comoro, Its Attorney.
Dec 12
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