THE COURIER. Island is doing proportionately us well. Tho Tollowirg letters wero received from tbo judges of '-Tho Courier" prize contest. It will bo seen that tbo story "Big IJuus" takes tbo first prize, and "Tiio Deacon and Tho Advertizing So licitors," tbo second. Lincoln, Nnn., Nov 21, 1E9G. Editor Courier: At your request I havo examined tho stories tbut wero submitted to mo by you and ' beg leave to say, in m f opinion, the story entitled to first prizo is the story of "Tho Deacon and tho Four Advertisirg Solicitors." The second is "Dig IIuub," a story of a Nebraska farm. I remain very respect fully, W. S. SUMMEIW. Holy Trinity Rectory, Lincoln, Nov. 17th, 189G. Yesterday I received a lot cf "prizo etoiics" and Lave, as agreed, read them. In my opinion tho story entitled "Big liana" is entitled to first prize; and "Tho Deacon and tho Adiertising Solicitors" i entitled to second. As you requested I will pass them on to Mr. Ames. Very truly yours, JI. Pr.ncv Silveks. Lincoln. Neb., Nov. lDth, 1S9G. My decision on the prizs essajs sub mitted to me id as follows: First-"Big Hans." Second "Her First E:cursion Run." Thiid "On tho Way to tho Sea." Fourth"The New Minister." Fifth Tne Parable of the Chimney." I remain very respectfully yours, John II. Ames. m The prizo story, "Big Hans," was writ ten by Miss Edna D Bullock. Tho second piize story, viz, "The Story of the Deacon and the Four Advertising Solicitors' is written by Mr. M. Ridge way Van Blarcom of New York city. Mr. Van Blarcom is a son of an Omaha lady. Mr. Van Blarcom has written for the magazines and for newspapers for eomo time. His stories have a flavor of Stockton. Ho is a young man, and The Courier is glad to print a story that is among the first of many that will be read by maazine readers in the years to come. Miss Edna Bullock, who takes the first prize, is a joucg woman of much, promise now doing post graduate work at tbo university. We have heard of her before and we will hear of her again. Uor stoiy will bo printed next week and Mr. Van Blarcom's week after, ad some of the others will follow. Many of the stories are excellent, and the-editor rejoices not to have had any thing to do with the decision. The Nitional Council of Jewish Women" held its tiret convention in New York from November fifteenth to the twentieth. Tne council has branches in nearly every city in the United States Tho membership includes all Jewish women who care to join. Mrs. New mark is the president of tho Lincoln branch of the national council which -was organized last May. It meets fort nightly acd the interest is growing. Numbers of Jewish residents have moved away from Lincoln since the hard times set in and the society and eynagojuo show a depleted member ship. The program of the National Council issued last year by Miss Sadie Ameri cas, the i-orrcspaading secretary, states the object of tho society as follows: Tae primaiy object or the N. C. J. V. is to promote a thorough, systematic and widespread knowledge of Judaism. A thorough knowledge cr our history is necessary as a basis for this. In gen eral the year shall ba devoted to learn ing: 'Tho history of Israel to the Christian Era, -and to obtaining a close acquaint ance with the Bible. Whilo the cxperienco of the pist year hasEhown that no presupposition of fam'iiarity wilh any period of Jewish history should, ss'yct, determino any' part'calcr per'oJ fo' uniform study, yej your ccnmittee herewith presents a guide for the early and most important period covered by Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel ?750:750 B. C which it rec ommends as an excellent beginning for study. An effort will be niado to pro vide further guides as needed. For tho pro-Babylonian period any simple history of Israel will furnish tho facts. Tho following are some of tho subjects recommended: Study or Leviticus: "Tho Sacrificial System." "Tho Laws of Cleanliness and Their Effcctf," '-Ethics of Leviticus." Study of Numbers: "Land, Langu ages and People of Palestine," "Tho Story of Balaam and Balakand Its Les son f," "The Biblical Festivals and Holy Days." Symposium Ten minute speakers. Characteristics and peculiarities of the modern Jew as developed in and by: Asiatic countries. Russia and Poland. Germany. France. Italy. Netherlands. Spain. England. America. Position, social and political and in dustriil.of the Jew in the countries above mentioned. Study of Genesis: "Abraham tho Founder," 'Patriarchal Lite," "Tho Poetry of Genesis." Study of Exodus: "Tho Tabernacle." 'The Song of the Rid Sea." "Ethics of Exodus." In a list of books recommended for tho study of the Bible the names of the modern German writers on Hebraism appears. The scholarly treatment of Old Testament topics by tho writers of tho Tubingen Bchool brings every con scientious reader finally to the Eame at titude of knowledge and reverence. Jew and Gentile divide when they reach the Christian era. Tho paths divr'e at right angles and nothing but miracu lous geometry can bring them together. Mrs. Henrotin, the president of the National federation of Woman's clubs made a speech before tho N. C. J. W. urging union wilh the federatfon. Al though the object of the Jewish society is to promote a thorough knowledge of Judaism, there is nothing in that to keep it from joining the federation. Knowledge and sympathy will help to destroy tho ignorance and prejudice, which for so long have separated Jew and Gentile. The secondary object of the N. C. J. W. is the study and practice of the pre ventive charity systems. In Chicago its members aro devoting themselves to settlement wark and ia Lincoln they are looking out for their own poor, sys tematically. Persecution and years of confinement in the Ghetto's of Europe have bred a distrust of outside people which it will take many centuries of acquaintance to dispel. Though the quicker it shall dis appear the better for us all. Woman's clubs bring the women together. Com rades are privates who march and fight together. The village improvem:nt societies, that many originally literary clubs havo become, need to be repre sentative of all classes if they would accomplish anything. It is the influence of tho club move ment which has stirred the leaders of the Jewish council to organize. Before they know it' tho mighty stream will havo caught them and the current will carry thorn into the midst of women of all faiths and every race who are strug gling to know more themselves and to help each other. MISSOURI PACIFIC FLYER. The Flier will make better time by several hours to St, Louis, Clncinnatti. Washington, New York and to all east ern points, than any other line out of Lincoln. It Is a screamer. For Information about rates, connec tions, ets, or for sleeping car berths. call at city ticket office. 1201 O street. F. E. CORNELL. C. P. & T. A ABOUT HER DRESS. You whose prido contUts in living on nn i-lcrated piano Of intellectual culture anil nil social claims disdain AVlio comment on the vanity of women whom you meet, "Whoso heads aro tilled with naught ixiido tho latest fashion sheet." As jou'ro a woman honestly, now tell mo-if you find For nn evolution lecturo n conccntrntod mind, AVlien filled with dire forebodings. that some friends that ncarjou sit, Most surely will discover that your new Gown Does. Not Fit! You with soul so steeped in pleasure - - by a sympathy sublimn At a PadcrcwsUi concert. that you can not well dirino Tho grosser creature, nearyou, with the deeply injured air. Who softly murmurs under breath "A stupid, slow affair!" No.v. tell mo candidly, did worldly thoughts obtrude Upon the soulful raptnro of joursweet, ecstatic mosd? I only ask tho question 'can?o 1 saw you sitting thsra And struggling with a loosened trcs3 Of Your l londo Hair! And you. sweet saint, who found the sermon dull and flat Becauss jou chanced to hear re marks about-a dowdy hat!" In vain you sought on heavenly things to fix your wandering mind That day, no consolation in religion Could you find ; In spito of self, you wonderod as your face more crimson grow I'm sure, in strictest confidence, you will to mo confess One can bo a better Christian When one's Suro About iler Mary Day Harris. See Our A r. NEW DANCING HALL HARRIS THE BEST FLOOR IN THE CITY. SEE IT BEFORE YOU GIVE A PARTY. 11?4 N - IB. 1111 vv COMFORT TO CALIFORNIA. Every Thursday evening, a touritt sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco an I L03 Angeles leaves Omaha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and backs and 13 provided with curtains, bidding, towels, soap. etc. An experienced ex cursion conductor and a uniformed Pul lmau porter accompany it through to the Pacific Coast. While neither as ex pensively finished nor as fine to look nt as'a palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride ia. Second class tickets aro honored and the price of a berth, wide enough and big enough for two. is only 65. For a fclder giving full particulars, call at tho B & at Depot or City office Corner Tenth and O street. Gjo.W.Bonnell, C. P. T. A. tf BULPI.O-SAT.TNE E 111 I1I1I BBBBBBs)9sVEBKEsGM3a0a v COR 14 AND M. L,xaarGOx,ar. kebras Open at all Hours Day and Nlgtt All form of baths. TURKISH. RUSSIAN AND ROMAN With special attention to the appll cation ot natural salt water bataa, Several times stronger than sea water. Special department for surgical casta and diseases peculiar to women. Shramatiss, Skin, Bloc4 and Narrow IHa eaaea, Liver and Kidney Titrable and Canals Alhnant! are treated occetrfoily. Sea bathinc may be enjoyed at all nnwi V oar larva salt winnntas pool, 50x142 feet, 1 M 10 feat deep, heated to uniform Umperator si M decree. DR8- M. H- AND J. O- EVERETT Managing Physicians. Slippers. THEY MsoD--i-eraj! Kb BEAU- r-Dais TIES. 1213 0 ST BbOGK 11?4 fl II 1 II i HiTWilia