The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 28, 1896, Image 1

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VOL 11 NO. 46
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Office 1132 N Btreet, Up Stairs.
Telephone 384.
Subscription Rate-la Advancs.
Fer annum ?$
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Single copies
Thanksgiving day, the first of the
holidajs begins, in spite of the feast in
which it ends, with a minor note. A
wail for the missing ones. Where only
the members of the family sit about the
table tho broken circla i3 more apparent.
It friends, segments of other circles sit
with the family tho broken pieces are
forgotten or at least tho conventional
necessity o! showing a cheerful face to
guests is a bracer for low spirits.
The most satisfying way of spending
the day is to give a dinner or comfort to
those who might otherwise be forgotten.
If you give tho dinner tho comfort will
probably come of itself. For the well
fed, poignant misery is difficult if not
impossible. The gourmand is never a
misanthrope until his stomacji goes
back on him and Dispepsia becomes his
tantaliziog and exacting mistress. When
tho heart is-really heavy- the daintiest
food is as appleB of Sodom. But the
very poor seldom know bitter grief. The
struggle for existence makes material
jojs the only things worth striving for.
Is an aching heart to bo compared to an
aching and empty 6tomach? Let tho
opulent fold their cloaks about them
and 6tand with eyes turned inward, tho
beggar's wire,' mother, sweetheart died
yesterday too, but today he aches with
hunger and cold and that is more im
portant. You can not heal jour own
mortal hurt heal hie. It is medicinal
if not a sure cure.
It looks as if Thanksgiving turkeys
were getting their revenge on the small-
boy-grown-up in tho foot ball ma:sacre
that takes place every Thanksgiving
day, with a difference in favor of tho
turkejs, who are dismembered only
after they are .dead.
Tiio newspaper reports of tho inci
dents of young Serf's death who was
killed in the game at Kansas City are at
varianco with tho evidence of some of
tho eye-witnesses. They say the joung
man was very slightly injured when ho
went into tha game and that tho impact
of the blow which knocked him down
would nave felled an ox. Eighteen jear6
old, an athlete, and a promising scholar,
he was killed in a brutal and brutalizing
game. His mother, who had not seen
him for a year, is on the erge of losing
her reason. There are- other results,
among them a lessening foot ball popu
larity, at least in Crete. But the latter
will be temporary. Americans and the
English love to give and tako blows.
They rejoice in their strength and hail
an opportunity to try and to exhibit it.
Foot ball is brutal, as I eaid before, but
not to the same extent that a bull fijht
is. It is a fair fight in an open field,
where the victory goes to weight, brawn,
the quickest ear, the quickest wit, and
"the devil tako the hindmost." "The
Chariot Race" in Ben Hur where the
contestants 6trivo with all their might
for victory, nor reek a broken head on
their side or tho other as of much con
sequence, exhibits the same fierce exult
ance in struggle as 'be foot ball match
of today.
It is not wisdom to get too far away
from our brute ancestors, primal in
stincts, physical strength and all that.
Over refinement makes men effeminate.
The Vikings conquered Normandy and
their seed possessed Englacd because
they loved to tight. Do not forget O!
timid mothers and sweethearts that tho
bojs you love have got to give and take
knock down blows when they get out of
college or bo finally knock d out and
they might as well begin to learn how
take and give them in good part and to
play fair now.
Theodore Rooseveldt has put himself
on record as approving of prizo rights
and tho New York ministers who
thought him such a darling say that
they are disappointed in him. But until
man is thoroughly regenerate he will
have to tight. It is better to fight with
fists, than with guns the effects are not
so lasting. The German emperor says tho
moment a man or a nation looks as if
ho could be licked, ho will be. It is fre
quently convenient, and in the interests
of right, for a man to know how to use
his fists. Many a ruffian got his first
ideas of decency from a champion who
beat him for mistreating tho weak and
has been a Dcttcr man all his life for it.
This is just what Theodore Roosevelt
believes in. EIo lived in the west for a
number of years and many a time, ho
has seen a blow delivered in timo and in
the right placo to save two men's life,
viz, tho man who was hit and tho man
who hit him. On such an occasion it is
worso than useless to striko anything
but a neat blow, well delivered and cal
culated to accomplish its purpose. In
order to do this it is necessary to study
tho noble art of self defense or knight
errantry becomes quixotism, which is
another word for expressing the quality
of an unsuccessful though gallant and
generous champion.
Tnero is a breeziness and frankness
about Theodore R. that endears him to
every western heart. Onco when we
had no chancellor the regents asked him
to be it. In his noto declining the honor
he said he held the invitation with fing
ers that longed to write an acceptance
instead, but that his duties kept him in
the east. Of course he may have meant
only to let the regents down easy but
his regrets read as if he wanted to come
and could not. But about this prizo
fighting business he is all right and the
clergy can go on loving him as before,
lie has reasons for his faith and when
the Rev. Mr. Peach sees 6omo bully
taught his place by a student of the art
of self-defenso bo will regret his hasty
expression of opinion in regard to Mr.
The charity organization society has
just closed a very successful jear. Mr
Hebard's and Mrs. McCormick's admin
istration of tho funds of the society ia
both judicious and efficient as the re
port shows and every dollar that they
have received is accounted for. Tho
small part of the public which is accus
tomed to give systematically for the re
lief of the poor in tho city can find out
at any time just how and where their
onations are used. Secretary Hebard
keeps a record of all pensioners of the
society, as well as the amount and kind
of aid they have received since tho or
ganization of the society.
The records shor that there are in the
city about fifty heads of families who
are habitual and confirmed paupers,
whose children and grandchildren are
paupers and criminals too. What to do
with these peoplo is an economic puzzle.
Extermination, before propagation, can
increase the evil by a hundred fold and
continue to increase it in geometric
progression, is logical, and is practiced
on all but human poisonous animals
and parasites. But there is no hus
bardman to kill them and they are kept
alive by food which ought to go to the
sick and unfortunate.
There is ono woman who puts her
baby into its carriage, leaving her five
or eix other small children at horns. She
wheels it all day from ono house to
another. Before she rings tho bell, it in
said, sho pinches tho baby to make it
cry. She lives in a comfortable housa
in a respectablo locality, whero the
neighbors say sho arrives every night
with tho perambulator so full of parcels
it is difficult to bco tho infant. Sho lugs
them all into the houso which is filled
with dirt and in tha morning sho starts
out to make the rounds of another neigh
borhood. Her husbaud has a team and
can get tho family enough to
eat but tho woman is an ac
tress. Sho loves tho excitoment of
deceiving people and accumulating
plunder. She ought to stay at home
and clean her house and her chil
dren who aro likely to die of some filth
disease, but so long a3 her appeals aro
successful she can defy tho efforts of tho
society to develop in her tho maternal
instinct. Ilercaso ia montioned only
because sho is ono of many who prey
upon the city. Such cas:s aie the loud
est in denunciation of tho society. The
malo paupers have been set to work on
the wood pilo. That wood pile has
weeded out tnoro incorrigibles from this
city than any other influence, though it
is a shameless mixing of metaphor to
say so. Housekeepers have noticed tho
scarcity of tramps it is the wood pile.
When the tramps are shown its noble
proportions they say. "Well, I guess my
room is better than my company and
move on.
This is the story of Whisky Bill
From poor house hill;
He's tho man who never worked
And never will.
Iu early life he rushed the collection
box in tho village church, and learned
to steal tho pretty buttous people put in
tho box. Then he went to tho bad, and
from bad he went to worse, then to the
legislature and to congress. Now he is
behind tho bars for tho first time in his
life, and on tho office door it says:
Gono to jail,
Back in thirty days.
In the general revival of prosperity
duo to the good man's election the rail
road 8 6eem to share. Tho Room Trader
"The forthcoming statements of both
the Burlington aud tho Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific will mako most favor
able reading for all who keep their
stock. It is estimated that the Chi
cago, Burlington & Quincy has made an
average'daily gross gain of 811,030, or, in
other words, the receipts will bo nearly
8350.000 heavier than they were for the
corresponding period in 1835. The Rock