The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 21, 1896, Image 2

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it, and also bow mixed things ought to
There are others who advise getting
'him" interested in a Chatauqua circle,
then ho will have to slay at homo to
get his two hours' a day reading done.
Then thoro arc the various kinds of
Call poet was grinding out McKinley for the presidency that impels us to so
poems by the page, while the News' bard declare. 'That this true can be sub
contented himself with dedicating five stantiated by looking up the files of his
social clubs, dancing, card and eating UoJd I claim ai manr amities ns doit thon.
clubs, that may jcrhaps satisfy his dc
eiro to roam. It is a wite's duty to find
out by experimenting just what her
husband needs and then to apply it con
scientiously. Theso few suggestions are
printed hero in order that tho new Pall
bride's may be heljed to a knowledge of
how to handle their subjects with pre
cision and knowledge. It is never too
early to begin.
to mend. Joking aside, it is companion
ship that wins and keeps. It is not
good housekeeping or faultless
dress; ' it is not a good
disposition, it is cameradcrie, and
the discouraging, hopeless thing about it
is that it cannot bo cultivated or incul
cated. Two, to thoroughly enjoy each
other's society for ever must be born
Albany people say that Senator Hill
voted for Bryan. There was only one
I certainly would maintain
and righteous mien.
a mora dignified
odes daily to the same personage. And
yet the News' sensatinnl prophet has
the stupidity to declare that Charles
Hercules Gere may bo considered as a
possible successor to J. H. Harley's po
sition. Well, pshaw!"
It is evident that the political sooth
sayer of the News or rather the indi
vidual who poses as such will persist
newspaper. It is also known that dur
ing the Manderson reception at the
Lindell, when an attempt was made to
secure for Mandtreon the support of
the Lincoln press, Austin and Mor
ton Smith ref ased so to do, a circum
stance which decisively settled the
Manderson scheme, it is not certain
that Mr. Austin is a candidate, but to
those others who have their eyes cor-
Whether J. E. Houtz is a candidate
for postmaster or for some other fat job
is not at presen clear to the naked
in making a monkey of himself, in spite Pt!c' " 1B wh.spered, however, thai etously faxed on Mr. Harley's shoes, we
j. Jii. nas a rope aimcumeui 10 bohjo- aioo umu juui uwu uunuucu;
thing that he deems "just as good,' watch those of Mr. Austin."
even though it may be a substitute for
his originally intended. In any capac- About two of the sickest men in the
ity, Mr. Houtz would be highly satisfac- state are Fred Miller and O. W. Palm,
tory. He's the proper thing for the Each of them was offered nomination on
proper place, ana if he is afflicted with the state ticket, the former for secre-
office fever and present signs indicate tary of state and the latter for treas-
much the prescription McKinley urer. But the outlook for populist
of the efforts of his friends to head him
off. After glibly intimating to the po-
-. ........ i::i .u u : i c.i4:i
It is sometimes too late "" ,uu"r " . " , uuu1""
auviBer anu aiciaior 01 ru oizer, jonn
Maule, Dr. E. L. Holyoke. Sam Melick.
and the local ministerial association, he
sallies forth to tell us "who Major Mc
Kinley will appoint as postmaster at
Lincoln." The most uninterested person
must admit that the News' assertions in
regard to this office have no foundation
whatever, and illustrate how ridiculous
a writer on political subjects can make
himself when cot a master of his line of
will recommend will doubtless prove an
effectual cure.
But where will the redoubtable Tom
Fie Kennard come in? Well, without
The ewB man avers that Mr. exaggeration, speculation or reflection,
Bushnell is not a republican an t may be stated that the venerable and
success was not flattering at that time,
so these gentlemen permitted ail kinda
of nominations to go by default. Now
they are thinking of what Shakespears
said about "there being a tide in the
affairs of men," etc.
Billy Bright Fa, after what flower
Palmer and Buckner ballot found in the allegation which of itself Droves the genial Thomas can give half the young
box when the judges came to count the maker thereof as being either aberrated political bucks "cards and spades" aad will the next state legislature be called?
sarordedline SSStSegbS a Preraricator. The News endeavor, then beat them out. Thomas, esq., while Billy'. Pa-I know not. You may tell
thought it must have been cast by the to disparage Congressman Strode's in- a spring chicken, is not from last spring's meifyouwiU.
ecna tor. When they spoke to him about fluence by the emphatic declaration brood. He has seen at least sixty win- Billy B. The poppy, of course.
it ne snuieu unu sam uouuug, """""" that he will have no weieht whatever ters, not to mention the numerous sum-
with the next president. mers he forgot to tell us about. This is "What will the pop legislature do
Such statements, emanating as they not his maiden effort for office, and we'll about the fire and police commission!"
do from the News, do not carry an iota Dt a hundred that he would be no is now the subject of much speculation.
of conviction with them. It is very more earnest or diligent in his canvass The pops have the requisite vote it they
Strode and than he is cow if it was. Just how wish to tamper with this question; but
encountered Tom goes after political honors is a if they do, what good would it do
one neighbor asserts that he admitted
that he did not vote for McKinley. And
now comes one Frederick Bcall, a well
known and reputable citizen of Albany,
who is engaged in buying and selling
1nmVtfr nnn hna aVMimtiintjvl rYinairfarri.
ble wealth by observing the maxims of fortunate for Messrs
tho wise, and declares that ho is the Bushaell that they have
guilty man. He objects to being de- the opposition of the News. As a matter matter of publicity, and no one knows them? Such legislation would stir up
STIS S.JSSrSS fJM? of fact the day when the News wielded what a scrapper he is better than C. H
I precinct, and is willing to make affidavit telling influence in politics is past,
that he voted for Palmer and Buckner Besides, those of us who are conversant
ana tear, as a consequence, senator am w,th tho past relations between the
could not have done so.
George DuMaurier. in his story of
"Tho Martian," says, speaking of M.
Laferte, a retired iron master, who was
of gigantic stature, six foot six or seven
News and Mr. Bushnell are aware of the
motive of the News' aggressiveness
torard him.
the greatest feeling, and instead of re
dounding to the credit of the populist,
it might prove to be their greatest bane.
With questions of insurance, bonds,
and other questions of pressing im-
Gere. Mr. Kennard is a fighter from
the floor up. He doesn't know what an
obstacle is. He ripped and snorted for
Billy Mc. from the jump. He fumed
and cussed, and with the assistance of portance, it is believed that the legia
W. Morton Smith, Lou Stewart, J. E. lature will find plenty to do, without
Houtz and some other Fourth ward dabbling in matters of local political
But Mints nrAnnrvA im! Thnwa' stalwarts, finally downed the Manderson import T.
and looked taller still, as he had a very prophet (nit) springs the name of the "push." And
small head and hirh ahniildprsr T hud Right Honorable Charles Hercules -Gere likely succeed
-- - -n - - -...
Thomas will more than
in bis enortlor omce,
Kennard that he was one of the original
McKinley men in this state, as was also
Mr. Houtz.
But has anyone ever considered the
grown immensely fond of this colossal on Ptienl and unsuspecting populace!
old bourru bienfaisant, and believe Verily, we may ejaculate, "What next!"
that all his moroseness and brutality 'or a politics is politics, and we believe
were put on to hide one of the warmest, lt " Charles Hercules may as well "fly
simplest and tenderest hearts in the the postoffice coop." The name of John
world." Borru bienfasant and the rest Currie would be as acceptable to Mc
recall Judge Mason's person and char- Kinley, in a political sense, as that of
acter. Mr. Gere. However, if the fates should
The illustrations in "The Martian" are decree his appointment aa postmaster or chances of Capt. Phelps Paine and Col.
drawnwithafreerhandthanDuMaurier's J other federal office, it would be a Llelwyn Lynx Lindsey, for federal
illustrations in Punch show. The long a01" insult to the loyal and original office? They have a chance for se-
cotched lines have the sweep and the McKinley men of this city. Mr. Gere curing plums, if we are to judge from
economy of Gibson's added to Du Maur- nas done nothing to merit this lucrative paet occurrences. Mr. Lindsey cut quite
ier's attractive personality. At the end of position. The Journal did not support a swath at the St. Louis conrention,and
Part II the story is scarcely more than McKinley uny more or more effectively ia credited with having turned many
begun. Barty Josselin, the hero, has than did the Courier and the rest of the colored votes to Our B'ill. It is not
cot breathed yet, though Du Maurier s "publican papers of Lincoln. One thing presumed, however, that Mr. Lindsey is
efforts at resuscitation have been faith- ia dead certain the Journal did not "gbing for the postoffice. Capt. Paine
fuL Trilbv's vitality was strongest in Kiro McKinley its strength when he believes that anything in the way or
the first pages, and she faded away into needed it the worst just prior to his
'mysticism with the last pages of the nomination. "Nay.doo!" The Journal
book. She developed from a woman wa"then a "patriotic newspaper." It
into a myth. Barty Josselin is not ex- advorated Mandereon delegation. It
actlyamyth, neither is he a flesh and keMered in "state pride," and kept the
blood boy to North American readers McKinley apostles guessing bo much
whose freedom from tradition has made that they thought more than once that
them extra-extcting in regard to reali- they had had their last guess.
ties. But it is early to criticise. When it was apparent to a blind man
COMFOBT TO CALIFORNLA.. that McKinley had a "throw down" the
Every .Thursday morning, a tourist- Journal, following to the letter its an-
sleeping'car for Salt Lake City, San cient policy of "being with" the man
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves with a ran ninn ninrh. HpirtH Mr
Canon Pea coal $5 per ton. The best
but whether his eye is glued to the for the money at Gregory'e, 11th and O.
postmaster's chair is not known. It
should be stated for the benefit of Mr. :
Druggist and
. Bookseller.
Fine Stationery
Calling Cards
127 S. Eleventh Street.
federal porridge is a good thing, and
there are others. Notwithstanding that
Capt. Paine was practically born and
raised at the public crib, he did valiant
work for William of Ohio, and along
with many others is deserving at some
mark of recognition.
See the new Photochromes at Cran
cer 4c Curtice Co.'s, 207 South 11th
street, the newest thins In pioturea.
But to again refer to the News proph
esy. In it's benighted article referred
to it did cot enumerate L. L. H.
Austin as a probable postoffice fixture.
No, the News passed Austin up, at it
has done for quite a spell. But regard-
E" ?ZZXX r JE2EPE Manderson with the haste that it would
- ., MfUW.V.W.WU AM . ... ..... .- .... .. - ...
rattan; has spring seats and backs and a leDert ana rallied to the support of less or the agonizing pain ana mortinca
is provided with curtains, bedding, Our William, managing to sneak into tion the News would experience were
towels, soap, eta An experienced ex- our tent juBt a few days before the St its antagonist in all matters to be ap
Louis convention. This being true, has pointed, it cannot but countenance the
"heavies" since the fact that Mr. Austin is the most formid-
cursion conductor and a uniformed Pul
lman irfr fwimnanr it thmtiirh tn
the Pacific Coast While neither as ex- Mr- Gere or h"
pensively finished nor as fine to look at the nomination been of any more bene
as a palace sleeper, it is just as good to fit to McKinley than the services of
S&JSISSSA huB of otherLincolnites? Look
and big enough for two. is only $5. For and "sured. In truth, were not the
a folder giving full particulars, call at creations of Mr. Gere's individual pen,
the BAM iJepotor uity omce turner a short time prior to McKinlev's suc-
Testh and O street
C. P. T. A.
cess, a detriment to him?
able of all candidates for the position of
postmaster. The Courier, in launching
this assertion, desires to state that it
has co interest in common with Mr.
Austin, and does not expect to support
him as the only available man for this
position. It is the self-evident fact that
b m out
Ooxtl and. e 17a
fL O. Towhsxhd, F. D. Cobhkzx.
O. P. A T. Agt. C P. T. Aft,
fit Louis. Ma
Wanted-Xn Idea S
And while Mr. Gere was extollicsr Mr. Austin was the first newspaper mac E3?4&rft&&!K. SS'w.ZfS. I
theTirraes'and heft of Manderson, the in Lincoln to support William McKinley 2M?!ttwoSJtaTI3wSaS?
thing to pataalf