t- E . I -MS- . i S ,-M ".'-$(. fc. 4.i .W, - W -- U ''a? irSS - L'Ht s ., "W '.& &STABLISHBD IN 18S6 tv 14 "5 -& PRICE RVECBNTi a - K LINCOLN NEB., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1836. nrTKxroar oitcctat A COMD-CIUA KA' TOBLISHEO KTXST BATUKDaY BT TK 6M&IER PRINTIIKS Ul P8lllIII (I Office 1132 N street. Up Stain. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS Editor labecription Bate la Adraaea. Far annum It-OI 81s month 1X0 Tkree monthi fj Om month It sMnf la copies OBSERVATIONS In the case of Senator Thurston Ma jor McKinley is relieved from one em barrassing aspirant to a cabinet position, and every little helps. The Chicago Tribune explained last week that even if there were no other reasons why Senator Thurston should not accept a portfolio his own specific unfitness for it would embarrass the president. He could not be secretary of state, for he has had no experience nor practice in etatesmancraf t. He could not be attorney-general, on account of his connection "with the Union Pacific. The navy, the postoffice department and the treasury require a man of exceptional business ability, and the secretary of agriculture should have had at least a theoretical experience with the earth and growing things. Whereas, for the past seven or eight years Senator Thurston has not even Eeen the earth, his flights above the clouds have been so continuous. As minister to a foreign country his muscu lar chin might do good work for Amer ica, but according to the words of the prophets all the desirable po;ts are promised. What is England's loss is our gain. So long as Senator Thurston starts on his aerial flights from the floor of the United States senate Nebraska will not bo forgotten. Of all the men who are mentioned as the successor of Judge Dundy, none are so well qualified for the place, in the opinion of The Courier, as Mr. John H. Ames of Lincoln. He has, with a judicial mind, a vast store of legal knowledge. His integrity is established beyond a question. His decisions as United States judge would havo more weight because of the man and tho scholar who delivered them. To know the law, to deliver and to apply it with perfect wisdom and impartiality is not given to man. But when a man with Mr. Ames' acumen studies aBubject for twenty-five or thirty years, he gets so far ahead of the ordinary practitioner his knowledge) and ability seem un limited. A sense of humour will keep a man from making much of little. It clears his mind as an egg does coffee. It pre vents him from making sophomorical speeches or from posing before a peace ful, non-beligerent country as a hero of heroic size. It teaches him values. Ho is not so apt to be decided by the distor tion of a near view. Thus humour and justice are allied. The biographies that are filled with the bon mots of judges and advocates prove my statement. The man that can put a great truth into a few words so new and so striking that it makes people laugh, can see the essential truth in a case obscured by years of litigation, and seeing it, can show it to others by the use of his own perspicasity. Mr. Ames' bon mots are quoted all over the state. He is a lawyer's lawyer, and by this sign he should bo their judge. Bryan's in Missouri hunting with Tim. McKinley's in Ohio and tho cabinet's hunt ins Mm. McKinley's days of peace are o'er. Bryan's haTe just begun. McKinley's friends aro at the door From frosty morn till set of son. 'Tis Tery honorable to bo the president-elect, O I 1 ut yet be looks at end of day Like tho president deject, Ol The horse show has stamped out poli tics in New York city. At least politics is neither seen nor heard on the street or at functions. Of course thero are offices and saloons whose reason for being is politics, and where nothing can Btop office seeking short of the destruc tion of the human race in North Amer ica, or of what would amount to the same thing in a spoilsman's ej es, tho actual instead of tho theoretical enforcement of civil service reform rules. But these people and places do not affect the gen eral aspect of city life. The New York horse show this year has been more successful than ever, in spite of politics and poverty "From tho horseman's point of view, the feature of the show has been tho success of crossing Ameri can trotters with the hackney. rJhe results of such a cross were shown in the ring for tho first time this year, and all the experts aro tdlking about them. They say that to the style, action and toughness of the hackney tho trotter has added speed, without sacrificing tho strong points of either class." As a beauty show tho gathering at Madison Square garden last week was probably never surpassed, for all tho belles of New York and New England and in fact from the Atlanticand middle states, were there in the most stunning toilets. It has become tho fashion for tho New York women to save their new gon ns for this occasion, and one of tho morning papers paid rcverenco to this custom by- employing experts to deter mine who wero the test dressed men and women that npieared in the crowds each night and sketch their pictures and write descriptions of what they wore. Although thero were pinks, blues, greens, scarlets and orango gowns in an infinite variety of shades and tints, purple seemed to bo tho prevailing color in the human kaleidoscope. When you watched the procession that moved slowly and incessantly around the ring, in which tho horses were exhibited, it seemed as if the solar spectrum was in motion. Several women seemed to bo wearing purple throughout that is, so far as the eye of the beholder could penetrate, including gowns, bonnets, wraps, ribbons, stockings and gloves. Mrs. Potter Palmer was arrayed in a plum colored velvet gown with a front corsage of cream satin and renaissance lace, with a small bonnet to corresond and aigrettes and jewels. Mrs. Fred Grant was in violet velvet, trimmed with point lace and banded with fur. Miss Julia Grant was in a pale purplish silk, with chiffon, and Mrs. James P. Kerno chan of Newport, who shared a box with them, was resplendent in purple velvet with a front of lace and jeweled passementerie. Mr. Bryan's address to the Mary Bryan club at tho Funke last Saturday after noon packed tho house. Tho aisles were filled and all the standing room. The audience was in such sympathy with tho the speaker, they applauded him with hands and at times with squeals. And they listened with tho most vivid inter est to all that Mr. Bryan said. This campaign has revealed to women the interest that they themselves take in politics. Hundreds, who heretofore have thought a woman's rights woman a most uninteresting and tiresome crea ture, now wish to vote. They recognize that the obstacles to woman suffrage are only those of imagination and prejudice. None of the women who so ardently and prayerfully wished for McKinley's or Bryan's election, and were willing to do anything to help it along, was less of a woman, less devoted to home, husband and children for the wish to help their candidate who represented principles upon which she considered that pros perity rests, and therefore the continu ance of tho home. The comic papers have never given women the credit of devotion to a principle. This campaign has shown the fervor and strength of her devotion to opposing theories. Neither of the men who represented tho two financial methods was a bad man. They had nothing concreto to rally around or against. It was a theory, not a man, which confronted them. And they accepted tho situation like men. Though, I must say, when confronted by Mr. Bryan, they forgot free silver in their devotion to the man. A few years ago such a meotingof women would havo been as impossible as among tho wild Indians, idiots or luna tics, with whom women aro classed. Today it excifos little remark. If an amendment to the Constitution might bo voted on now it would stand much more chance of being carried than if it should bo sprung a year or two hence in the apathetic interim between presiden tial campaigns. A year ago the very men who urged their wives to take an interest in this campaign; to join a club, wear a badge or look interested when they discussed the silver question with the neighbors, these same men said if they ever caught their wivea taking an interest in politics thoy would get a divorce. Verily, the Sun do move. The only question is "Is a mala gold bug broad enough to allow his mate to vote for free silver, or vico versa, without danger of apoplexy to him?' Unless his spiritual growth have pro ceeded thus far tho reform would better wait for him to catch up. It is better to be peaceful and united than advanced and antagonistic or incompatible. A discussion is going on, in the news papers of course, concerning tho best method for a wife to use in making home attractive and to keep her husband in it nights. Most of the feminine authorities consulted agree that it is wise for tho wife to meet her husband at the door with a kiss when he comes from his business. Some of the men dissent front this opinion. They say when they aro tired and hungry and dirty they do not wish to bo greeted with a kiss or with anything but silence, warmth and food. Thoy want to slip, into tho houso, wash their faco and hands and brush their hair and perhaps change their coat without attracting any attention. Silence after contention and no questions asked is what they want. Another set favors tho introduction of cocktails and light opera songs with an occasional dance by the wife and child ren, where tho consort and off spring aro gifted. Outcault of tho New York Journal is in favor of the latter plan. It should not be tried unless the wifo and mother ia willing to spend time training the child ren, and in practising on cocktails before she offers one to her husband. She must be especially careful the harder it is to keep him home "nights," for an old rounder knows talent when he sect mi H ir