The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 24, 1896, Image 8

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The following poem was read by Mrs.
Peattie at the banquet given to the
Federation by the Fremont women:
There was a email woniRn called "new,'
Who didn't know what to do.
When asked hoy 6ho fared,
She 6atd the was f cared,
BuJ determined to play her role through.
In the fitiil of the night, all alone,
When the rain and the wind make their
She comma m d with her soul,
And Hi ado audible dole.
O'er the greatness to which she had
"I don't like these civic affaire,
J don't want political cares;"'
She wept in the night,
As she turned up the light.
And munched at some chocolate t el aires.
"The house cloaning ought to be done,
But I can't do if I run
On the ticket this fall.
And answer the call
Of every club under the sun.
I have to make campaigning speeches,
When I ought to be putting up peaches,
Or letting down frocks,
Or darning the socks,
Or re seating Oliver's breeches.
'I jeally want to go calling,
My social debte grow so appalling,
But I have to get 'views,'
And keep up with the uewe.
And learn whether sdver keeps falling.
"I'd like to put up marmalade.
But the truth is, I'm really afraid
Our marching flambeaus
The scheme might oppose.
For tomorrow's our party parade.
"Alack and alas, well-aday!
I've got to keep on with the play.
The curtain is raised.
The role has been praised.
And the audience won't go away."
So she nibbled her chocolate eclaire.
Then rollsd up the front of her hair
In free silver tracts,
Crammed full of facts,
At d her politics thus did declare.
Daisy Why are there always so
many proposals on the beach?
Charley I don't know, unless it's be
cause even the most timid young man
has plenty of sand there.
Mrs. Brown And such excessively
long waits between the acts!
Mrs. Jones Yes, my husband con
sidered them the only redeeming feature
of the play.
The complete novel in the November
issue of Lippincott's is "An Interrupted
Current," by Howard M. Yost, a new
writer with a happy knack of story-telling.
The scene is in Eastern Pennsyl
vania, and the action turna on tracing
the perpetrators of a bank robbery and
their plunder.
"The Land of Tin Tribes," i. e., In
dian Territory, is instructively de
scribed in brief space by Allan Hen
dricks. Alvan F. Sanborn casta some
light on "English Traits," and R. G.
Robinson on "Florida Snakes."
"Modern Ancestors and Armorial
Bearings," are lightly handled by
Adriaan S:hade van West rum. The
"Two Sides" of a long standing contro
versy between editors and tboe who
seek to be contributors are considered
by Frederic M. Bird.
Dr. James Weir, jr., a promising nat
uralist of Kentucky, finds in some of
the animals what he calls "The Sixth
SeBe"or homing instinct.hich enables
them to return promptly to their quar
ters after an outing. "Bread, condi
caents and Fruits" are discussed in order
by Calvin Dill Wilson. "The Wind" is
imaginatively treated by William Potts.
She Don't you think Mr. Jonea is a
very bashful young man?
He Well, I know when he plays poker
he's often shy.
Friend Ever have any trouble wihirty.first night of this month you will M
your mail? jhaeo jourself down to Florence Far-
Mr. Scribble-iSo. my manuscript's at 8 o'clock Bharp, or you'll get
get back all right. -The Sigher. htt. Wear any old thing, but be sure
Recent revelations in regard to New
York churchwards constitute u new ar
gument in favor of cremation. Some
body tried to break open u tomb in St.
Paul's yard, and then the fact was de
veloped that nobody knows whose tomb
it is, as the church records do not give
the location of the different graves.
Simultaneously, a corporation notice is
issued to the effect that old St. John's
graveyard, on Hudson street, i to bo
turned into a public park, and it is sig
nificantly nddi d that "the reunins will
not be disturbed, but the tombstones
will be buried," thus makiug an identi
fication of tho separate graves impos
sible. Washington square is on the sito
of an ancient burial place, long since
fjrgotten. Former generations of New
York went to much expanse and troublo
to provide their dead vaults and tombs,
according to their station in life, each
inscribed with names and datep, but
these few years have blotted out the
records acd reduced tho buried thous
ands to an iudistinguishablo mass of
refuse. Cremation is more decent, more
reverent, and more individual. When
you have in an urn the ashes of a dead
relative or friend, you may be reasonably
certain whose ashes are in the urn and
may preserve tho precious receptacle
among the family treasures, with little
risk that it will become mixed up with
urns of total strangers. All of the con
comitants of old churchyard burials are
horrible. I have eeen things in a fam
ily vault that sicken mo to recall, but so
long as people insist upon burials, there
is no security that the new, picturesque
cemetery ot the present lime may not
be the old, neglected, desecrated grave
yard of the next generation. Cremation
is not only more healthful for the sur
vivors; it is a better means of assuring
the identity of the dead.
The buds have left their leafy bough,
Blythe minstrels they.
Too melancholy, thou,
For such a lay.
Their thrills and rhapsodies for June;
For thy sad cadence, winds attune
A wild, weird lyre.
M. D. H.
"That man and his w'fo run the
"How's that?"
"He's the rector and she's the direc
torsThe Usher.
It wiil not do, however, to forget that
SB in hin the soldier is doubled with
the connaisseur, so in him the connais
seur is trebled with ' the patriot, the
orator and the statesman. He is one of
the few men whose versatile talents
have been rewarded at one and the
same time by two salaries, one for bis
services as a member of congress, the
other for his services as a major-general
on the retired list. He never ceases to
serve his country. He is now engaged
in saving it by means of making
speeches against Mr. Bryan. I need
not say that to a man of General Sid
les' retiring habits the necessity of ap
pearing in public as a speech maker
must be most unpleasant. He has a
positive love for self-effacement. He
delights to screen himself from the ad
miration which his character and
achievements long ago won for him.
But when duty calls him, he obeys
without a murmur.
Wyld Why did you call your new
book a collection?
Scribbler I was in hopes church
members would take it up.
Tf r
..-l-J-.i fMi
face is hidden
from view. If you j
ScbtlS dmAumm,
because it gives strength to the
weakened body and enables it to
throw off the disease
50c and $1.00,
All Druggists.
1RS -
Cor. 12th and N sts
Malces ck.
jJ J1F JjFCSSlfl
And all Kinds of Maasase.
A Full Line of Hair Goods and Cosmetics.
131 NO. I3TH.
T. J Tlxcxrp dte Co.,
In a branches. -
Repairing done as Neat and Complete as from ths Factories at hard Ubm prt
All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST
Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN.
t'JI."t l jJ.i j Jjll ir&'fiJWfM'l Ji
vac talc ka LincuiD.ueo..t7 u. w. auuwfl. arena.
because of a t
run down con
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by ordinary cough v
will yield readily to
Cor. 12th and N sts.
Speolalty o(
Thta r.aWHM Remedy rnrc qtfekir, permaucBtJT sit
Derroua atwiue. Weak Memory, Lum of Brain Puwtr.
lleadacbe. Wakefnliieu. Lt Vitality. Mxnllr Emu.
sioik. cll dream. Impotencr and waiting dleaaes caused bf
ycuUfuIrror or exctxjr.Cot)talusnoopiatei.lsaaerveta!
nadblaaabalMerv MakpittieDaleandDanrvtrnccandDlBiDD.
IEa.llr carried lnTetpockrt.S)l per box:fnrSS.
Dh.vHthawritUniHraitfitrrmnnfWTtfiUHle&. Writ .fto
aaedleol book;. e'.el wrapper, wltb, tMUmoatals and
Ifinrwittan1inr- A'nr&finM fir fMiuniJtafimu. littmrnrm mt tomltm