THE COURIER. THE LINLN LIFE iCSS'N ' For full information Merchants Insurance on tho wall, and then gravely sat down opposite her. "I regret that you should have gone to the trouble of ordering dinner,'- said Lady Herbert; "I shall be obliged to leave within the hour." "Madame is evidently new to this kind of meetings," remarked tho young man. Lady Herbert admitted that she was; that this was an entirely new experience for her; that she wasn't half disappoint ed, though. "Perhaps Madame will grant me a further interview," continued the young man, with a deference and decorum Lady Herbert could hardly understand. She felt no strangeness, albeit the sense of the oddity of tho occasion was not lacking. The man whose face she was now studying had dark blue eyes, extremely blond bair, aquiline features and a well bred air. His bauds were small, well formed and cared for. He was not dressed for dinner, but wore morning clothes of fashionable cut. "Mad? me is of the haitt ion," he ob served. "What has induced ber to act so indiscreetly? for is it not an indis cretion to meet an adventurer like myself?-' Lady Herbert smiled at his honesty. "I havo always had the reputation of being eccentric," she replied; 'but who can tell of the pleasure this chance meeting may give me?" "Madame must not forget that it is purely and simply a matter of quid pro quo. As Madame is known to me and the wealth of her husband is such that a few thousands would be but a mere bagatelle I must request a slight pay ment before we part," remarked the young stranger, rather abruptly. Lady Herbert turned very pale be neath her complexion. "Oh, a black mailing scheme' she answered, her voice not betraying a tremor. "As you please to call it," he replied, "although the term sounds harsh." "How came you to learn my identity?" she coolly demanded. "As you stepped from your carriage one of two men passing remarked, There's the roan I sold Sir Peter HerJ bert. When you entered tho restaur ant I apked jour coachman if your ladyship was dining here. He vouch safed me no reply. Turning on my heel I caught sight of the crest on the panel of the door. It interests me the crest of Sir Peter Herbert!" Lady Herbert was a cold-blooded, cal culating, clever woman of the world, designing, reckless and daring. She had been in worse positions. Coute que eoute, 6he would have excitement; really, this was growing interesting. "You are indeed clever, my young friend; and were I young and unsophis ticated your mysterious manner might well overawe me. I am always ready to pay the reckoning, and, so far as the entertainment goes, I will willingly pay you to prevent any esclandre. But tell mc why the crest on my carnage uoor excites your interest?" The joung man threw off his frock coat and rolled up his shirt sleeve. On the biceps of his arm was tattooed the crest of Sir Peter Herbert a lion ramp ant, holding a crescent between hid OCCUPIES MIDDLE G-ROUND BETWEEN THE "OLD LINE" OR OLD FASHIONED LIFE COMPANIES AND "AFTER DEATH ASSESSMENT"OR CREDIT SYSTEMS. IT ISSUES A CLEAN PLAIN POLICY ON THE FIVE YEAR DISTRIBUTION AND FIFTEEN YEAR SELF SUSTAINING PLANS apply to W. R. Proctor, Sec'y at home office rooms 3o4-S-6-7. Farmers and block or to Frod S. Clinton or Allen S. Green , general agents. paws. "Isn't it odd?" exclaimed her lady ship; "pray, how do you account for it?" "Ravelle put it there," said tho mys terious joung man. "And who is Ravelle?" asked Lady Herbert. "Ravelle was king of the swell mob. Some say ho was my father. He al ways treated mo well, and he gave mo his savings tho savings of years the night he was brought homo dying stabbed by some unknown assassin." "Do go on," replied her ladyship. "Really, London is not half dead yet; I never expected romance in such a meet ing." The young man helped himself to the ruffles and replenished the glasses. "With tho money left me by Ravelle I havo managed to exist; but professional pride cbidicg, I have sought to make a mark among my fellows by entangling and entrapping game like your lady shipin fact, any well known and wealthy woman." "There is no slow music or pizzicato' dryly observed her ladyshin; "the or chestra in the restaurant below is play ing two-four time; but tell me, do you remember your early childhood?" "I remember woods," answered the strange young man, dreamily and sol emnly; "I remember woods and a park, and dark swarthy men, one of whom took me up in his arms and fled, while the other struggled with a woman who tried to follow." "My son!" exclaimed her ladyship, lighting fresh cigarette. "Mother!"' cried the strange young man, with rare business acumen. "I can now explain the tattooing on your arm," said her ladyship. "All your underwear, as a child, had Sir Peter's crest stamped on it. Ravelle, the man who stole you, destroyed the clothes, but gave you instead that in delible impression the secret of your birth." "Ye ," eagerly gasped the strange young man. "You are my son, and I oh, happy woman that I am your mother!" con cluded her ladyship with a burst of laughter. The strange young man bit his Up and knitted his eyebrows. "Well and good. Lady Herbert; bnt this escapade must be paid for," ho said angrily. "At least a pony for tonight until we meet again, Lady Herbert." Her ladyship drew a 20 note from her portemonnaie and threw it across the table. The strange young man quickly pocketed it. Lady Herbert poured out a goblet of champagne and tossed it down in a draught. "It is really too bad that neither of us can believe this beautiful Drury Lane story," she said, half regretfully. "I love coincidents even if they aro contrived, and crests, you know, aro awfully com mon. Yes, Sir Peter did lose a child, stolen at the age of five, some eighteen ears ago. Men of your class, clever criminals and blackmailers, make use of the smallest details in perfecting their infamous plots. Permit me to look at your tatooed arm again," and Lady Her bert grasped tho whito tlesh firmly with her left hand. Her right hand hold her lace handkerchief. With a sudden, deft movement she dipped it in his half filled glass and gavo tho crest a heavy rub. It came off like court plaster. Ho smiled admiringly at her. "How did you guess?" ho asked. "Merely my artistic perceptions," she replied. "I saw at tho first glance that it had been hastily drawn evidently from an impression in wax made on tho door panel. A confederate did the work on your arm by soma process known only to yourself. Now, really, hbw came you to hit upor such a bril liant scheme to find your long-lost mother?" "The swell mob reads the papers.Lady Herbert," answered, the young man, dropping his accent and lapsing into professional argot. "We don't drink green milk and we know a float face when the sob breast sings. The story of your child's kidnapping was handed down by Ravelle he was a deep one but it was only tonight, when I learned your name, that I thought of playing the long lost child on you . We Jeph sons act quickly. No sooner had I and my pal assurred ourselves of your iden tity than the trick was ready to bo phyed. I soon saw what kind of a woman I had to deal with, and relin quished all hope of working the decep tion on you. However, I can always depend on a generous allowance to keep this little meeting a secret. Lady Her bert eh?" he asked, impudently. Lady Herbert had had all the fun she wanted. Her Irish blood began to boil. It was the O'Hara blood, and it ran hot at times. "You dirty, low lived scoundrel!" she cried, "I would havo played you fairand allowed you tho twenty pounds for the elaborate pains taken to afford me an hour's amusement, but now I shall seo this matter to the bitter end and put you wher you belong. Robert!" she screamed. The door was thrown violently open and Robert tushed in, followed by two men. "Yes, my lady, and here's some gentle men from Scotland Yard who have been waiting outside with me." "ThiB must never get out!" cried her ladyship. "Trust us for that, my lady," said one of the detectives. "Miss Coster, of the Gaiety, will appear against him. She made an appointment to meet him hero toget backadiamond brooch he relieved her of last night. Jim ard me have been laying for the rook these ten das past, and Miss Coster was the one to put us on his track. If he wants to get off light he'll never breathe your lady ship's name. This is not his first big play, but it will be bis last for five yearst at least." Lady Herbert threw her purse to the officers. "Divide it between you," she said. Then to Robert. "We dine at 8. Tell John not to spare the horses." That night at dinner Lady Herbert got off a wretched British joke. "I con sider the criminal classes distinctly Sir Giles," she observed. r Ono of tho distinguished company asked lier,"Whj?" "Becaueo they Overreach," replied her Iudship. And Sir Peter laughed with tho rest. Tho West finder. hie it by line 1 PlCTOV Actual time travoling. 31 hours to Salt Lake, til hours to San Francisco. G8 hours to Portland. 77 hours to Los Angeles. FROM LINCOLN, NEB City office, 1041 O street. See the new Photochromes at Cran cer & Curtice Co.'s. 207 South lltb street, the newest thine In picture. SULPHO-SAT.TNB COR 14 AND M. LINCOLN, NEBRAI Open at al! Hours Day and Nlflt All forme of baths. TURKISH. RUSSIAN AND ROMAN. Witk special attention to the apptfs catioa of natural salt water batftav Several times stronger than aea water. Special department for surgical caaea aad diaeaaea peculiar to women. Kkenmatisip, Skin, Blood and Nerrone D1a sea, Llrer and Kidnor Tronblea aad ChroaJe Allataota are treated sneeesrf ally. 6m ba thine may be enjoyed at all seasons ft omt lane salt nriramlnt- pool. 50x142 feet, M K feet deep, heated to uniform temperatcxa M decreet. DR8- M. H. AND J. O. EVERETT Managing Physician. Under sew management MEBCHAOTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR. PAXTON, HUXJETT DATZXFOKT. Proprietors. Special attention to state trade, (vest aa4 smmerelal travelers. Fa roam street elsetrte jTTgSS BnTHinilll w pas toe door to aad from all carta of Ms M EH