The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 24, 1896, Image 10

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    -" Tr.-m.-r-, nlVJirii,jifjmgglfmftffiggggijiiifjf0;atj
A Story of the London of today.
Lady Geraldine Herbert picked up
the Times. It was indeed remarkable
tbat ber ladyship should pick up the
Times; she usually had the news read
to ber by ber maid, or depended on Sir
Peter's growls at dinner to inform ber
of the happenings of the great worl1 in
which she lived. But Sir Peter's gout
bad been so bad for the past two'nights
that he only opened his mouth to curse
and cavil at the service; and Betty, her
maid, being engaged in buttoning ber
ladyship's boots at the moment, Lady
Herbert, with languid curiosity, picked
up the Times.
And this is what ber ladyship read on
the llrst page of that most conservative
sheet, in the column that coutams per-
eonat items.
To the Ladies: Any young laay, be
tween the ages of eighteen and twenty
three, of a middling stature, brown hair,
regular features, and a lively, brisk eye;
ot good morals and not tinctured with
anything that may sully bo distinguished
a form; possessed ot from 15,000 to
20.000, entirely at her own disposal,
and where there will be no necessity ot
going through the tiresome task of
addressing parentB and guardians for
their consent; such a one, by address
ing a line to K. E., care of Briggs &.
Bowne, 10 Finsbury square, E. C. ap
pointing where an interview may be
had, will meet with a person who flat
ters himself be shall not be thought
disagreeable by any lady answering the
above description.
Profound secrecy will bo observed.
No trifling answer will be regarded.
Lady Geraldine had never read such
an advertisement; as a novelty it ap
pealed to her.
"What an interesting man the writer
must be," thought Laay Geraldine; "I
must meet him."' And Lady Geraldine
Herbert, aged thirty nine, a trifle passec,
more lassce and utterly blae, pro
ceeded to make an appointment with K.
E., of 10 FinBbury Square, E. C.
Having dispatched her note by spe
cial messenger, Lady Geraldine put her
elt in the hands ot her massageur.maid
and physician, each in turn, and, feel
ing equal to another night, commenced
to live the remaining hours ot the af
ternoon. Tirao is a dressing room for eternity,
wherein the mirror of life w oftentimes
tarnished, blurring our vision in mak
ing up for another world. Lady Ger
aldine never dressed for a dance into
eternity; on tho contrary, Bhe undiessed
for the fashionable fast balls of the
Corinthian and Kaleidoscope, which she
was so fond of attending incog, with
her numerous admirers. She had been
married twenty-three years. She had
come to Sir Peter in all grace, beauty
and sweetness ot sixteen, and be, a
childless widower ot fifty, had sacrificed
this mere child on the altar of an old
man's life.
Her mother taught her that women
dying maids led apes in hell; Lady Ger-
aldine had been forced to leaa one on
earth. A boy had been born to tnem.
At the age of live that boy had been
kidnapped-stolen by pypsies while
playing with his nurse in the park of
Sir Peter's place in Bucks. Sir Peter's
pndeanaBopesuHeru .u. .w
lathe loss oCine cniia. k
grieved ience, o " -
. ntM'a continued moroaeness, had
finally sought relief in the lethe of a
Jjosdon Jin de stecfe life.
Sir Peter never left town, but his
wife followed the seasons in and out.
Although a marked woman in the eyes
ot Mrs. Grendy, she aaanaged, by rea
son of her husband's high position in
the laaBcial world, to saake use of
- n.,iM Highland shoots, race
weeks aad the rest, for meetings
of the
aasst approved order, saving
Sir Peter
- in1w niffhts.
Was it sot nataral then, that Was
Lady Herbert, with tout caste, tout
paue, tout laate for ber motto, and all a
new woman's thirst for the new, should
seize upon this Times advertisement as
an opportunity to visit unknowu terri
tory, to experience entirely new senea-f
tinrtQ AKuna 4n tfnrl 1wa itsUtlf r
t'r..,!. irKrr .nn-A tnf uirty-first night of this month you will
wfW MU1 A .'- ,LTn,U MW tlWI
brougham to be driven to the
Her special messenger had
lth ., ,m W V. If! l?;nnw
bury square, and the adventure was
now on.
When the Goddess ot Reason steps
from her throne and calls upon her
jester, Impulse, to dance with her, then,
depend upon it, her court becomes
badly demoralized.
With two trusty men on the box.Lady
Herbert felt reasonably safe. Surely
nothing embarrkBeilJgf compromising or
diBagreeable could happen with John
driving and Robert to open the door
and stand ready.
The Herberts dined at 8. Sir Peter
bad requested ber to be at home that
evening to do the honors at a dinner
given to some local magnates and
American capitalists interested in one
ot his banking schemes. Lady Herbert
glanced at the carriage clock aiid then
re-read the answer from K. E.:
"If the fair unknown will call at the
Holborn this afternoon at fi, she will,
find a private room, with service for
two, by asking for No. 7."
"Lucky number," commented her
ladyship; "but what a queer place for a
meeting! And does he expect me to eat
at such an ungodly hour? Well,"be'll
find the ice ot her ladyship's manners
like tho ice of his lordship's champagne
if he doesn't turn out what I expect
him to be."
Lady Herbert dropped her veil as
Robert opened the carriage door.
The familiar figure of Dolly Coster, of
the Gaiety chorus, was alighting from a
"Robert," said ber ladyship, "stand
inside. Should any one Hsk for whom
you are waiting, give the name ot Miss
"Yes, my lady."
An obsequious waiter led the way to
No. 7. A bright wood fire was burning
in the grate. A table with full dinner
service was set for two. A lounge of
soft pillows and stuffs made a divan in
a corner. Lady Herbert was in a cabi
net particulier.
She took off her veil and gloves, drew
a chair up to the fire, and opened her
cigarette case.
"What is the hour?" she asked.
" 'Art after five, ma'am," answered
tho waiter, tendering her a lighted
match. "The gentleman begs tbat you
will excuse 'is unavoidable absence, aa
'e ad to see a friend for a moment."
As be spoke, the door of No. 7 was
pushed open, and a young man entered
the room. He motioned the waiter to
Lady Herbert turned her head slight
ly and glanced up nonchalantly at her
host His youth and Adonis-like beauty
piea8ea her; she laughed low and muBic
"Well, do I come up to your expecta
tions!" she asked.
Now bear in mind that Lady Herbert
was a well preserved and decidedly well
made-up woman of thirty-nine. In the
pinkhade4 candle light ot the cabinet
particulier she looked a fascinating
.i,, mnA --, Th
three and twenty. The fire light plaved
upon the faces of the two as they caught
the reflection ot their images in the
mirror above the chimney place; the
resemblance between the two was start
ling. "Madame must pardon the English in
which I addressed her sex in this morn
ing's Times I am a foreigner, and do
not write or speak the language cor
rectly." Lady Herbert threw her cigarette
away and seated herself at the table.
The young man touched a push button
JJ7-IJJ.J Sjtxsag
tlDOA miaAlF llAtlf tl 4 1l'lABnn..n ll'n a
AeU's&t 8 o'clock sharp, or jou'll get
Waciv nnu rsA ikinn !. l. r..-A
.!" ""' "" ""Ki "" "o "
VEill3i? & Paine.
OCT. 30.
And her superb organization of seventy artists,presenting the latest lyrical novelty
"An sftmeFkan geaut."
Book by Hugh Morton. Music by Gustave Kerker. Direc
tion of Canary and Lederer. A wealth of scerery. Gorgeous
costumes. Augmented orchestra led by Paul S;eindorff.
Seats on sale Wednesday morning, the 28tb, at 10 a, m.
I Fitzgerald Dry Goods Co I
Stiitl& QVlT
We bought Twenty Thousand Dollars worth of
Dress Goods, Dress Linings.Household CottoDs
and Linens. Hosiery, Underwear and Men's
Furnishing Goods for Ten Thousand Dollars -Spot
will sell as we bought ct. tlie Lowest I! JED-veir
Known fox IMx Class Merotiandlse
READ THIS AD. Come early Saturday morning and investigate our offer.
eft almost naif price.
Our f 8.40 Coney fur capes for 94.08.
Our $10 Coney fur capes for 96.98.
Our $14 French Coney fur capes for
Our $15 Electric Seal fur capes for
Our $18 Electric Seal far capes for
1 11.48.
Our $23 Fine Electric Seal capes for
Our $25 Astrachan fur capes for
Our $10 handsomely braided plush
capes for $7.48.
Ladies' c'oth capes and jackets at cut
prices during this sale.
Our $3.75 cloth capes for $2.48.
Our $5 cloth capes for $3.95.
Our $6.75 cloth capes for $495.
Our $5 cloth jackets for $2.98.
Our $10 fine black and Navy Kersey
jackets for $695.
Our $5 Misses Reefers for $325.
Our $4 50 Misses' Jackets for $2.95.
Our $1.75 Children's Eiderdown long
coats for 95c.
Our $3.75 Children's Eiderdown Ions
coats for $L95.
ax immense?
50c on the
Best kid finished skirt lining worth
5c, for 3c
Canvas dress facing worth 12Wc, for
Selicia, all colors, worth 15c, for 7Jc.
All linen dress canvas worth 18c. for
19 pieces 27 in. half wool Scotch nov
elties, actually worth 20c, will be sold
for half price, JOc a yard.
21 pieces 36 in. English Mohair,
changeable brocade, elegant designs, all
shades, gnol quality, would becheaD at
15 nieces black and colored, i6 in.
Frtnch Serge, worth 50c, for 29c.
L3 pieces 52 ir. Boucle Novelty, blues,
browns and greens, actually worth $1 a
ysrd, for 49c.
137 all wool and silk and wool dress
patterns at halt price.
$1.73 for the Dress.
35 dress patterns in this lot, consist
ing of 8 yards all wool novelty and all
wool French Sere, worth $3.
$2.98 for the Dress.
52 dress patterns in this lot. consist
ing of all wool Scotch checks, all wool
boucln novelties, pure English storm
serges, all wool black novelty, mohair
and wool black novelties, figured Eng
lish mohairs, worth $5.
$4 4fi fnrtho ncc
I T W I vJtJi
l Ml dress patterns in this lot: elegant
I imoorted roods, none worth i ? en
' all late fall fabrics, in black and colors!
nrTTTffiMCTmCTttdJsadasaS Ts?j