The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 24, 1896, Image 1

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    rOL 11 NO. 41
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Canton is a small placo but it is en
joying a scarce prosperity since Mr. Mc
Kinley's nomination. The crowds
wh'ch come to pay him their respects
must be fed and lodged and warmed
and souvenired and photografed. When
hotel keepersjewelers, merchant princes
and photographers have their pocketB
full of money, their neighbors get some
of it, all in the way of trade. m A large
business does not live in itself, but it is
like a cistern with pipes all around its
circumference, leading to other cisterns
and making a Bystem. All of the cis
terns may be filled if water enough ie
let into one of them. This is natural
law in the business world. There is no
one who can dispute the first premise.
It is only when it is carried to the in
evitable conclueion that a large busi
ness, like a railroad company or manu
factory, which employs thousands of
men and builds, buys and produces un
ceasingly, is beneficent that the popu
lists get excited and call all combined
commercial energy an octupus which
throttles a community instead of con
tributing to its welfare. Every man is
one of a mass, of a vast crowd, and he
prospers and suffers with hiB neighbors.
Mr. Bryan says the bankers belong to a
class, meaning, I suppose, that they are
favored in some especial way by the
government, tie does not say how, but
he says enough to make the people who
listen feel injured and rebellious and
'agin the government." And yet the
rich farmers who listen to him that
have lands no "run can take away from
them would laugh at any one who pro
posed to sell him bank stock. Who
would be a member of that privileged
ciasa that Mr. Bryan sayB the govern
ment fattens at the expense of the
musses? If the farmer believes that
the banker breakfasts on capon and
Rhine wine and dines on lobster and
cnampagne there are plenty of the
so called "privileged daises" who are
ready to change places with him. The
farmer shows that he does not believe
what he says he does when he does not
buy bank stock when it is cheap and
Mr. Bryan says he loves his home
town and that when his one term is over
he will return to bleesand ennoble it by
residing in it. This is all very well and
we appreciate his self sacrifice but if he
would only stay at home now like Mc
Kinley, Lincoln would get a boom when
she needs it most. Mr. Heaton says that
even the undertakers are getting busi
ness in Canton for the crowds are so
great that occasionally a man drops
The Knights of Ak-Sar Ben of Omaha
have been sending the board of gover
nors of that body to visit other proces
sional advertisements of the same char
acter. Mr. Chase, who, according to
the Omaha Excelsior, is the most im
portant member of the organization,
went to inspect the Feast of Mountain
and Plain at Denver. According to
Mr. Chase's account the parade was a
brilliant success. He sas that the
principal parade was held in the day
time and that he has always said that
the Ak-Sar-Ben parade was the most
mportact feature of the State fair and
should be held at the time when the
city of Omaha would be most bene
fitted. The article closes with the fol
lowingthe Italics are mine.
Denver is a wonderful city, and its
business men are big hearted, courage
ous fellows, who know how to draw a
crowd to their town andhow to keep it
and entertain it when there. Some sort
of a state fair was being held in the vi
cinity at the time of this festival but it
did not seem to cut much of a figure, as
the parades were given in the mornings
and afternoons, at 'what appeared to all
of us to be the proper timo for them.
The streets were filled with people all
day, the shops were crowded between
times and there seemed to he a good
deal of purchasing of fall supplies.
The mind of one member of the board
at least, is made up to the fact that day
parades, with the exception of the bis
parade, are the thing, and that if seri
ous remonstrance is made by the State
Boara of agriculture to such parades,
as detracting from the attendance at
the state fair, it would be better to hold
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities on nnother week,
separate and distinct from the fair, at a
season late enough to conduce to fall
trading, and bring our friends from the
country to Omaha, keep them in Omaha
and entertain them in Omaha, instead
offivi tniles out in Douglas eounty.
Who put the state fair "five miles out
in Douglas county,' so'that it is actually
easier to reach it from Gretna than it is
from Omaha? The idea of the Omahoga
seems to have been to locate the state
fair in the most disagreeable and inac
cessible place they knew of in order that
when the people came to the state fair
they might be induced or rather, com
pelled to stay in Omaha. It is naif in
Clementina, though, when we remember
how hard Omaha worked for the state
fair, to speak of it with such scorn as
being "five miles out in Douglas
The Christian Kndeavorers, who were
here last week, have adopted a conspic
uous badge and cap which both men
and women wear. The cap is a large
white Tam O'Shanter, tho ba-Jge is
three quarters of a yard of white ribbon
pinned diagonally across the chest with
the name of the new but honorable body
printed on it in largo gold letters. The
effect is startling, if nothing more. The
costume, after the first moment of be
wilderment, suggests that of the Salva
tion army, which, although not bo strik
ing as the EndeavorerB, is said to bo
worn for the same purpose that of
marking out the members from every
body else. The desire to be conspicu
ous which, for a while is almost as good
as being famous, is a powerful motive
with undeveloped crude natures. When
a man who has been an undistinguished
atom all his life is given the opportun
ity tn belong to a powerful army and to
wear its uniform. The offer fascinates
him. When he has that uniform on he
represents power and the people
on the street look upon him as they
would a soldier. General Booth under-
stood that to the people who would
join the Salvation army the uniform
was a great inducement and he incorpo
rated it into the ruled and regulations
of the army. The Christian Endeavor
ers white cap and bade can be seen a
greater distance than the army's blue
cap and blue coat, therefore it is by so
much a stronger inducement to be one
of them. Still there is always the
danger of frightening horses and timid
women and children.
Not that any Buch contingency
should be allowed to interfere
with improvements. It will be re
membered that electric street cars
were regarded with disfavor for awhile
because the nerves of an occasional
country bred horse wore upset by them.
But the horses had to give way to the
cars rather than the cars to the horses
And we also shall get used to seeing
otherwise nice looking boys and girls
parading the streetsin conspicuous caps
and badges in order that they may be
known bb Christians. The Bible criti
cises tho wearing of broad phylacteries
too. But then a phylactery was, among
tho Jews, a strip of parchment, on
which were written texts from the law.
They were worn by devout persona on
tho forehead, arms or breast and were
especially effected by tho Pharisees.
Not that the Christian EndeavorerB are
like those who in Jerusalem prided
themselves on their piouB neckties and
"weekitB" but organization, uniforms
and set phrases to express the various
phases of religious emotion and degen
erate into cant, take the life and fresh
ness out of any movement. It was so
with the different orders of friars which
were vowed to absolute poverty, and at
first were without shelter, the next
meal, or money. Their numbers in
creased. Sinners died and left their
houses and lands to the holy order in ex
piation. They were made tho deposi.
tarie? of jewels and plate by knights
who went on a crusade against the
Turk who cut off their heads and by
the same token the friars kept the
plate. They grew rich and the spirit
tied. Some zealot started a new order
then,which flourished and bad tho same
history, until the arrogance of power
made the organization of another one
Besides the city and state meetings
the delegates from the Endeivor socie
ties of the United States meet once a
year in Boston or Washington on
which occasions they take the town
with their youth, numbers and preco
cous ways. It i3 well for them to re
flect on the history of other organiza
tions and not be too much elated by
success. History teaches humility and
tho advantages of obscurity, especially
for a religious body.
Lincoln is the most accessible of any
town, able to take care of a large ac
cession of .people, in the state. It ie
true, sometimes it is too true, that itiea
desirable place to stop, to visit and to lay
fences in. Association after association
meets here In rapid succession.
Each one is said to be an annual
meeting by tho solicitor who
calls to inquire, "How many delegates
willyoutake'Theanniversaryof agreat
many are due about this time and thfc
hospitality of many church members is
stretched to its limit. In these times
no one has mce help than is absolutely
necessary to do a portion of the work.
The rest is done by the lady of tho
house or the members of the family.
One or two visitors means harder work
for maid and mistress. It ia a pleasure
to entertain an occasional minister. It