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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1896)
mwt. w .mi ,;-w v, s i w j wsa THK COUKIEK. hk. wi &ii AS t 1 a k .. Hnguisnea ana iSDuiousiy wealthy, a tardy justice to him to deny it. Not We have purchased (because It la .--.. . . His heart has been buried in for u palace of gold and diamonds would Just the tnIn we have needed) the I 1fT) 1Q ATlrtnoO hlswife'sgravefor twenty years until he give up the expression of sound ffJSBtb.l3ffipSE X !"H7T T J?0" Mrs. Bertrand comes to New York, opinions on judicious underclothing." which Is also an unabridged dictionary VL IT DV Tllf fl TUC when ho makes up his mind that the thirty-two volumes of convenient size 0(111 II Dl InnlHU IllL ....... . .. neatlv bound four vnlnmpa of Ihnan. loveno ieit ror bis mneteen-yearold Office boy-I would like to go to my nual cyclopedic review, lour volumes of wife of a year was an immature affec- crandmother's funeral thin a,nnnn current hlstoryfor 1S96, one Columbian tion not likely to be resumed in the Bnumoiner , tU18 "ernoon. atlas and the neat convenient revolving . i tir.L.l resumeu in tne Emplover-If Rusie wore going to oak cas c with glass doors. From the next world. With the sphere at her pitch I W0UId like to go myself evidence obtained we find that some feet Mrs. Bertrand says it nay. She has " Part of thi3 work Is placed In the i .j . ;. . hm private and public library In this rauiuoiiiruuurauuuiuuuu aer DUB- Waiter How vi II vnn havn vriirt.ul, enunlrv nn riihrnmt tn t,i -.,,.., 3 LJ L - - j w. mmm w w j jm Dkunn -- ., w uv a .4akA nan .17 band coarse. She treated him, while sir? that tl,ey cover a field relative to the tt a PCOmjiil alive, with hauteur. nevertheless Patron-I don't care how you cook it. aTd'acn evements" f Xnf Ml LaTO he brutally insisted on her woar- but I would like it this week. not attempted by others. The plan SLJ5vl5ul7 W m ing silks velvets and jewels and annear. ?8 original, and the work throughout BnfnViSSC M W . . ,, t. . .. . " . is careruiiy and ably written. A WMfiSfOfk M ing at all the functions of society in The October Harpers is worth the Current history contains 220 pages. Wia I M 7tf order that his taste might be vindicated. Drjce The fmntiBnie in n ., Js Issued two months after the close SJCS mJP'VC wh, bB 1 tar . .bird r Z 2E?S d ZS &2tEttZ 'AtLSZ io hia immense fortune which she refused from a London photograph Theeicna. re"lTCd1.10 be an absolutely reliable FIGTU- touse preferring to pose as an unat- ture under the kene8a ahoWB , g '."fhis'lgazlne wm . Actual time traveling. tamable she, irrevocably opposed to whatever his drawing is, it is surer than a Permanent and Invaluable record of J1 houra to Sa,t Lase- marriage. In spite of her convictions his writing which do not Un n tha. a11 ,1:?Por,tant movements In pollUcal. Gl hours to San Francisco. that if she mixes in society she will in- jX. btt ruts up on'a rising uaad!2S-7fif UB'1 houre - evitably be saddened by continuous inclination from the left to the rhrht The maSaz,ne will be indlspensible " hours to Los Angeles. proposals from the men she will meet The eye of the ordinary reader can de-' Jff b.S tSBffl;PSS -FROM- she is obliged to see the elegant widower tect no fault with the drawings, how- worka UP to date-. To those who d. , !MrtA, . . KInr. LVStfZrZ'l' rr- ,o',c" --- aarsSBSaf JSAiSS LINCOLN, NEB in love and h:s is strong enough to the boys at play in the court yard Ia ore limited. About March of .. m mi , ' . . over come her opposition to matrimony Df the institution PmourH -,. each year tne four volumes of current "J omco' 1H U street. which haa become a reliirinn It i u- t Juoi,luu"u "8aru, wnere history are bound into one volume. wmen nas Decome a religion. It is a his hero goes to school, has no known as the Annual Cyclopedic Re- society novei and ends in this character, indication of failing sight, and only one w', Tnere are now four ot thes Fittn publication October 10. istic way "So Violet dropped forever ,.dy has impossible legs. So far. all of KK KS K . SUERIFP SALE' the name o Bertrand, and had a pretty Du Maurier's pretty ladies have looked and subscribers !n thla city and state Notico is hereby given that by virtue little visiting card with Mrs. Pembroke like Ellen Terrv In thin latoat ,:. uch people as Mr. Gere, edltor-inchlef of an order of sale, issued by the clerk Jerome engraved upon if and with 1! -T this latest one his ?f the Lincoln State Journal.. Hon. of the district court of the Third judi- uerome engravea upon it, and with hero is the very spirit and image of her. Joe Bartley. state treasurer. Hon. W. cial district of Nebraska, within and for this name she entered upon a it was from Americans that Du Maur- SorttteS'-JoSSS S?nltiSnS Lancaflter county, in an'acUon wherein new. a beautiful, and a most ier first received a tumultuous welcome. l!?Tt: Sa,rhahrA-1 RfJRe 5b plaintiff and Eliza happy life. The wbnquet given her by His Hrst story was published in Harper's ent of Pub"c JnstmcUon. Dr. R. E. k padwallader et. a!., defendants. I her friend's husband never left her Magazine and nerhana hi. l.f Jml GinTen. Miss Mary I Jones, acting '" at ? c,.ocP-,2" on the 13th day i,-,.o- -I..--.. , i MatiaziD0 and Perhaps bis last will be librarian at the state university r October, A. D. 18 at the east door however, and wherever she went and for he is very ill and Americans are as whose letter we publish oelow In full: of the court houBe, in the city of Lia shed the blessed atmosphere of her gorrv as thn English or any of the in- "very reading person has felt the coin. Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer sweet and gracious presence she was habitants of .Britain, are whether they ?&ErffL&.tS& ti$h&l$!!' TwS. known as "The Violet," and nowhere be Australians, Irish or Indians, that and monthly periodicals and papers tSmttotmlJfBawf was she so tenderly cherished by that K0ial. modest George Du Maurier is ,Z fflXSS Z&AK U&U&$ name as in the heart of her husband, suffering. frequently out of proportion 1 to the f re- 'tion to the city of Lincoln, and part "TheViolef appeared as a serial in . --It obtained. A most satisfactory ' 'ota eleven (11) and twelve 12, in The Ladies Home Journal last winter summary may be found In the quar- block three 3, in Avondale addition to SiS.r tfc SHI t Glaims Against the Gitu 3.0u,rna has been ot valuable service the city of Lincoln, described by metes The publishers of the book are Long- oinw. Mgamsi tne Ulty. terly Issues of Current History. This and bounds as follows: Commencing at mans. Green & Co., and, as I said before. 'tne jrary covering a field that no a point fifty 50 feet north of the south- it is a pleasant book for the end of a le following claims have been pre- oiner aempts. misr-a cast corner of Baid lot twelve 12, busy day. Benhd to the city for payment, have ActtaK UbrariaV thence west ninety.five 95 feet, thence uusyuay. been read in open council, and ordered Subscription price;"!) a year In north fifty 50 feet, thence east ninety- nt tx n, published as required by law. advance; bound volumes, cloth. $2. five I95 'eet, thence south fifty 50 feet Mr. S. H. H. Clark says: "We ought Mat Bracken, feeding prisoners 60J0 nalr rnorrocco, J2.50: library sheep,$2.S0; to place of beginning, according to the to have better times. We have raised Disks' iZllSr . Lf,2,bS" 4J'S embossed.. sheeP. f50; three-fourths recorded plat thereof, in Lancaster . bte- . crop ..i. ,rar Uj ta SS Kc.kK? TJSl 5S5 hnd , U,k d.,o, ever been made. Railroads will have Whitebroast Coal & Lime Co., Coal... 1&6M The , complete library Is sold on Septembe- A D 180G Dlentv of tonnaee and whnn r,nprnl SytastCoal ALimeCo .Coal.... monthly payments to suit purchaser. r ' tohn r trompw plenty 01 tonnage, ana wnen general Tab.tha Hospital. care of sick 32J City subscriptions will be received at r f ln t JUliN J. rKOMPEN, business becomes more settled and rates American Fire Engine Co., Estimate 2.. I.-Jsioo the Courier office for a limited time Cl 1U u Sheriff. more firmly maintained there will be '"citjcErk l& J,rai.M,i, H.VW Bwn's book -. V Oct s. ism. i.jv,ierK. store, direct all other corresDondence gooa cause tor 1, is a long to C. S. Borum, general agent Lincoln. lane that has no turning, but I think we Neb. are getting gradually to the end of the ,,. . . ., . rontP. I RM ft ri!Hnot nhn f. h W1UU WAriU8AVBTIMEf T TF. PrT TXTT S I-IIIIH better that will overtake u. or that Well the new flyer leavingLincoln at I 11 H 4 Iffl -kVJKlklll shall overtke,in the course of ninety 3J P" m- "B M,88u" Pac,hc W,U 8aT0 X 1 1 JLr- -UU1 dava," you several hours to St. Louis. Cincin- , - . , : ,. y nati. New York and all eastern nointa The first of Ame eicPapera .-m j- t -L- . and connections am marlA ;n tha a CHARLES A. DANA. Editor. HfllM'si f inii ouuruer u sae going awayr " appi Too bad-She's a nice girl. iouis union station, the most expen- sn Rr.arriPv, -. f.t: Blve, compieto and hnest in tbs world -I he American Constitution, the E B-- P niAf'! j 1.1. -i At 1 1 . Any information or nlpnAntncp nr Viartko ,...-... rj j.. c .. 4t bb I bhB ATM auu HKrevKuis. uu iuh uiaer nnnn una - a r- AUKiituniueu. ine timerirtin .mrir- - 1 1 i -j plays the piano. Cltv cket office 1201 O St These first, last, and all the time, for a o 1.: di. 41 1.1.. . ever. i-.iuK ui m.r. iiott, mo puuusner 01 ... , . The Ladies' Home Journal, The Saunt- WanTRfl 111 MPa of'SSSV Dailv. bv mail. . - . nva. IX 1st HW erer says of a rumor that was circulated .':te.r S3f Dally and Sunday, by mail - 88 a year WHE Tl TK innewiorKonair.uoKs return rrom wtjTc:tXt&irtiMpZarK- , , . Com and See Us London in July: s. ,r w, tu-q Mention. wM& Tl Sunday Stir. 0. Towks, P.D. CoS "The Pall Mall Gazette has taken the " f the greatest Sundnv Newsmner G ? T' At- a R T-A trouble to deny the report which arose Fifth publication October 10 greatest Sunday Newspaper ak M(fc . ! whUe Mr. Edward Bok, whose judicious SHERIFF SALE ' '" Wor!d- articles on the proper time for putting Notice is hereby given that by virtue Price a eopl' By mail. $2 a ,ear Third h n. in on winter underclothing have given him of an order of sale issued by the clerk of AUUre... the son. n-w Yrk p c" IU- eo high a place in the literary world of V16 dietrict COUft ' the Third judicial ,TO SHERIFF SALE. West Philadelphia, was visiting London. ?, f Nebra.a. within and for MISSOURI PACIFIC FLYER. Noti , h . . Thisreport. which must have given as FraDC?sC ftHl -nJSrW1 The F"er WlU make better Ume f an order oleal SS' S 'th?c5S S much pn to Mr. Bok as it gave to all & Tr KS Cff Bank wl "J0 S ul9- -. the district court 0f the Third Judidal thefri nds of literature judicious' jg--d 2S?tt S" Sff uiTJSfi? ine if'S underclothing, asserted that the editor- " 'J1' fif. 2 , doclJ Lincoln. It is a screamer. action wherein Jane E. Chamberlain et ship of the Pall Mall Gazette had been October A D IMS r t For lnforn,aUn about rates, connec- al.. is Plaintiff, and Milberry H. Linci offeredtohiraatayearly wage of 935, door of the court' house ' in the cltvf "T'. .f ,f0r sleeP,n car rths. come et al.. Defendant. I will, at 2 000 a year with a swell hou2 UJ. Waster fffeb at 1?iiS S ?A V ifl's aUhEasf f r 2f and grounds and various other ffifi"dKf Sg&8? ' HoKcSjiSlo; delicacies thrown in. The Xtsevln 7. ?n block three 131 in W A M T F n WoLl!n1f nt J?""" Nebraska. offer for s.tle rumor was not credited in this country. Houtz BalJwWsvisM3lhe W A1N 1 BU 01 U men in S fo--escribed where the value ot sound opinions on west half of the northwest quarter of each county to take orders for Nursery Southpantoiiar.o-r., 11 judicious underclothing is better known hen SSS1 i!t0u?uafter ?5nf ctioaine; Btoc an re filling to pay well for th-two rtowVelevnSlll Tanee than it is in England In England. S'Sve f&SSai Sl2l?Vt S - however, credit seems to have been Lancaster county, Nebraska. causes. r; , y k fu- v , , given to this vain imagination. The Gen under my hand this 11th day of We also have a choice line of SEED Senternbor An'iw? y ot friends of the Philadelphia writer tember. Aj5hnTtROMPEV P0TAT0- Give us a trial. September' A' D-- j.Trompen. of sound opinions will feel that it is only Oct 10-G Sh Jr,'fT THE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY Sheriff. onenn. Milwaakec. WU. Oct. 24 -C n4' A vsik