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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1896)
THE COURIER. (. it I j C h ELEANOR'S ? Q .Vy Dkar Penelope: The scriou9 minded women, young and old, who belong to cluba and all kinds of thinking and speaking societies are in danger of forgetting the necessity for society entirely separate from any scheme of improvement. I have heard serore ladies condem men's clubs which they say are only for the purpose of drinking, playing cards ana gossiping. Well, all except the first occupation is sanitary. When his own affairs domes tic and financial are in a very uncertain does a man good to talk about his neighbors. Self improvement is a good thing of course, but temperance is bet ter. Men relax when they enter the doors of thfir club. They do not worry about their soul, their pocket book, or their wives and children. They smoke ami put their "eet where they like and if they want to they drink. Though club habitues say that men are drinking te-a instead of the varieties of alcohol they have been in the habit of stunning themselves. Two or three men come in bOCIAL AND &&.:&ki The Young Ladies Seventh Ward Mc Kinley club will give a reception to ditora and newspaper men generally, Monday evening. There will be a dis--cupsion of the subject: "The Outlook -of the Coming Election, and the Proba ble Result in the state of Nebraska. Harry Reese has gone to Denver. Omaha continues to make large drafts upon the time of Miss Marie Marshall This young lady is so thoroughly identi fied with the society of Omaha and Lin coln that she has almost an equal num ber of friends in both cities. Miss Mar shall went to the metropolis Thursday. She will see Richard Mansfield and at tend the Monday club dance. TO BE CONTENT AND HAPPY Use "Garland" Stoves and Ranges. For sale by Rudge & Morris. Miss Sadie Burhnam was among the fortunate few who went to Omaha this week to hear Mansfield. Mrs. P. E. White, Mrs. Atwood and Mrs. Palmer who came up last week to attend Mrs. Lambert6ons and Mrs. Campbells 'At Home," have returned to their home in Plattsmouth. The Lorelei quartette-Mrs. D- A. Campbell, Miss Maud Oakly, Miss Terry and Mrs. Edwards of Oiiaha, sang Thursday evening at the Woman's fed eration of Clubs which meets in Fre mont. "Misses Boggs and Caffyn have moved their dre33miki ; rootrs to a new loc tion over the republican headquarters on N street between Eleventh and .Twelfth. The September meeting of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution was neld at the residence of Mrs. S. E. Up rton on L street between 11 and 12th. -A very able and interesting paper, The JPeriod Previous to 1G20 was read by 'Mrs: Coggshall. It was then decided 4hat the Chapterobserve Forest-Father's 3ay in an appropriate manner at the torn-) of Mrs. S. B. Pound. The re- aiinl9rofth3 afternoin was spent in a i h C j C J C HP . LETTER : S3 m ru n n n we? m &, and order a pot of tea; as it dissapears they grow bright instead of maudlin. Women go to clubs to listen to lady Henry Somerset, Miss Willard or a learned professor in lecture. They come away improved but depressed. Learn ing will not warm or make you cheerful, quitothe contrary; it frequentlj gives you cold feet and makes you unhappy. It is much better to bo content with the little we know and make it go as far as possible than to dispise the innocent recreation of male beings who do not know any better. Everybody is getting ready for the weddings that I told you about last week. The Lansing and the Funko are dark, even Mattson Baldwin is talking politics. When what is going to happen has happened there may be soma parties to write to you about and I shall Lot be driven into a discourse that you will probably throw away as soon as you find out what it is about. But I am Yours You Know. Eleanor. Mk: rW PERSONAL (L SS)j cVb m iic- iJ 0'i! r'GS&'y W pleasant and profitable manner. The Mandolin Club met with Mies Maud Oakly for practice last Monday evening. The club is progressing re markably fast in technique. Mrs. T. M. Marquette returned last Sunday from a month spent with rela tives and friends in Illinois. Monday she left for Kansas City to visit her son. While there she will attend the "Priests of Pallas." John T. Dorgan went Denver on bus iness this week. Misses Sarah B. Harris and Olivo latta went to Fremont on Thursday to attend the meeting of the State federa tion. The most delicious cold boiled ham is always to be found at C. L. Chipman's meat market. 120 South Twelfth. Col. F. Connell Zehrung will go to Omaha io day to take in Richard Mansfield's presentation of "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde" tonight. Mr. Mansfield's week engagement in Omaha has at tracted a great many people to the Metropolis. A number will go up this afternoon. The Flower Mission held one of Its regular meetings Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Miss Henrietta Hol lo wbusb. From two to five there was a business meeting, and several matters of importancewere satisfactorily diposed of. Beginning at five o'clock the men drop. peu in, anu ai a mue alter six a very delicious lunch was served. The some- 2 what remarkable success of the Flower O Mission merits a few words at this time. About six months Q ago a number of the most 6 popular young society rjrls and matrons conceived the idea that it would be an excellent plan to use the tlowers which are given to them and others which they might be able to secure, for the purpose of making cheerful sick rooms and hos- pital wards throughout the city. The idea was immediately put into execu- lion, and the Flower Mission has been (tak 1pm doaoi, He will tell you that been endorsed by the twenty years. 11ns palatable always uniiorm always contains the purest Norwegian and Hypophosphites. You should in tS sist on Scott's- Emulsion, with trade 1 mark of man and fish. Put up in 5o cent and sizes. The small size may be enough to cure your cough or lipln votir hnbv. X a But in no case is ul,-ci- o nA" Third publication October 10. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein National Life Insurance company of Montpelier, Vermont, is plaintiff, and CJarlos C. Burr defendant. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 23th day of October, A D. 189G, at the east door or the court, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: Lot F Cropsoy County Clerk sub division of lot one (i), two (2), three (3), four (4). in block fifty-three (5.1) in the city of Lincoln, the west half ( J) ' the south half (i) of lot twelve (12), in the southwest quarter (kt) of section thirty six (36). town ten (10), range six (G) east of theGth P. M., also three hundred and twenty-five (325) feet off the north end of the west hair ,) of the west half (Js) of the northwest quarter (J) of tho northwest quarter (.) of section one (1), town nine (9), range six Gl, cast of the 6th P.M.. also fifty 50 "feet off the south end of lot one 1 and fifty 50 feet off the south end of the east half of lot two 2 in block one hundred and eighty 180 in tho city of Lincoln, also lot eight 8j. block eighty-five 35, in the city of Lincoln, all in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 25th day of August, A. D..1S96. John Trosnpen, Sheriff. Oct 21. oO30O0OO000000000OOC&SOCn 8 GO TO 8 California x In aTourlstsleeper 8 It is the RIGHT way. O Pay more and you are j extravagant. Pay less 2 and youareuncomfort- 5 able. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest riding Tourist sleepers are used for our Personally conducted excursions to California which leave Lincoln every Thursday at 10:30 a. m., reaching San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Au gelcs Monday noon. Ask G.W.Bonnell city ticket agent, cor 10th and O Sts., Lincoln Neb for full information 8 o or write to 8 J. Fkancis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb. o o o o 03090000030000003030003000 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. The old newspaper saying, "now is the time to subscribe," was never more true than at present. The times are so full of incident, so many important national and 6tate affa'rs are shaping themselves for a change, that no one can afford to Scott's Emulsion h?s medical profession for. 0 -r ... . i is because it is always p, 5 I Lod-liver uii Aa aft al S4VArAntiIxjiri ia,twomvvwowa km, be without a metropolitan daily or weekly. The St. Louis Republic, the greatest democratic newspaper, is mak iug a special offer of its daily and Sun day paper for three months at 81.50. It is SG a year by mail. The Twicea Week Republic is sent two times a week 101 papers for only ?1 a year. In addition to all the political news, it prints every day a spread of general news and features not equalled by any other paper. GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Ploylnc Cards. Send 12 conts in stamps to John Se bastian, Gen'l Pass. Agent C. R. I. & P. R'y, Chicago, for the slickest pack of playing cards you ever bandied, and on receipt of such remittance for one or more packs they will be sent ou post paid. Orders containing GO cents in stamps or postal note for same amount will se cure 5 packs by express, charges paid. Dec. 12. Second Pub. Oct 10. SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of an order of sale, issued by the Clerk of the District Court of the Third Judi cial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein William Stull and Louis Stull. partners as Stull Brothers are Plaintiffs, and Joseph Barrett asAd ministrator of tho estate of Michael Barrett deceased etalDefendants.I will, at 2 o'clock P. M.. on the 1th day of No vember A. D.180G, at the East door of the Court House, in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer for 83le at public auction the following de scribed Real Estate, to-wit: Tho Northwest quarter of Section thirty (30). in township twelve (12). North of range five (5), East of tha 6th P. M. in Lancaster County, Ne braska, Subject to a prior Mortgage thereon for the principal Sum of $1,700. Given under my hand this 1st day of October, A. D.,1896. John J. Trcmpen, Sheriff. Oct 31-F gaoooooocco ooogooooooo 8 CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS 8 ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS 9 PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES 8 5 PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUPS 8 exterior riEirs 0 Tho Photographer O g 129 South Eleventh Street. g 09000000030 00000000303 Under new management MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR. FAXTOX, HULETT DAVENPORT, Proprietors. peeUl attention to atate trade, (neat a4 oaamercial trarelers. Faraam street eleetrto tara pass the door to and from all oarta of he See the new Photochromes at Cran cer & Curtice Co.'s. 207 South llth street, the newest thing In pictures. rm L