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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1896)
THE COURIER. Jtv- i. ?i. h 'v3" ?l3 &" -. -is 11 THEATRICAL NOTES I his witty "skits'' for the Actors' Order of Friendship benefit next month. On this occasiou Robson and Crano will 'probably appear together in tho forum sec no from Julius Caesar. We have for rent a centrally loeaiet mmmmmmmmmzmmmmik ?6WWWWWW,55tfS' nwu Considerable interest ia being mani fested by tho theatre going public in the announcement of tho tirst presentation n this city of the comedy drama "Ten nessee's Pdrdner." Scott Marble, the well known playwright, is the author, and ho has taken for his material tho stirring incidents, pathetic and humor ous situations of Brot Harte'a novel of that title. The play is a romance of tho mountains, telling a vividly interesting story of adventure, written as only that famous story teller and traveller can. Bret Harte's name is a household word. His books have been davoured by both young and old, and any play adapted from hiB writings is sure to be greeted with enthusiasm. Though "Tennessee's Pardner' has never been seen here. It comes to us with tho endorsement of long engagements in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and other large cities. It enjoyed a prosperous run at tho Four teenth States theatre and afterward duplicated that success at Niblo's and the Columbus theatres. New York. It has been produced over five hundred times, but this season has broken all records for the phenomenally large audi ences the play has drawn in every city visited. The company is headed by Harry Hainhall. the popular young leading man; Chas. B. Hawkins, the famous comedian, Esther Williams who is so favorably remembered as leading lady with Maude Granger, JefFreys Lewis. David Henderson and Edward Harri"anl: Jane Corcoran, the gifted other players Maurice Barrymoro wants Mario Bur roughs to play the leading part in hia now play Roaring Dick and company. "Tho Cripple Creek Bandits," and "Molly,"' are all examples of his work that have tho "carry-away-with-you" quality. Messrs. Klaw & Erlanger, who control the rights to "In Gay Now York," recently addressed a letter to managers f theatres throughout tho country, asking their cooperation in preventing tho piracy of these Bongs and the response was geneously favora ble, so that it is not likely that this burlesque's songs and music will bo come prematurely hackneyed and over worked. Joseph Jefferson will play but four teen weeks this season. His territory will bo a practically new ouo to the vet eran actor. Ho has spent the summer at Buzzard's Bay where he has a water front of a mile and a quarter. His fam ily is an interesting one and includes seven children, nine grand children and two great grand children. The small boys are standing beforo the bill boards distributed about tho city and pointing out with interest tho exciting features that some of them de pict. One of them shows a man stuffed in a barrel while another with a drawn pistol ascends a desperado ladder into a garret that bristles with death to tho villain, hair breadth escapes for the hero ard hair lifting suspense for tho audience. "Tho Pirate's Dumb Slave or the Seven Pockets of Blood" may be a penny dreadful but there was a time when it held us all in thrall as Shak- SIOUX CITY AND RETURN W.73. BRICK BLOCK IN LINCOLN. Account Inter-Stato Fair, Sept. 10 to 19, inclusive, tho only through Sioux City line, Elkhorn and Sioux City and Pacific, will sell tickets to Sioux City and return at ono faro for the round trip. Trains leavo depot, corner Eighth and S streets. 7:15 a. m. and 1:45 p. m. City office. 117 South Tenth st. Sept 19 Complete modern conveniences: will lease entire building or part of It SALESMEN. Wo want ono or twomon in WANTED each county to take orders for Nursery stock, and are willing to pay well for good work. Wo agr to REPLACE FREE anything that dies from natural causes. We also havo a choice lino of SEED POTATOES. Givo us a trial. THE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY, Milwaukee. Wis. VERY DESIRABLE FOR EITHER Mrs. Sldell 1232 O street. Is the favorite modiste. SULPHO-SALTNE Ei wholesale or retail trade, terms to the right party. Attractive Apply ta 1,1111 HOLM & REED. 1201 O at. Time i Wlon SAVE IT BY 11 I COR 14 AND M. LINCOLN, NBBRAJ i ii !-. wnon ir nnifi ua an in inpaii o vnnmr inpeilUe. atlU Oilier uiajettJ - . .... aa J"-"" o - . . - 1.1 i. rnL equally prominent. The play is in Tour P" cuuiu now xno opooner s present acts and will prove a delightful even the bloodcurdling, old-fashioned melo- uraiua wuu a romantic lervor mat sug gests "The Mysteries of Udolpho" or u i4u v. "The Children of The Abbey." Go to It is a curious thing that, although heflr them if f let your blood be chilled with the ing's entertainment. Open at all Hours Day and Nlgrt All forms of bathe. TURKISH. RUSSIAN AND ROMAN ubu- IBS. iniscent and dear horrors of manufacturers, store keepers and build era of all kinds are curtailing their ex penditures and discouraging new enter prises, theatrical managers are as active, as ebullient as ever. The list of attractions booked by the two theatres inthiBpoliticB-riaaenuiwBuiwuufcuoou the contrary are untrue. i n.nrkv rtfaa nlontv nnri tnn belter wneu uiuuoj r j naa a very, plain lace, a retn- childhood. Madame Janauschek is going on the stage again. She will play in "The Great Diamond Robbery," all reports to Janauschek poor figure, Witk special attention to the cation of natural salt water bat, Several timet etronger than aea water. Special department for surgical oaeea and diseases peculiar to women. BaeamatUu, Skin, Blood and Nervosa Dl MM, Liver and Kidnoy Trouble and CfcraaM AUaaota are treated SDceesrfally. Sea bathing- may be enjoyed at all Ia vEiaaw ran KZy Ldara FavrnaM as 4 ? same piece or reai esuiio iicuu lu she speaks with a strong German ac seven owners in as many days. But cent and now she is old. It is a long bard times make good companies a ne- t!me B-mce she wafl yQllD(,. yet fihe haB Mf lirn salt iwimmlo nnrftl. SOzltf fanft. 10 feet deep, heated to uniform temperatue el Bsaecrees. DR8- M. H. AND J. O. EVERETT Managing Physicians. few -:., When a man nas uuiv a dollars to spend on amusements, he is careful to get his money's worth. The announcements of attractions are .rutinized as never before, and the poor dollar sho-vs are sifted out quicker Ma are BUrvivalB of a Bchool that . Oft-Ill tllA such commanding, such overwhelming genius that when she is on the stage the audience is conscious of but one inspir ing, noble, heart-bursting being and that Janauschek. She and Joe Jeffer- re than by any omBrF-- " jected, rant and theatricalism for sim- weightof an anxiety, imposed oy siren- pHcity and romantic realism. The new- uous times, makes amusement more of eflt exampiea of that 6choo, a necessity than ever. And good acting CJay Ciement and Richard Mansfield receives a double reward. First, because have not developed their art into any- the actor's work deserves it; second, the thiog more perfect than that thev r(J audience is grateful that another's wit ceived from their predeces80r8 Tho can lift for a few hours a burden paraIy8;sof age may havo deBtroyed which must bo resumed in the morning. janaUBChek's power. It is a long time since she played here. Inspiration is "In Gay New York." tho successful cruei and fickle It leaveg a perBOn at a burlesque and review that will occupy time when he needs it most and without the stag at the Lansing early this sea- aDy preparatory signs of departure, son. has many attractive point;, and f ea . tures, and no one of these impresses itself' more fixedly upon an audience ,un the tuneful, swinging and catchy CLARKSON LAUDRY CO. . . . Mouth Eleventh Skmt. ' PlCTOXV Actual time traveling. .11 hours to Salt Lake. ul hours to San Francisco. CS hours to Portland. 77 hours to Los Angeles. FROM LINCOLN, NgB City office, 1014 O street. See the new Photochromes at Cran cer & Curtice Co.'s. 207 South 11th street, the newest thing In pictures. Alexander Salvini is now at his father's villa in the hills of Fiesole, Italy, where he is fast regaining his music provided for it by the well known etrength. He has been under the treat composer, Gustavo rierKer. iniB com- ment or Professor Groeco, the most emi noeer's facility in investing his musical DeDt medical authority of Tuscany, who mposiuonBWiin we popular Huaiiy saiu mat young saivini simply needed quality tnai gives uui.-uuoi.iuuo resi anu quiet co thnt .: tha font in keemnirtime.J e mouuu iv. . - air-has resulted in a general 1) ni nd for his services. Someofthebu work he has vet done in this line s to be found in "In Gay New York." The song of the "Choo-Choo Cars." "Forty Miles From Schenectady to Troy, "Take Me Down to Coney Island." "Lurline." When wanting a clean. ed sbat r an artistic hair-cut. try I f. Westerfield THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST. who has an elegant barber shop with oak chairs, etc., called "The Annex" at 117 North Thirteenth street, south of Lansing theatre. M MiS MLSO VERY MEAT MATH OOOO ooo CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OFGROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS Q The Photographer J5 1-20 South Eleventh Street. ooooooooooo. ooooooooo Cnder new management T:lh:tlall SS merchants- hotel jeska. who was in San Francisco on her OMAHA, NEBR. way to Monterey, Cal., staling that her IAXT01' HpJJ-t ' health is greatly improved. .. ropr or. aMeUl attention to etata trade, amaat aa4 Wmi !! travelers. Farnaai street Clay M Greene has wrJttAn nn. r aispaaa taa door to and from all carta aft ajW DR. F. D. S5!):nVLV DENTIST, Porcelain Fillings, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ROOMS 17. 18, 19. BURR BLOCK SECO.ID FLOOR. Lincoln Nebraska