The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 12, 1896, Image 3

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We give a cordial invitation to all ladies interested in
to visit our Dress Goods Department. We are showing
an exceptionally choice assortment of
was speaking the crowd was silent or
responsive as no wished. His power
over an audience is unmatched by any-
oneat the present time. Bhino and HDCCCAil A I" I IV I "
r- J llrfV(Ji t l IX 1 1 1 vJ,
Slogan's fireworks, paeans on Tyw's
daee for Bryan and Tyw is the cod of
war the young, fair Scandinavian god
that the Vikings carved on the prow of oneat the present time. Bhino and nPPM A IIIM Our Dressmaking De-
their boats, when they sailed out to Henry Ward Beecher had the same per- '- 1 - vSJ gJ I 1 1 11 t l VJ Dartment, in Charge Of
poeeees the land. Mr. Bryan excites an sonal following and the same maguetic MR. &. W. CHILDERS, is IlOW ready tor business
enthusiasm, a personal devotion that is control nf an audience but they died and
a hard matter to explain and oppose.
He has a way of picking out his friends
in the crowds that line the streets of
his r regress and of giving to each one a
friendly bow in a way that steadies a
wavering allegiance. He believes he
has his quarrel just and ho believes in
himself. A charlatan or a demagogue
believes in neither himself nor his cause
and.he is able to fool some of the people
for only a little while. Those who sur-
the scarcity of good speakers seems to
ehow that the warning was effectual.
The insects were all goldbugs, at
tracted by the electric lights and the
people they would have broken
up anything but a popocrat
meeting. They covered the bunt
ing back of the speaker bo that
the red and white stripes were a solid
brown. They filled up the electric
globes to the depth of several inches,
Miller & Paine.
round him the closest confess privately and the light was thrown out instead of
to intimates that their patron is a fraud down and the audience and speakers
In a Tourltit sleeper
and that they serve him only because
they are paid for it.
The small circle of newspaper men
who surround Bryan constantly are de
voted personal friends though most of
them are republicans and will vote for
McKinley. They are paid for adverse
criticism but criticism stops at the edge
of the platform he stands upon. His
personal character is unassailable and
those who know him best admit it.
The following taken from "The Chicago
Record" describes Bryan's day: "The
continuous welcome which the people
of Lincoln and largo contingents from
other parts of Nebraska gave Wiliiam J.
Bryan on his home coming today culmi
nated this evening in a grand demon
stration in honor of his formal notifica
tion of his nomination for the presidency
of the national silver party. From the
time Mr. Bryan reached this city at 11
o'clock in the morning, until the tired
crowds retired from the streets at a late
hour tonight, thero was parading
through the streets of the capital city
by local and visiting campaign clubs,
nearly all with brass bands in front.
Thero was an escort procession from the
Burlington depot; another that accom
panied Mr. Bryan to his residence; a
mass meeting in the state house grounds
in the afternoon, and the third and
greatest preceding the notification cere
monies. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan, George
A. Groot, chairman of the notification
committee, and Norris Humphrey of
Lincoln rodo together in the midst of
the night parade. Men iu white duck
uniforms, carrying flambeaus, formed a
picturesque part of the parade. Nearly,
if not quite, 1,000 mounted men were in
line, and these, with the silver caped 2 J. Francis, G. P.
organizations aevoieu to me iree-coin-age
cause, fired off sky-rockets and
roman candles as they proceeded. With
the arrival of the torchlight procession
the crowd gathered about the capitol
was Increased ten-fold. It seemed many
times larger than the audience of 5,000
that listened to Mr. Bryan in the after
noon. Norris Humphrey presided at the
meeting and introduced Georgo A.
Groot of Ohio, chairman of the notifica
tion committee who formally notified
Mr. Bryan of his nominaticn by the
National silver party for president."
The parado was a beautiful sight as it
turned up Fifteenth street from O. The
spectacular effect of one thousand men
with torches and cheering as they
marched elicited admiration from tho
crowds who watched it from the capitol
The candidate looked somewhat hag
gard and his voice has lost sweetness
from much exercise in the open air. It
rings and carries as far as ever but it ie
not so pleasant to listen to. While he
were in seir.i darkness. The men on
the platform covered their heads and
necks with newspapers and handker
chiefs and the bugs buzzed on. It was
after twelve before the speakers were
willing to let the people escape. On way borne the democrats and
populists said it was a grand meeting
and a presage of coming victory. The
republicans said it was a very small
turnout, and was remarkable for the
abscence of representative people.
H?2Ngt -
n?2 N t;
tU8i?5i.!'? 8 8bsoo
-. j u.v.w M..V4 JWM 4W
extravagant. Pay less
and you are uncomfort
able. The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest
riding Tourist sleepers
are used for our
The Indestructible "Maywood
Personally conducted
excursions to
which leave Lincoln
every Thursday at
10:30 a. m., reaching
San Francisco Sunday
pvening. and Los An
geles Monday noon.
Ask G.W.Bonnell city
ticket agent, cor 10th
and O Sts., Lincoln
Neb for full information
or write to
3-e Most Podero.
Most Relitblt.
Most Danbl
Wheel on Earib.
A. Omaha, Ned.
j0 I I 77lfc. fcrttrssrtin. 4 fjj I sCV
m7 k AFjl maywood yCyfn wvOy
yfZ 1 1 Yr 3 ModelNo.5 s Xr
IVTFVT J Feb. 21, 1891
Oct. 3, 1893
J.111 1. 1895
.Tan. 21, 189C
Other Fending-
The Flier will make better time by
several hours to St. Louis, Cincinnati,
Washington, New York and to all east
ern points, than any other line out of
Lincoln. It Is a screamer.
For Information about rates, connec
tions, cts, or for sleeping car berths,
call at city ticket office, 1201 O streeL
F. D. CORNELL. C. P. & T. A.
A delightfully cool and attractive
place these warm days la the handsome
store of Sutton & HoIIowbush, 12th and
O streeL A new addition is a large and
beautiful onyx soda fountain, one of tho
finest In the state. This Is presided
over by an expert fizz cleric. This sea
son nut Ice-cream and many new flavors
In cream and ices are strong favorites
Mr. Sutton's cream has a state reputa
tion; he fills orders dally from many
outside points; and Is making a special
ty of this trade. The line of candy is
now larger and finer than ever. Confec
tionery always fresh; many novelties.
The "Maywood" is the strongest and simplest bicycle ever made. Adapted for all kinds of
roadrt and riders. Made of material that ii solid, toutih anil wiry: simple in construction,
easily taken apart and pat together: has few parts: is of such wiry construction that its parts
will hold together even in anacci lent: no hollow tubing to crash in at every contact: a frame
that cannot be broken: so simple that it adjusting parts serve a its connecting parts; a one
piece crank in place of a dozen parts: always ready to give reliable and rapid transportation.
FK V l K Improved doable diamond. Kiirantf-ed for three year. Made of K-lnch cold
rolled steel rods (toughest and strongest metal for Its weight known): joined together with
aluminum bronze fittings in such a manner that it is impossible to break or any part work
loose: & marvel ot novelty simplicity and durability: the greatest combination of ingenuity
in bicycle mechanism known, to build a frame without brazen Joints and tubing, as you know
that tramescontinually break and fracture at brazen joints, and tubes when they are buckled
in cannot be repaired. WHKKI.n 2s-inch: warranted wood rims, piano wire tangent spokes
and brass nipples. HUitS Large barrel pattern. TIISKi "Arlington" Hosepipe or Mor-g-m
A- Wright Quick llepair. or some other tirst-class pneumatic tire HEAKINUS Ball
bearings to every part, iiulndln wheels, crank axle, steering head and jedals. CUTS AN I)
CONKS Best quality tool stee', carefully tempered and hardened. CHAIN'S High grade
birdened center, rear adjustment. CKANK Our celebrated one-piece crank, fully pro
tected by patents; no cotter pins. KKACII Shortest. 2s inches: longest. 37 Inches. OKAK
r.i or 72. FltONT FDICK Indestructible: fork crown made from gun-barrel steel. HANDLE
Is.VK Reversible and adjustable: easllr adjusted to anr position desired: ram's horn fur
nished it ordered. .sAltI)LK-P..tF.. Gilliam, or some other first-class make 1'KDALS
l:at-trap or rubber: full ball bearing. FINISH Enameled in black, with all bright p3rts
nickel plated. Kach Bicycle complete with tool bag, pump, wrench and oiler. Weight, ac
cording to tires, pc lals, saddles, eta. 27 to 3) pounds.
$10 is oar SpecUl Wholesale Trice. Never before sold
for less. To quickly introdnc? the "31 lyircod" Bicycle, we
hive decided to make a special coupon offer, giving every
renter of this paoer a chance to get a hrst-class wheel at the
lowest price ever c!TereL On receipt of $J3.00 and coupon
we will ship to anyone the above Utcvcle. securely crated,
and guarantee safe dellrsry. Money -efunded if not aa
represented after arrival and examination. We will ship
C. O. D. with privilege of examination, for 36.00 and coupon
provided is sent with order as a guarantee of good faith.
A written binding warranty with each Bicycle. This Is a
chance ot a lifetime and you cannot afford to let the oppor
tunity pass. Address all orders to
163 West N ui Bur en Street. Bx 19 17, CHICAQO. ILL.
Coupon No.
No. 5 Maywood