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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1896)
t'.m 1 " F"!i ' I ' THE COURIER. THE LINLN LIFE" K88VL OCCUPIES MIDDLE GROUND BETWEEN THE "OLD LINE" OR OLD FASHIONED LIFE COMPANIES AND "AFTER DEATH ASSESSMENT"OR CREDIT SYSTEMS. IT ISSUES A CLEAN PLAIN POLICY ON THE FIVE YEAR DISTRIBUTION AND FIFTEEN YEAR SELF SUSTAINING PLANS SWi. ! : i t For full information apply to W. R. Proctor, Sec'y at home office rooms So4-fi-6-7, Farmers and Merchants Insurance block or to Frod S. Clinton or Allen S. Green , general agents. all things ladies and gentlemen. The hero came on followed by a friend, and the social strugglers disappeared joy ully, leaving the stage for the two men The friend went to look for aome one he had missed, and the heroTiad just time to finish a pungent comment, when the debutante came on. He went eagerly forward to meet her; but the despairing glance she gave him was the woman.not tse, actress, and his man's heart re ponded. What could be wrong? IleNras conscious of the physical ef fort wiih which she spoke, but no one else w. fortunately, he thought, and the actor caught his cue, and taking her hand, began making mad lore tn her. She snatched it away, and the 18th day of April, 189G, Stull Bros., the plaintiff herein, tiled their petition in the district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by William P. Onley (single), to George Thompson, and by him duly sold and ssigned to plaintiff, upon lot five (5), in block eighteen (18). Mills' Second addi tion to University Place, in Lancaster county. Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of onn certain promissory note said note dated September 1, 1892, for the Bum of 1500, due and payable one year from date thereof. Said note was not paid when the same became due, nor any part thereof, nor has said note or any part thereof been collected and paiJ; there is now due on said note and mortgage the sum of SGOO, for which Bum, with interest from September 1, 1891, at 10 per cent per annum, plaintiffs him made her slender, girlish tigure eem taller, and when the hero at tempted to put his arm about her she foroke away and tan swiftly to the other aide of the stage. There by a chair she sank on her knees with her head on the cushioned seat, and the hero, following, continued his impassioned appeal. But her pose seemed to him strained; she did not take her cue when he finished, and in the silence the few words spoken by the prompter were clearly audible. But still she did not speak or more, and alarmed, the hero leaned down and touched the debutante and her head fell on his arm. .The hero was sunk in the man, who sharply ordered the curtain rung down, and he was gently supporting the life less tigure when the manager rushed on and people scurried hither and thither, trying restorative?, glring orders inter spersed with characteristic comments. In front tho audience was waiting to know the cause of the excitement. Had the debutante fainted? Men went out to hear what they could, and the women waited impatiently. The curtain rolled tip quietly; the ball room scene was etill set, but the manager stood alone on the stage. With fewest words be said the debutante was dead; the heart had probably giren way. She had been ander a long and severe strain. The curtain fell aain. and talking, the people left the theatre; horrible and hocking they called it; she did not look as though she had been under any strain. Sotae of the people went off to supper; it was early yet; one coul 1 not go home. Later one party was joined by a man who had also been ii the audience. He was a doctor and had just left tha .debutante. It was her heart undoubt edly, he said; she had evidently had an -organic weakness and had worked be jrond her strength; the excitement of lier debut was the climax. She took -care of a young invalid sister, he had ihearJ at the theatre; it was a terrible iaffair. (One of the women agreed with him, and then raised her glas3 gaily to give a toast: A more cheerful ending to the next theatre party. The Story Teller. First Pub Aug 22. NOTICE. The Vermont Marble company, and the Pomeroy Coal company. Non-resident defendant will take notice that on the 17th day of August, 1S9G. Mary Smith Cobb the plaintiff herein filed her petition in the district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, against James-F. Sheehy and Margaret Sheeby, the Vermont Marble company, and the Pomeroy Caal company, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by the Baid James F. Sheeby and Margaret Sheehy to plaintiff, theD Mary A. Smith, now Mary Smith Cobb, to secure the payment of a promissory note, dated Norember 19, 1890, for the sum of thir teen hundred and twenty dollars (81,320) due and payable on tho 1st day of De cember, 1895. That there is now due on the said note and mortgage the sum of 81,071.40, for which sum, with ten per cent inter est from the 17th day of August, 1896, the plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be requited to pay the same or for said premises to be sold to satisfy the amount now due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 23th dav of Sep tember, 1S9G. M.vnv Smith Cobb, By Lamb & Aaams, Her Attorneys. Sept 12 NOTICE. (First publication August 29. William P. Onley. Leri Igou and E. J. D: emline. first name unknown, de fendants, will take notice that on the OOOOO'O'OOOOO H. W. BROWN Druggist and I Bookseller, g Fine Stationery O 8 nd Calling Cards Q 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. : OOOOOOOOOO-O : DO YOU WANT TO SAVE TIME? Well the new flyer leaving Lincoln at 3:20 p. m. via Missouri Pacific will save you several hours to St. Louis, Cincin nati, New York and all eastern points and connections are made in the St. Louis union station, the most expen sive, completn and finest in the world Any information or sleeeping car berthp city ticket office 1201 O St added diirnitv she had when renulsinir pray for a decree that defendants be requirea ic pay me same, or inai eaiu premises may be Bold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday, the 5th day of October, 1896. C. C. Flansbcrg, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated August 29, 1896. Sept 19 HIGH ART BICYCLES Acknowledge no equal, no peer. They have proven to be not only "good as the beat" but actually the very best wheel made. Call at 1217 O and examine them Insure your wheel in the American Wheelman's Protective association. New wheel if your'a is stolen. O. A XVIRICKI, 1917 O St FOR CLEANING THE SCALP Removing Dandruff, preventing the hair from turning gray, and pro moting a luxuriant growth, no finer thing can be used than the electrio treatment, given by Mrs Demarest at Herpolsheimer's store T. J Thorpe & Co., GENERAL BIOYOLE REPAIRERS in a branches. - Repairing done aa Neat and Complete as from the Factories at hard time prte All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN. a runaway train Sometimes, through accident or neglect, control of a train is lost and it speeds down the grade. It is so easy lo go down hill ; but the journey back is slow and hard. Have you been climbing up in strength, accumulating force? Or have you been going the other way, losing ground? of Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphites, checks the downward course. It causes a halt ; then turns your face about, toward the top of the hiil. You cannot do anything without good blood : Scott's Emulsion makes it Your tissues must have the right kind of food : Scott's Emulsion furnishes it. Your nervous sj-stcm needs a tonic : Scott's Emulsion supplies it. You need a better appetite: Scott's Emulsion gives it. You have hard work ahead : Scott's Emulsion prepares you for it. 50 cts. and i a bottle. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. LbPSbWB. BbHPW. aViF bvLI r Maf BVv4BTaawsk4 lu4i I aftJU 9JnS JWy QaJ Mbl. "MI. M This rwuiBwrtr enrei qotekir, permanently a& Berrous diseases. Weak. Memory, Lass of Brain Power, lleadache. Wakefulness. Lm( TllaJltr. Klshtlr Xmla! s. evil dreams, lmpotencr and wasting diseases caused br invi vtmmkii vuuwuua uu uiaivs. IS It, DSarrt3 MWIQ tedleat bAk. sen led pin In wrapper, with testimonial and flnanrinl vtaTMUnc. ynchnrmfarcnnniltatltmM- Rnoartof Irmitn ML tw(. flnni I Tl'j rrc"T.Tit1-fittTTM,nrrTrnT .BMiiliTiBHili.TlliBfi oc sale tn Lincoln. Neb., by H. W. 3 ItOWX, Dnrgiiu E 11-12 PI II --