The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 05, 1896, Image 5

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LS-Jf .
ff'j. -
fftoBitj Followi the Musings and Labor at
All Such.
Some of the brightest minds have
been dreamers but they dream sensi
bly, says the Home Worker. They
educate themselves along the line
chosen as their life work. Darwin dream
ed over his "Origin of Species" twenty
years before it saw light. Milton
dreamed over his "Paradise Lost" from
boyhood. Columbus was condemned as
a soothsayer, a visionary, a quack,
yet for fifteen years of the cruelist an
tagonism he proved the truth of
his dreams and astonished the
dreams and astonished the world.
Ferdinand de Lesseps dreamed
for twelve years of bringing Lon
don nearly 4,000 miles nearer to
India by the reconstruction of the
Suez canal before the necessary per
mission was granted by the khedive
of Egypt. But these men dreamed with
a purpose. They read, argued, studied
and fought for their beliefs because
they knew they were right. They
knew from positive demonstration,
from actual knowledge. They had
weighed and analyzed and sifted and
refined until all facts and data were
made to converge to one common
center and end there in one grim, un
wavering point. When they laid their
fingers on a plan they saw the result
as it would arwear to the ignorant
ror a reception. Hfie naa mrrtea me
to her room. She was combing her
mass of yellow hair down over her
eyes and I thought it was only a trick
of getting her back hair out of tangles.
Judge of my surprise when she frizzed
up this mass with the comb as one
does feathers with a knife and let it
hang in front.
On went the ever-present English
toque over this heroic bang and I did
not wonder that bellboys stared.
But she was only arranging her hair
as all of her set do. Therefore !tt
every lover of beauty hope that even
the formality of Lady Helen's plain
forehead may make headway against
the untidy, unbecoming coiffeurs of the
women of the English nobility.
What a change the sleek, well-groomed
head of the American girl must be
to them!
Francis of Austria Made a Very Frank
While in Geneva in 1S01 Judge T. J.
Mackey of South Carolina was selected
by the American colony to deliver a
Fourth of July oration at a banquet
given In honor of the day, says the
Youth's Companion. It was attended
by all the foreign consuls and amonjf
them was the consul-general of
Anstrla-Hunaarv. who furnished fi.t
Scissor grinder How is business?
Kae Man- Pickine up.JJnw's ourt?
Scissor Grinder Prettv dull.
world when finished. They did not su
for hours consuming cigars and star
ing blankly at the open sky. They
worked; they bent every energy to
one grim purpose; all their lives were
devoted to the consummation of the one
supreme wish of their lives. They
gave their work, their hope, their life.
From the dim recesses of the human
mind, ordinarily so Incomprehensible,
they evolved the brightest thoughts
and followed the birth of each idea with
the sacred solicitude of a loving mother
over her first-born child. ,
Tbe Hideout Frizzed. Curled llanc Still
Has Fall Snrar.
Lady Helen Stewart, a fashion-leader
of England, has decreed that so
cietythat is, the feminine element
must part its b.iir on the side or ex
pose the foreli.-:''. jjulltless of coquet
tish curlF, say- Ms Philadelphia Pres3.
And fashion 'flat Is, in England
Is beginning to sway a bit in her direc
tion. While the American girl would look
with horror on this unferainine coiffeur
for her adoption, yet she gives a sigh
of relief when she thinks that maybe
Lady Helen's example will take effect
among the world of Britain's elect.
That frightful, curled, frizzled bang
that the princess of Wales Insists up
on retaining has spoiled the faces of
many women who might othcrw'se
have been called pretty.
I shall ne-er forget once seeing a
famous Ensl'eh actress make her toilot
Judge ilackey's anuress ine iuiioni..n
anecdote and vouched or its authen
ticity: A number of Americans residing in
Vienna In the year 1S10 united to cele
brate Washington's birthday and in
vited the Emperor Francis of Austria
t honor the occasion by his presence.
That genial monarch, a true gentle
man, although "every Inch a king,"
overlooked the disregard of established
forms Into which his would-be hosts
had been betrayed by their patriotic
zeal and made this answer in his own
"Gentlemen, I thank you for your
hospitable invitation and the gratify
ing terms in which jou have expressed
your desire that I should attend a ban
quet which you propose to give in cele
bration of General Washington's natal
"But you must excuse me from unit
ing with you to honor the memory of
your illustrious countryman, since I
could not do so with sincerity, for Wash
ington scorned a crown and did more
to bring royalty into contempt than all
men who have ever lived, and I am a
king by trade."
Perfectly Fiendish.
Husband Don't you think you art
rather unreasonable to expect me to
take you to a ball, stay awake until 4
o'clock and then get up at 8 to go to
my work?
Wife I may be a little unreasonable;
but it's brutal of you to mention it.
Odds and Ends.
Acknowledge no equal, no peer. They have provon to be not only MgooeV
as the best" but actually the very best wheel made.
Call at 1217 O and examine them
Insure your wheel in the American Wheelman's Protective
association. New wheel if your'a is stolen.
C A WIRICK, 1217 O JSt:
Removing Dandruff, preventing the ."
hair from turning gray, and pro
moting a luxuriant growth, no finer ,
thing can be used than the electric
treatment, given by Mrs Demaresc
at Herpolsheimer's store
Tf J Thorpe & Co.,
In a branches. -
Repairing done aB Neat and Complete as from the Factories at hard time prtesj
All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST.
Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN.
reVCSTO? 1??W93V9i-9Ji-m
Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neg
lected increase lb extent and gradualy grow dangerous.
9 If youare bilious, constipated DID A MC T A DI TI ITO
or have a disordered liver 'IMrniNO 1ADULDO
or you suffer distress in eating. TKC R 1 PA N S T A B U L E S
Ripans Tabules act gently bat promptly upon the liver, stomach and
Intestines; cleanse the system effectually; cure dyspepsia, and habitual
constipation, offensive breath and headache. One Tabule at the first
indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or
depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difll
cult. Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely approved
by modern science.
If given a fair trial Ripans Tabulea are an infallible cure; they
eontaia nothing injurious and are an economical remedy.
A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of CO
cents by
Local druggists everywhere will supply the
Tabules if requested to do so.
They are easy to take, quick te act and save many a doctor's bill.
Thla F Reurdy nres qalckly, pcrmaueotlr af
nerrou dtM-ure. Weak Memory. Lu of Brain Power..
Ileadacbe. Wakefulness. 1-o.t Vitality. Nluhtlr Kmls-
. evil dreuuis. Imnoteiicr and waMimc diseases caused hr
youtnfulrr-ort or txcttttt. Contain no opiates. Is a nerve Umle
nil bload bssllder. Jlairsthe paleandpunrst mnvand pi am p.
Eally curried lnetrnckrt.l per box; fnrSS. BrnialUp-e
paid. irf'A a trnllrn nnt rrnf or mrmrgrtjundtd. Write
Beitleal bonk, senlml pt-iln wrapper, with testimonial nnl
f!rnriltnlrc 'nrKnrne fnrronnilfarfons- Rrwartot imin
tUmt. M4k.Mrsran,r44mtSil:TKal.kDro.. JUMlcTawl.Csl.
for sal-in H. V. SHOWN. Drrfgtst.
e i8 per ii