The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 05, 1896, Image 11

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Mlsa Mame Carson spent Monday In
Dexter Clinton left Monday evening
tor Wyoming.
Mr. Paul Fitzgerald left Monday ev
ening for Denver.
Miss Clara Shepard started last Mon
day for Mt. Vernon, O.
W. S. Summers left last Sunday for
a trip to Yellowstone park.
Mrs. Jessie Moon left last Monday
for a trip through Colorado.
Miss Henrietta Hawly was visiting
friends In Omaha this week.
Mrs. Sadie Puckett returned last Sat
urday from her western trip.
Judge M. Li. Hayward of Nebraska
City was In Lincoln last Sunday.
Mr. Will Clark spent Sunday and
Monday with friends In Omaha.
.Miss Olive Graham was a visitor at
the State fair this week in Omaha.
S. C. Stuart was the guest of hte
brother J. M. Stuart last Saturday.
W. Farnam Smith of Omaha as usual
spent Sunday with his mother in the
fMrs. Mira Cropsey of Falrbury cam
to Lincoln to attend Mr. Ashton's fun
eral. Jimmie Stephenson left Monday for
a brief visit to his old home at Brown
ville. Sam E. Low Is not expected home
from Colorado until the last of this
W. W. Woods, one of the High school
teachers has returned from Pennsyl
vania, i
Mrs. James Monahan and sister,
Miss Jennie Kelly went to St. Paul
Miss Carrie Frischmeyer of Lafay
ette Ind., Is the guest of Mrs. Grant
- Miss Minnow Gillum has returned
from Cheyenne Wyo. and other west
ern points.
Miss Laura Houtz will be the guest
of Judge Kelly during the State fair
in Omaha.
Paul Percell of South Omaha called
on his parents and friends In this city
last Sunday.
Miss Minnie 'Millar left last week
for Henderson, la., to visit her friend
Miss Eva Paul.
Alta Shoemaker returned last week
from her pleasant visit with friends at
Syracuse Nebr.
Miss Li da Millar has returned from
her pleasant visit with Miss Nell Ran
dall of Omaha.
Miss Effle Steen has returned from
her six weeks' visit at Minneapolis and
Lake Minnetonka.
Mrs. D. F. Louge and daughters, Ma
ble and Grace, have returned to their
home in St. Louis.
Mrs. Van Dusen left Monday for
Chicago and New York city. She will
be gone two weeks.
Miss Bagtell of Holdrege, Xebr., who
has been visiting Miss Jennie Watson
left Sunday for Omaha.
J. S. Clark of Deersfleld, O., is spend
ing a few days In the city visiting his
cousin, J. R. Carrbthers.
Mrs. Carscadden and daughter Pearl
of Mllford passed through Lincoln from
Hot Springs last Monday.
Mrs. T. J. HIckey Is up from St. Jos
eph Mo. making her mother Mrs. Rec
tor a very pleasant visit. ,
Miss Jessie Leland returned last Sun
day from Hastings where she has been
visiting Miss Myrtle Brown.
Miss May Conley of Hastings, who
has been visiting Miss Etta Toole left
last Saturday for her home.
Mr. Albert Watkins left Monday for
Indianapolis where he will attend the
national democratic convention.
Miss Amber Barnaby has returned
from her delightful two weeks' visit
with friends in Minneapolis, Minn.
Mrs. S. J. Alexander of Appomattox
W. R. C. left last Monday to attend
the nation convention at St. Paul Minn.
Mrs. Dr. Beachly has returned from a
two months' visit with relatives and
.school-girl friends in Indianapolis, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cox and daughter
Mable and Fanchon Hooper have re
turned from their pleasant (rip to Har
vard Nebr.
Mrs. J. B. Wright left for Chicago
this week, to remain some time visiting
friends and relatives.
Mrs. F. W. Brown went to Omaha
Wednesday to see the fair and make her
father and sister a brief visit.
Mrs. Will Rehlander left Tuesday for
St. Paul, Minn., where she-will visit her
brother ten days.
Miss Ruth Bryan hag just returned
from Plattsmouth and Omaha whero
sho has been vipiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. R. Williams and
daughter Bertha of Grand Island, were
in Lincoln this week.
Chief Justice Norval aud Judge T. O.
C. Harrison of the Supreme court were
at the Lincoln Monday.
Frank Brown, who had been visiting
the Misses Dovey, the Bweet singers, for
a week, is now in Omaha visiting rela
tives. Mrs. E. P. Moore left Monday for
Warsaw, Ky., where she will visit rela
tives a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kellogg returned
this week from an extended visit in New
York state.
Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Diamond are en
tertaining Mrs. II. S. Keith and son
Ray or North Platte.
Mrs. Stebbins left Monday for a visit
with friends and relatives in Chicago
and Detroit, Mich.
Sam Adler went to Omaha last Mon
day. Tomorrow he will speak to the
Russian-Hebrew McKlnley club In
Brodky's hall.
Miss Edna Moore, a talented elocu
tionist of Omaha Is the guest of Mrv
and Mrs. Cris Lanquet of 115 South
Thirteenth street.
Dr. C. R. Tefft and family have re
turned from their fishing trip to the
Black Hills. They were accompanied
by John Marquette.
Miss Emma Gillespie who is a del
egate from the Appomattox relief corps
to the national convention, left Monday
for St. Paul, Minn.
Mrs J. Ppeier and children who have
been abroad five months traveling In
Austria and Germany were expected
home last Wednesday.
Prof. Fred C. Sheuch of the Univer
sity of Montana who has been the gueat
of his uncle. Frank E. Lahr, left for
Missoula last Saturday.
Miss Mae Bartlett of Omaha who has
been the recipient of so many parties
dinners and picnics given In her honor,
left for her home Tuesday.
Mr. Will Westermann departed last
week for Decatur 111., where he will
occupy the position of teacher of Latm
In the High school of that city,
uniformed students on our streets.
Miss Dot Druse left last Saturday
for Hot Springs S. D. She will be the
guest of Mrs. W. H. Stanley.
John M. Tanner, the editor of the
South Omaha Tribune, Bruce McCul
loh, editor of the Stockman, and A. R.
Kelley of South Omaha, were In the
city the latter part of last week.
Milton D. Tyler and wife left Monday
for St. Paul, Minn., where his parents
reside. Before their return to Lincoln
Mr. Tyler will go east for goods.
Mrs. E. Kent, matron of the Indus
trial Home at Mllford passed through
Lincoln Monday on her way to Denver
Col., and other points in Colorado.
W. M. Rehlander with his wife and
son Fred, and Mrs. Clara Klrkpatrlck
returned last week from a two weeks'
trip through the Yellowstone park.
William T. Chamberlain of the Com
mercial college returned last Saturday
from his four months' travel In Mex
ico and down through the Isthmus.
Matriculates for the Lincoln Medical
school are coming In remarkably fast.
This Is the case with most colleges.! It
will seem good to see again the blue
Miss Helen Welch returned from
Kansas City, where she has been vis
iting Miss Ada Gregg. Miss Welch
had spent a few weeks with relatives
in Iowa.
Messrs George and Silas Jones are
visiting their sister Mrs. Core, at 510
South Twenty-fifth street, where Mrs.
Nannie O'Daniel, Mrs. Core's daughter
will spend the winter.
Mr. William Hanna of Monmouth,
111. stopped over three days with his
cousin Mrs. Dr. Latta. Mr. Hanna
left his family In Manltou Col. where
they will remain until October.
Mr. John Dixon, who had just re.
turned from an outing in Colorado, was
in Lincoln a few dajs tho first part of
the week.
Miss Kathryn Kearns, who has had
such a pleasant six weeks visit with her
friend. Miss Laura Cauger, left for Chi
cago last Wednesday.
Miss Dena Loomis is visiting Miss
Elizabeth Bonnell of Chicago. A num
ber of former Lincoln people are help
ing to make her trip pleaBant.
Mr. Will II. Love returned this week
from a visi to his old homo in Hines
burg, Vt. At Cleveland he attended
the national conclave of Knights of
P) thians.
Miss Bessie Bartrutf returned Mon
day from Niagara Falls where she was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Doug
las's family during the summer.
Mr. J. A. Buckstatf returned Monday
from Sandwich, la. He was accom
panied by his daughter. Miss Clara, to
Omaha, where she will remain a week
visiting friends and seeing the fair.
Mrs. CS. Carscadden and family have
just returned from a two weeks' trip to
the Black Hills. They were not on the
fair grounds during the reunion as
stated in The Courier.
Mrs. E.S. Hawley returned last Sun
day from Boston, Mass., where she has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred
SmjBer. Mrs. Hawley is very much
improved in health.
Mr. E. H. Marshall, insurance deputy
n the state auditor's oflice, went to
Bloomington, Neb., Tuesday to attend
the wedding of his brother-in-law,
Walter L. Hadon to Miss Kate Clugh .
Misses Clara and Eva Granger of Ne
braska City who have been the guests
of their friend Miss Myrtle Whlted
and their cousins Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Hogue, during the reunion week, re
turned home Sunday.
Tho following lad'es composed a
Bwimming patty at the sanitarium Tues
day morning: Miss Mae Bartlett of
Omaha, Miss Katharine Criley of Kan
sas City, Mrs. Gilmure of Elk Point, S.
D., Misses Grace Oakley, xlice Righter,
Lottie Whedon, Alice Slaughter and
Sadie Burnham.
The young ladies of the Y. P S.C.E.
of the First Presbyterian church gave a
very charming trolley party Tuesday
evening. The well tilled and brilliantly
lighted car started from the church,
corner Thirteenth and M streets at 8
o'clock for a two hours ride over the
A very Interesting picture which be
longs to Fred Cooley, Is displayed In
the Elite windows. It Is a group of
Beta Theta Phi fraternity men who
were attending the national fraternity
convention at White Sulphur Springs,
Miss Gertrude Marsland who Is vis
iting her married sister Ip Spokane
Falls, Wash., Is reported to be having
such a delightful time that she will
not return until some time In October.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. DeLong of Clar
Inda, la., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. V. Chandler at 1710 D street.
On Monday, the following named peo
ple left over the Northwestern railroad
for the national G. A. R. encampment
at St. Paul: Gen. J. H. Culver and wife.
Gen. James D. Gage and wife, Con
gressman Strode, Joseph Teeter, Capt.
Phelp3 Paine, Mr. Ehrardt and wife,
Mr. Paine, Mr. and Mrs. Hoon, Richard
O. Williams, Mrs. J. E. Roth. W. M. Ty
ler, Miss Green, Mrs. M. Popst, City
Clerk J. W. Bon en, Commisloner H.
C. Russell and John E. Evans.
, A club which will not only be of
profit to the members but also of pleas
ure to Its friends Is this one. compos
ing the following member. Miss Laura
Houtz, Florence Farwell, Henrietta
Holiowbush, Grace Oakly, Maud Ouk
ly, Mae Burr, Olive Latta, Mrs. F.
W. Smith, Mrs. L. M. Marshall, Messrs
John Farwell, Frank Burr, Fred White,
C. Y. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burr,
and Mr. and Mrs Roxa Curtice.
Last week's Issue of the Courier men
tions the trolley ride of August 27th
as having been enjoyed by the wrong
party. It was given in honor of Miss
Kathryn Kearns of Chicago by Miss
Laura Cauger After the ride through
the noisy McKlnley demonstrations
dainty refreshments were served on the
lawn at her home, 1W3 Twelfth street.
The Chinese lanterns In the trees gave
a pretty fantastic appearance to the en
tire affair which was a decided success.
Miss Lytlo of Greenwood cave a
house party to the young ladies of the
Pi Beta Phi fraternity and their friends
four da s of last week. The mothers
were invited to spend tho first day, the
20th of August. Several Lincoln girls
who were not members of the fraternity
together with some from Ashland were
invited to a picnic on the 24th. The
numerous picnics, parties and dinners
which were given to the young ladies is
sufficient proof of tho royal hospitality
extended to them at tho Lytlo home.
Mr. and Mrs Lytlo were assisted in en
tertaining by Mr. and Mrs. Shaw
and Mr. and Mrs. Quackecbush.
The following were invited: Misses
Bessie Turner, Mae and Jessie Lansing,
Ana and Oda Closson, Annie Stuart,
Freeda Shell, Jean Tuttle, Kate Walk
er, Lincoln; Belle and Grace Reynolds,
York; Netta Bunting, David City; May
and Martha Catlln, Ada De Bols, Belle
Von Mansffield, Veda and Halite Wil
son, Ashland; Gertrude Branch, Om
aha. Mesdames Lansing, Turner, Clos
son, and Walker spent one day with tha
young ladles.
Last Wednesday afternoon the mem
bers of Holy Trinity choir and congre
gation returned from their delightful
ten days' camping on the Chautauqua
grounds at Crete. The Rev. Percy A.
Silvers was more than successful in his
plans to make the time pass pleasantly.
Boating, driving, reading, fishing and
outdoor sports of all kinds made the day
of departure come too quickly to the
following people: Rev. Percy A.Silvers,
Messrs. and Mesdames H. J. W. Sea
mark, Mariner, Ralston; Mesdames R.H,
Oakley, Letting, Sizer; Misses Marie
Hoover, Helen Hoover; Maud Oakley,
Agnes Sewell, Belle Beachley, Jessie
Lansing, Maud Tyler, Annie Betts,
Olive Seamark, Stella Rice, Helena Lau)
Fannie Geeting, Buncher; Messrs. Owen
Oakiey, Keenes, Herbert Beachley, Ar
bor Barth,Taylor. Lau, Bert Betts, Lau,
Will Sizer. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs.
Lansing; Mesdames Ewing, Cowdery,
Ker; Miss Cowdery; Mr. W. D. Robin
son; "Master Ivan Lansing.
The season wanes, and now the good
housekeepers are so busy with the fall
sewing and preserves that the parties
this week are conspicuous for their ab
sence. This lack of gaiety may be due
somewhat to the fair. The AkSar-Ben
ball attracted a few Lincolnites last
night. Now tho summer girl, wearied
with travelling and the pleasures of life
at fashionable watering places, packs
her innumerable bags and trunks, into
which she has made a vain attempt to
ciowd the dozens of photographs, auto
graph fans, college pins and other
trophies, representative of scalps which
hang from her belt, and which Bhe has
captured during her outing before she
bids her last farewell. In a very short
time the autumn festivities will com
mence, and a large number of pretty
buds, who will be giving their coming
out parties, will make Lincoln society
exceedingly lively from now until the
winter season comes in with its club
dances, brilliant receptions and cotillions.