The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 29, 1896, Image 4

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James Giles left Tuesday for London,
W. T. Elmore of Talmage was in Lin
coin this week.
Rev. 0. C. Lasby left Tuesday for Hot
Springs, S. D.
O. E. Magoon starts next week for
Miss May Jones left this week for
Cleveland, O.
Mr. Joe Burns has gone to his gold
mines in Wyoming.
F. A. Barton returned Monday from
the Big Horn, Wyo.
Mrs. E. H. Bowen returned Tuesday
from the Black Hills.
The state fair will take a great many
people to Omaha next week.
Dr. and Mrs. U. F. Ladd leave Sun
day for Duluth and St. Paul.
S. L. Gheistbardt left Wednesday for a
three weeks visit in the east.
Mrs. Bartlett of Omaha has been
down to Lincoln twice this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dans of Tacoma
Neb., are attending the reunion.
Church Howe is a familiar figure on
the grounds at Camp Fairchild.
Mrs. C. S. Carscadden and family of
Milford had a tent at the reunion.
Mrs. Cochran left Wednesday for
Peoria, where she will visit friends.
Miss Mable Tuttle returned this week
from her summer outing to Oregon.
Miss Olive Napper of Kearnoy, Neb.,
is visiting the family of H. A. Wise.
Miss Nellie Lau will attend the Ak-Sar-Ben
ball at Omaha next Friday.
Mr. William Dorcey of Beatrice is ex
pected in Lincoln today for a short
Judge Don Love who has been spend
ing his vacation in Iowa returned home
Mis. T. M. Marquette will leave next
week for a short visit with relatives in
Benton Maret, private secretary to
the governor, returned from Eddyville
Miss Eleanor Raymond will visit
friends and attend the fair in Omaha
next week.
Mrs. Scip Dundy, of Omaha, was in
the city this week, the guest of Mrs. W.
B. Ogden.
J. H. McColl, republican nominee for
governor of Nebraska, was in the city
this week.
Miss Grace Ringnurd, of Oak Point,
S. Dn leaves for her home the first part
of next week.
Miss Ethel Harman and sister from
Tecumaeh are here spending the week
with relatives.
Miss Marie Marshall will go to Omaha
next week to attend the fair and the
Ak Sar-Ben ball.
R. C. Hamilton and wife of Keokuk,
Iowa, are visiting this week with A. R.
Talbot and wife.
Mrs. Baird of Crete was in Lincoln
this week visiting friends and enjoying
the encampment.
Mia May Lewis of Boston, Mass., is
visiting Miss Charlotte Clark and other
friends is the city.
Miss Lids Miller went to Omaha this
week to visit her Kappa Alpha Theta
water. Miss Nell Randall.
Mr. asdMra.A. M. Davis and Mrs.
Rachel Hyde went to Bennett this week
to attend the camp meeting.
Mr. and Mrs W. Milton Tyler aro an.
ticipating a very pleasant visit with Mr.
Tyler's relatives in St. Paul.
Miss Kitty A. Baldwin, who has been
visiting friends in Ottumwa and Des
Moines, Iowa, returned this week.
Mrs. Honeywell and daughter have
returned from Tecumseh, where they
had a pleasant time visiting friecds.
Miss Mae Bartlett of Omaha was
visiting with Miss Alice Righter, Mrs.
Coats and Miss Eleanor Raymond this
Mr. Frank Stetson of Kansas City
has been in the city the pist week, the
guest of his mother, Mrs. T. M. Mar
quette. Mr. Fred White has another nice
gentleman visiting him for a few days.
This time it is Mr. Frank Stabler of
Frank Aubertine returned yesterday
from the Gulf of Mexico, where be has
been spending his vacation hunting and
John T. Mallalieu and John B. Cun
ningham went to Milwaukee this week
to attend the convention of republican
league clubs.
Mr. and Mrs. G Wheeler, of Fuller
ton, Neb., have been visiting their son
Mr. W. B. Wheeler, during the G. A. R.
Mrs. Dovey of Plattsmouth, grand
mother of the sweet little singers, is
camping with a party from Plattsmouth
at the reunion.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Bailey left last
week for Chicago and a tour of the lakes.
They expect to return about the middle
of September.
Miss Ella B. Harper and Laura B.
Fiske left Thursday for Omaha to spend
a week with the latter's 6iBter, Mrs. G.
W. Kenney.
Dr. Alton Saunders left for Brookings,
S. Dak., Tuesday. He is to take the
post of professor of botany at the state
agricultural college.
The Presbyterian church gave a very
pleasant church social Friday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Babcock,
on Thirteenth and J.
Mrs. L. C. Burr and daughter Mae
came home Thursday from ijake Oko
boji where they have been all summer
enjoying an outing.
Arthur Temple, a little twelve year
old gentleman from Mexico City, arrived
Wednesday for a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. D. E. Thompson.
Dr. Peters left this week for Milwau
kee, where he will deliver a lecture be
fore the national congress of veterinary
surgeons and pathologists.
The great republican parade Thurs
day evening drew out all the beaus and
and belles in the city. The soda foun
tains did a thriving business.
Mr. A. 3. Coff roth has returned from
an extended eastern trip, including a
voyage on the great lakes. Mrs. Goff
roth is visiting in Terre Haute, Ind.
A mandolin and guitar club is being
organized by a few ladies. The ultimate
number includes sixteen. The object is
Eocial amusement and practice.
Thomas J. Pratt and son George have
returned from their trip to Ireland,
where his mother now resides. They
were gone eight weeks on this delightful
Quite an event in the musical and
social circles will be the opera "Pow
hatan," which the ladies of the W. C. A.
are arranging for September 21, at the
A number of very small but exceed
ingly pleasant crowds were entertained
by Mi s Grace Oakley, Mrs. L. W. Mar
shall, Miss Slaughter, Eleanor Raymond
and others.
Miss Mary Jones, who has been visit
ing her parents at Pasadena, Cal., some
months, returned this week and will
again take up her work at the univer
sity library.
Miss Anna Broady, who is a delegate
to the convention of Kappa Kappa
Gamma fraternity, left Monday for
Evacston, III., accompanied by Miss
May Whiting.
Misses Grace Oakley, Alice Slaughter
and Grace Ringsurd and Messrs. Fred
White, Homer Honeywell and Harry
and two children of Elk Point, S. D.;
Miss Kate D. Harris, of Syracuse. Neb.;
Mr. Farnsworth, of Council Bluffs, la.,
spent Sunday.
A few favored persons in thid city
have received beautiful yellow invita
tions to the Feast of Olympia, which
will be celebrated in Omaha next week.
The invitation reads as follows: "Ak-Sar-Ben,
King of Omivera, Duke of the
Seven Cities of Cibola, is pleased to com
mand your presence at the Mystic
Revelries and the state ball attendant
upon his coronation before the Knights
of AkSai -Ben at their den, in his be
loved city of Omaha, Friday evening,
September 4, 189C, at 0 o'clock, Samson,
Lord High Chamberlin."
Clark gave a
evening Miss Charlotte
straw ride for her guest.
Lansing were out Thursday night sere- MiBB MaX k'8 of Massachusetts. A
nading their friends.
Regent C. il. Morrill received a postal
from Chancellor MacLean, written at
Berlin, in which he states that he will
return to Lincoln two days prei ious to
the opening of the university.
Messrs. Malialieu and Dixon, while in
Denver, were entertained by the Rich
eys, where Miss Lulu Dixon is also a
guest. They were so fortunate as to
meet Mr. Morrison, W. B. Howell and
Bert Wheeler of Omaha iu the city.
four-horse hay wagon, well upholstered
with straw and rugs, conveyed the party
to the grove west of the penitentiary.
While Miss Ciark spread a delicious
lunch on the grass, campfire was built
to boil the water for the coffee. The
guests were the Misses Bertie Clark,
Ena Rickets. Anne Spurck, Katharine
Brooks, Maud Hammond, Gene Getner
and Mary Lewis of Massachusetts.
Messrs. Otis Whipple, Alex Sheldon,
Earnest Folsora, Harry Evans, Will
Clark, Clark, Whitmoro, Carl Marlay
The party who have been enjoying an and Harry Barber; Mr. and Mrs. Meiss
outing at Milford returned home Mon- Qer.
day. Among the number of campers The many frienda of Mr. Edwin Ca
were Messrs. and Mesdames Fred Mil- mack and Miss Minerva Hendrickson
ler, William Lawlor. Judge Cochran and wi surprised to learn that thev have
wife and Mrs. Reed, who is a sister of joined their HveB in the Bacred bonds ot
Mrs. Miller. matrimony. The wedding took place on
A very elegant dinner and a pleasant Wednesday, at noon, in Columbus, at
evening was enjoyed at the home of the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs.
Judge and Mrs. Holmes by the follow- Cunningham, where the happy bride
ing people last Wednesday: Mr. and has been visiting this summer. The
Mrs. F. W. Smith, Mies Henrietta Hoi- Rev. Pulis, pastor of the Baptist ch'irch
lowbush,Florence Farwell, Ruth Holmes at Columbus, officiated, using a short
and Olive Latta, C. Y. Smith and John
Miss Dora Harley will return tomor
row from her summer outing at We
quetonsing, Wis., Mrs. Harley and the
remainder of the family are expected the
last of the week. Miss Dora has not
been home since last September, when
she started for boarding school at Nor
walk, Conn.
It ib understood that the ladies in
waiting for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball to be
held in Omaha during the state fair are
Mrs. G. M. Lamberison and Mrs. l). E.
Thompson. The maids of honor are
Miss Grace Oaklev and Miss Sadie
bi't impressive service. Miss Hendrick
son was known as one of Lincoln's
most charming young ladies, and Mr.
Camack is to be congratulated on win
ning so fair a prize. Mr. Camack is a
member of the Lancaster county bar
and associated with the law firm of
Harwood, Ames & Pettis. After Octo
ber 1 the young couple will be at homo
at 23G South Eleventh street. Their
friends join in extending congratulations
and w shing them a long and happy
Camping on the Blue river at Crete
has been quite popular this season. It
js there that the Rev. Percy A. Silvers
Burnhatn. Four remarkably goou rep- has taken the members of the Episcopal
choir. Also such members of the con
gregation who wished a little recreation.
They report a very happy time and au
enthusiasm which rains could not
dampen nor excessive heat suppress.
The time has been spent there in boat
ing, reading, visiting and in roaming the
very pretty grove along the river bank.
Their is little doubt that all these
campers will come home refreshed in
body and mind. Their absence in the
church tomorrow morning will make
them better appreciated when they do
Miss Lottie and her brother, Bert
Whedon, gave a very merry tally-ho ride
Tuesday evening in honor of their
guest, Mies Katharine Criley, of Kansas
City. The young people met at Mr.
Wbedon's handsome residence about
tandem party to ride to Ashland and gve and drove to Ensign s barn. Arriv-
resentatives of Lincoln.
Tuesday night Misses Margaret and
Bertie Clark invited a few friends to
ride on the last real load of hay of the
season to their farm in the country.
Their guests were Mrs. Clark, Mr. and
Mrs. Ogden, Mrs. Scipio Dundy of
Omaha, Miss Harris, Mr. Smith, Mr.
Hanna and Prof. Lyon.
The following clipping was taken from
the Kansas City Star of August 23, '9ti:
"Miss Gregg will issue invitations this
week for a party at Fairmount Park, to
be given August 24, in honor of her
visiting friend, Miss Welch of Lincoln.
Neb. Miss Welch's name appeared on
the list of invited guests at a number of
delightful affairs."
Miss Louise Pound is arranging a
DacK. An Asniana tanaem party is
necessarily exclusive of everyone who has
not a tandem and muscle. The mem
bers of the party include Miss Poun?
and her little brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Imhoff,
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Woods and Prof,
and Mrs. Lees.
There is scarcely a home in the city
where there is such a constant coming
and going of charming visitors as at Mr.
Brad Slaughter's. This is cause for
little wonderment considering his
ing at their destination due justice was
done the abundance of good things
which Miss Whedon had brought for
the lunch. Singing and dancing fur
nished the amusement until 10, when
the party started on their moonlight
ride home. The gueste were Misses
Eleanor Raymond, Sadie Burnham, Ona
Imhoff, Mabel Richards, Ellen Gere,
May Bartlett of Omaha, Katharine
Criley of Kansas City, Mo. Messrs.
John Jones, Will Raymond, Harry
Evans, Tom Wing. Ralph Haraard.
proverbial hospitality. The following Pillsbury, Will Westerman, Bert Whe-
have been their guests during the past don. Dr. and Mrs. Ladd, Emery Hardy,
week: Their daughter, Mrs. Gilmore Mrs. Buckstaff and Mr. C. O. Whedon!