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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1896)
THI COURIER. SlliililliilSIISSiilil THE TyAxsixG h:esa'tvrje) 3K SOCIAL AND PERSONAL f .- JOHN DOWDEN, Jr., Manager. , . : '.i?e., . . ... . ,t Fred White went to Beatrice yester- day. Mr. Frank Cook leaves for Michigan Saturday. F. C. Zehrung went to Omaha Wednesday. . Miss Miller is the guc6t of Mrs. Win. Clark's family. C. W. Warfel and wife started for Colorado Wedaesday. Miss Ellen Smith returned Wednes day from a visit to Ohio. Mrs O A Campbell made a business trip to Omaha Thursday. Mr. J. C. Hitchman is entertaining Mr. T. M. Howard of St. Louis. Mis. F. A. Flake is in Omaha visiting her daughter, Mrs. Grant Kenney. Nancy and Marjorie Lambertson will leave for Mineral Point on Monday. Miss Grace Kennedy, of Omaha, is the guest of Mrs, George McArthur. Harry Evan has returned from a month's v Fit with relatives in Vermont. Mr H Clarkson's father and mother left this week for their home in Peoria, 111. Mr. Paul Horbach of Omaha was a Lincoln visitor for a few hours Wednes day. Miss May Fechet leaves today for an extended visit with friends at Ft.- Mead, S. Dak. Mrs. F. E. Campbell will leave Mon day for a thiee month visit to New York state. Miss Mable and Grace .Lange of St Louis are visitirg Mrs Bennet at 1525 A street. . MrsW D Murphy has returned from Columbus, Neb., where she has spent two weeks. Chief S. M. Melick, who has been quite ill the past week, is reported much better. Councilman R. E. Finlev with his family are enjoying a brief outing in the Black Hills. Mrs. Grant ilogeland is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Catherine O'Gara, of Lafayette. Ind. J. C. Seacrest, business manager of the Journal, returned from Pennsyl vania Thursday. Sarah Ladd, Dr. and Mrs. Ladd's lit tie daughter, fell from a chair Thursday and broke her arm. H. P. Vaill and wife, who have been visiting friends in Illinois and Iowa, re turned home Monday. - Vice-President George B Harris of the Burlington was in Lincoln on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. C H. Morrill and family have re turned from their trip to Denver and ether points in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dorgan, with D. D. Muir and family have gone to.Esteys Park, Colo., for a short outing. Frank E. Lahr, who received the sad news of h'i6 mother's death, left Sunday for her home in Lafayette, Ind. Dr. C. E. Spahr i enjoying an outing at Eglee Mere, Pa., before opening an office at his old home, York, Pa. Mr. W. D. Reed made a trip to Colum bus on bis biccle the early part of this week, tie returned Wednesday. Mrs Gov Nance and daughter Helen left last Wednesday on a visit to Hot Springs and other places in South Da kota. The Mk6es Alice and Bee Morriseey started Sunday for a week's visit to 'Denver and other points of interest in Colorado. Mrs. J. C. Bonnell of Chicago, always a welcome visitor in Lincoln, will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Frost, for a few weeks. Mr. W. E. Clark has returned from Spirit Lake and Okoboji, where he has been camping on Dcs Moines Beach for three weeks. Beman G. Dawes started Thursday for Marietta, O. He will return in two weeks to act as secretary of the First district congressional committee. The ladies of the Episcopal church will give a very novel lawn social on Mrs. Hurlbut's lawn, Thirteenth and H streets, next Thursday evening. Rufus Bentlny and family will make 'their home at Shelton, where Mr. Bent ley will act as principal of the high school. They left Lincoln Thursday. The Griffith "Faust" company, of which Mr. 8. T. St. John is manager, are in the city rehearsing before start ing on the road for the winter season. Mies Rinthart left last Monday for her home in Lafayette. Her Lincoln friends are very sorry that she could not be prevailed upon to stay longer with them. The report that Mrs. Bryan used a palm leaf fan at the notification cere monies at Madison Square garden on Wednesday evening is said to be a cam paign lie. A jolly hunting party composed of Wilfred and Fred Deweese, Arthur Woods of Prairie, Ia.j Frank Ryan, Geo. Holmes and R. R. Draws of Dawson Neb., will leave today for Parkman. Mont. Mrs Hoover and daughter Marie are expected to return tomorrow from Spirit Lake. Mrs Hargreaves and Harry, who are of the same party, will return about Wednesday. Miss Clara Buckstaff, who has been visiting relatives in Oshkosb, Wis., all summer, expects to make a two weeks'' stay in Sandwich, 111., before her return to Lincoln in September. Mr and Mrs Wriht, of Finley, O., are in the city visiting relatives Mrs. Dr TefftandMrs. T M Marquette. Mr. and Mrs. Wright have just returned from a trip to Yellowstone Park. F C Zehrung has returned from his business, and what proved to have been a pleasure trip, to New York City. We shall expect something good at the the atres this winter as a result of this trip. Mr Fred Cooley reportB that he had a most delightful trip to St Louis, Cin cinnati and White Sulphur Springs. At the latter place, as a delegate, he at tended the Beta Theta Phi convention. Last Monday evening a crowd from Cotner gave a picnic in the pretty grove of the college farm. After a delicious lunch the remainder of the evening was spent by a trolley ride to Union Col lege. George Shedd and Harry Sbedd, of Ashland, and Ernest A Wigginhorn, re turned Sunday from Colorado. Edith Sbedd, who bad been the guest of Mi6e Vera Upton for several days, left the same day with her brothers for their home in Ashlaud. Two Nights, Commencing Thursday, August 20 LINCOLN'S FAY0R1TE TRKED1KN MR. JOHN GRIFFITH 1lx Greatest reiving: "AIeiliito." Supported by :.,V-i--ft - serf ii 3tA MISS ANNA BOYLE Avr EUGENE MOORE yrd ar Unexcelled Gomparvvj -.' Presenting on ,; Thursday, Augusf 20, - Goethe's FAUST With New andfHandsome. Scenery,,, Electrical.-.' and Oa!cium &' Effects.'- :rS&3&;i WV.--. -' -. -.T.-.-v.7 ..3STiiU -.iLu. S-iSSMK IJHJDP mmmmgg&ism t s"c.. Tr. . -" g ! z .jajggaFG Friday Evening, August 21, He Will Present RICHARD III Staged With a Grandeur Never Excelled in America SeatB on sale 10 a. m., Tuesday, August 18, at Theatre Box Office. A very jolly trolley party of three cars ra given by the Y. P. C. E of the Christian church Monday evening. About one hundred and twenty five young people met at Fifteenth and K and Tenth and O street, and enjoyed a PpioeS"l009 T5c SOC 22So ; v-