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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1896)
THE COURIER. XtfB LIN(DLN LIFE: itSS'N-. OCCUPIES MIDDLE GROUND BETWEEN THE "OLD LINE" OR OLD FASHIONED LIFE COMPANIES AND "AFTER DEATH ASSESSMENTOR CREDIT SYSTEMS. IT ISSUES A CLEAN PLAIN POLICY ON THE FIVE YEAR DISTRIBUTION AND FIFTEEN YEAR SELF SUSTAINING- PLANS -aasas3& For full information apply to W. R. Proctor, Sec'y at home officerooms 3o4-fi-6-7, Farmers and Merchants Insurance block or toFrodS Clinton or Allen S. Green, general agents. commonly eomes on with slight symptoms, which wba neg lected increase lb extent and gradualy grow dangerous. Stt2JZZ: E RIPANS TABULES -IT.1SSSS RIPANS TABULES -ijsrsis:!: 3; ripans tabules SZZ2,"' RIPANS TABULES aUnans Tabules act gently bat promptly upon the liver, stomach and Intestines; cleanse the system effectually; cure dyspepsia, and habitual eenstipation, offensiT breath and headache. One Tabule at the first ladtcation et Indigestion, biliousness, sUasiness, distress after eating or isarssston of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole dlM nlty. Bipaas Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely approved by modern science. It gives a fair trial Ripans Tabales are aa infallible cure; they till nothing injurious and an as economical remedy. ONE GIVES RELIEF A Barter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 60 seats by twins cyCMi compfflN i 10 SPRUCE ST, NEW YORK Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so. They are easy to take, quick U act and save many a doctor's bilL Cftftttgggettatteg8aeeVev3 Three Opinions: U V "The CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense of the word. Harrisburg (Pa. ) Call. "There is no paper published in America that so nearly approaches the true journal' istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD." From "Newspaperdom" (New York). "J have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily journal as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores." -Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston (III.) Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI CAGO RECORD, 181 Madison-st. Billmeye & Sadler' Agents for the Its name is its guarantee. This 1896 model has more improvements than all theother makes of bicycles put together. For mechanical con struction, simplicity, style, finish, durability and riding qualitiee. It has no equal. Pirioe $loo Columbus Mpeolal Bioyole Don't fail to eee it. The wonder of the world attffi. We also carry the genuine Columbus Buggy Go's fine Traps, Carriages, Phaetons, Surry's and Buggies etc Don't fail to call and see our line before purchasing. Repository 113338 Ad. St This Faautac jleucdy cares qnlctir, pwrnauestrr M nervous diseurej. WeuK Memory, Lus of Brain Power, Headacbe. Wake? diiich. Lost Tlialltr. MlsbUr Kmls. ion, evil dreams, lmpoa-iicr and wasting diseases canted by jputMfuler-orMorcxtutr. Contains no opiates. Is a aerwetBtc tad blood txallclcr. Mnkestbe pale and pnnrstmnaand plump. Estlly carried lnvptpocki't.l per box; aforS. BrnialljPiv pald. vHtkatpritUnfnuirantreormnnrvrefumdttL Write us.frec aaedlenl book, sealed plnln wrapper, with testimonials ar flnnr'ltaTirc. ynrharotfnrcnrumttattnnt. Beware of imt" nu. jmwu t"l. t-"HlTi-arTt.THrMgTatCO., BawllTlMM.rilfmt- Vat tab- la Lincoln. Neb., br U. W. 8110 VS. DmgiMt. ?mmmmmmm$mm ALL THE MAGAZINES IN ONB." Review-Reviews - V. -J mfi. SV5. sva. -av 5ev. Edited by ALBERT SHAW. EVWREYIEW5 T I OrcHr. It , A StX HBHBlaA?vrty77daV2 iaV9 wy!!VT9i i "m'jsSy' n k Bawt4jiwBaaaaL 4m ssw WjsjnsnnmBmSBamvS k fcSorWaa S&K emm ' Hbg-jBswSj asat" t---s 1 xsn.KSj9 75. acrrr 1 jnnJaWK!'d five MONTHS rmn $1.00. r mK. -aw. "evnw he nhrintin nrir ". wm. .k. y .. HE PEVIEW OF REVIEWS, as its name implies, gives in readable form the best that appears in the other great magazines all over the world, generally on the same date that they M niiW.rVi.y4 Unit. k raunt .4l-r4:ni.-.. 'feS ...... . J?! increase oi wonny periodicals, uiese caretui ftw reviews, summaries, and quotations, giving the gist of periodical litera ture, are alone worth few fef few? fesx fe.Sk &-. fei fej fe-fi fe fei Aside from these departments, the editorial ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $2.50. fe 'fe feJ Krft fe ?. and contributed features of the REWtw or Reviews are themselves -8S 5l?t " m ejrten to a magazine. The Editor's "Progress of the World" is !? 'S?!l an invaluihle chronic! of the harmenim's of the thirtv Aw !ik rtaci "idss um n - - 'J J- J"" f .7iT with pictures on every page of the men and 5U "omen who have made the history of the month. . The Literary World says: "We are deeply jg3 impressed from month to month with the value ! of the Review of Reviews,' which is a sort Jew of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole 5 field of periodical literature, THREE RECENT SAMPLES n.n a 'few 'few s 'i&w 25 cents And yet it has a mind and voice of its -a Isvti own' xa speaks out with decision and sense on all puolic topic of !jf mvn. ine nour. 11 is a sineuiar commnauon 01 ine month 'v mitn-nr, inH "tt tmsm . .. " - . . ' . 7 j the daily newspaper. It is daily in its freshnes; j U is monthly in its method. It is the world sm under a field glass." JiJ S4enaUNcwStMMM. Slsftc Cer, 5 cents. s9. anUnrrcu7DcTrrcTiTc XiaWf mUT lETlLff J Agents find it the lost Profitable flagazine. v.-t f.-i ts fe ElfilM Pi If J; 13 Astor Place, New York. vMJMMWMJMJIMtf5J5fW3JMjiMii