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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1896)
THE COURIER. BASEBALL ! s : fi The race in the National league at the present time between the three leading teams is one that makes the hearts of the "fans" bound with delight and makes them yearn for the good old base ball days when they all had a chance to go out and bowl for our boys. At the present time the race is between Balti more, Cincinnati and Cleveland, and it looks now as if Baltimore would carry off the pennant for the third successive year and if they do they are entitled to it as they have played good, clean ball from the beginning of the season. Cin cinnati, though, has a good chance of winning the desired prize, and Cleve land, too, but everything points to Bal timoie as the lucky team, with Cincin nati and Cleveland following in the order named. Cincinnati has been playing in rather hard luck of late and Baltimore has taken the lead from them and with about thirty five gamer to be played on tfaeit home grounds nothing but a miracle can head them off. Here's for Cincinnati for first place if possible and "if they can't get that, Baltimore is the second choice with Cincinnati following. THE NEW YORK ROOTER'S LA MENT. Beer! Give me a drink Something to wash the Brown pink disgust out of me Mouth. Then make me A whisky sour And an ultramvine cocktail. That I may forget that Ever I rooted for Such a rickety, measley, yellow, gan grenous Team of two-old-cat players As the local fans. As for batting, they couldn't even Hit the pipe. As for running, the late Thomas B. Reed Could give them Cards, Spades and Little Casino, If he did die on Second. Let the grand stand Be draped in mourning. Let the bleachers Groan in derision. Let a trapdoor Be prepared at each player's position And let them all be Sprung to the tune of the Rogues March. When they are sprung. May that be , . - Theend. ' -' s May the team Never come Back. The Hisser. NOTES OF THE GAME. Burkett. of the Clevelands, has made his 130th hit of the year. Tucker. Duff v and Hamilton, of the Bostons, hare played in every game this season. Three Reds Miller. Burke and Ir win have passed the century mark in the matter of base hits. The Indianapolis team would rather play away from home than at home be cause of local knockers. Jim Stafford may bi able to get in the game before the end of the season after all, as his hand is reported as im proving rapidly. Jennings is the life of the Baltimore team He is a great jollier and never has a hammer out for anybody in the base ball business. McMahon and Clarkson ""returned home before the Baltimore team, so as tc get a good rest for the champions coming hard battles. Ned Hanlon declares there is less rowdy play this year than ever. The umpires, he thinks, are better. The remedy is in their hands. McVickerof the St. Joes has been taken into the Kansas City fold. Mc Hale has a place with Detroit, while Parker locates in the Interstate league with Toledo. Of all the "wonders" taken to Jack- sonville by the New York club last spring only Zeaifoes has shown an ability to bold bis own. And yet he cannot be considered a world beater. Boston is surely but steadily drop- ping. With second baseman Lowe on the hospital list and practically but one pitcher, the hopes of Boston being in th race at all are not very bright If Cincinnati wins the pennant it will be a popular victory, as it seems every city is "pulling" first for its own team to win, and as a second choice has taken up the Porkopulitan aggregation to fin ish in first place. Captain Anson uses a heavy hickory bat, the only one of tho kind in the league. It cannot be broken except under a rock crusher, and nobody will steal it, because not another man in the league can swing it. The Bal ti mores are the greatest ag gregation of churchgoers in the pro fession. Those who are regular church goers are Hugh Jennings, Jsck Doyle, Donnelly, McMahon, Keeler, Brodie, Kelley and Quinn. The latter is a member of a church choir in St. txiuis during the winter. "Dusty"' Miller is the man who first put the Cincinnati team on th road to success. He played such fast ball that he fairly carried the rest along with him. When Irwin was added to Miller the speedy combination was made just right So much for what one man can do. Cy Young and Malarky each hold the E itching record of the year, as each has eld an opposing team down to one hit. Young performing the feat against Philadelphia and Malarkj of Richmond against Norfolk. Young's feat i the better, however, as the hit made off him was a Binglc, while that of Malarky was a double. While all the world has been taught to look with horror on Pat Tebeau, few men can point to an instance where he ever used anything more violent than his tongue in his efforts to win games. There are no plajers in hospitals suffer ing from wounds inflicted by Tebeau's spikes. Duke Farrel speaks highly of Reidv the new pitcher signed on the trip, and says he has perfect control. Reidy, like Ulricb, is not very heavy, and O. P. Cavlor. who saw the men in Cincinnati, says they are too light for the league. Reidy bears a striking resemblance to Connie Mack, except the he is not quite so tail. FLORIDA AND ORANGE GROVES Where the Penult of a Competence It Par from Kiy. People do not seem to go to Florida nowadays to grow oranges and glide into affluence gradually while caressed by the southern sun. Bays the Cornhill Magazine. It is, in fact, too gradual a glide, especially If you start with pips, which require seven years before they give you oranges. Besides, .t is not such smooth sailing at that. Now and then comes a biting frost, with its se quel of "Vae vlctis." For my pari. I love a frostymorning in Florida, with its rich, smoky, red eastern sky, agalnst which the green of the trees has so strong and incongruous an effect But there is too much swearing afterward for the peace of mind of a virtuous and sympathetic person. Nice little groves in full bearing, may, it is said, be picked up cheap after one of these calamitous nights. It Is. however, much like buying shares In a bank thai has just closed Its doors. Only ore mos patient, hardened and impecunious ol emigrants can stand orange growing in Florida. True, they are lured on by the prospect of market garden ng in hs meantime. Early strawberries, new potatoes, etc, sell well in the north. But so many other parts of the west ern hemisphere are at the same game and the commission agents are so sharp that profits never seem to come expectation. And all the time the new comers are blackening under the Flor ida sun, enjoying little fevers (quite harmless, they are told), settling down as best they may to the society of the voluble mosquitoes and realizing only too solidly that there are disappoint ments and privations enough to be suf fered even in this belauded land of Perpetual sunshine. The pursuit of a competence is, in fact, no easier in Florida than elsewhere. We have for rent a centrally located ; ... A -.. . BRICK BLOCK. IN LINCOLN. Complete modern conveniences; will lease entire building or part of It VERY DESIRABLE. FOR .EITHER wholesale or retail trade. Attractive terms to the right party. Apply to HOLM & REED. 1201 O at $100 DOLLARS REWARD 8100 The readers of this paper will be pleasedto learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to , .he medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatemsnt. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, cting adirectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disea se, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi monals. Address, F. J. Chexey & Co., Toledo Ouio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. AThen wanting a clean. e4) share or an artistic hair-cut, try 8.F. THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST. who has an elegant barber shop with oak chairs, etc., called "Th Annex" at 117 North Thirteenth street south of Lansing thentra. If HAS ALSO WERT MEAT BATH The finest ice cream parlors in the city are at 1211 O St. Epheraar." Sutton & Hollowbush, 12th and O, Funke opera house corner, make a spe cialty of serving families and parties with the finest ice-cream and tees, In all varieties; also fine cakes, eta DO YOU WANT TO SAVE TIME? Well the new flyer leaving Lincoln at 3:120 p. m. via Missouri Pacific will save you several hours to St. Louis, Cincin nati, New York and all eastern points and connections are made in the St. Louis union station, the most expen sive, completn and finest in the world Any information or sieeeping car berths city ticket office 1201 O St. IfflHHBB For a cooling, refreshing drink drop nto Frank M. Rector's, 1211 O street New fountain, the latest drinks. i Every purchaser of $1 vorth of goods will receive a cou pon worth 10 cts, to apply on future purchase. 5c cou pon with 50c Riggs Pharmacy 12 & O MM EXCHJWGE MTIOMI BUNK LINCOLN, NEB. I M.RAYMOND, President. S.H.BUBNHAM. Cashier. A.J. SAWYER Yicee President D. G. WING Aitnt Cashier CAPITAL. $250,000 SURPLUS $25 000 Directors -1. M. Raymond, S.-H. Bnrniiaro C. G.Dawes. A. J. Sawyer. Lewis Gregory N Z Snell, G M Lambertson. D G Wins;. S W Burnam. The Flier will make better time by several hours to St Louis, Cincinnati Washington, New York and to all east ern points, than any other line out of Lincoln. It Is a screamer. For information about rates, connec tions, ets, or for sleeping car berths, call at city ticket office, 1201 O street F. D. CORNELL. C. P. & T. A. Time Reduced Great ftocb Island Route JRuns their Pbiliips' Pullman Jxcur$i Cars to on their fast trains. Eiamine time cards and see that we are nearly TWO HOURS quicker than any other route Chicago to Los Angeles. The Phillips excursions are popular He has carried over 125,000 patrons in the past fifteen years, and a comforta ble trip at cheap rate is guaranteed, and he fast time now made puts the Philips-Rock Island Excursions at the top Post yourself for a California trip be. "ore deciding, and write me for explici information. Address, JOHN SEBASTIAN, "Queen Victoria.'' Ladies' Favorite Her Majesty's Perfume, is the most lasting and perfect Perfuwe. Ash Riggs1 the Druggist," for a sample. i009fl-ftIilHi6ii I f&&ri-