THE COURIEJL W If ? MEDICINE for the MILLION.. A Popular Proprietary Medicine sold at Retail for Five Cents a Package -the first experi mental step in a direction that may lead to a revolution in the trade. , 'sir iP fed 3 !. r P fy h j? A New York company of manufacturing chemists, the Klpans Chemical Com pany, placed upon the market about Ave years ago, a medicinal tablet or "tabule." composed of compres ed powdered preparations of certain medicinal drugs which had been ascertained to be of more general use among medical men than any other for the cure or alleviation of such .Us common to man as have their origin In an Im paired digestlonor weakened capacity for assimilating food, absorbing' nourishment and eliminating waste. The catalogue of Ills Included under this head is said to in clude pretty nearly every disease for which the physician is called upon to pre scribe. In preparing their standard remedy for the acceptance of the American people the company laid down the principle that everything entering into the packet should be of the highest grade, and so prepared and protected as to retain Its quali ties intact and unimpaired through any extended lapse of time in any climate. Only the choicest drugs should be used, their preparation lacked In glass, protected by absorbent cotton, and securely corked. Even the corks used have been of a grade so high In its requirements that no manufacturer of these every-day stoppers could supply more than a small proportion from his output that would meet the exacted specifications. The gloss viols were in turn packed in boxes of a quality not sur passed In beauty and perfection of workmansa'p by these used by fhe most fastidi ous dealers in jewels and ornaments of gold. Having set their high standard, and never consenting to Tory from it. the proprietors resorted to the accepted modern methods of making their commodity known, and seven hundred thousand dollars invested within Uvo years la newspaper advertising has Informed every American citizen concerning the superior and surprising qualities of Klpans Tabules. Being thoughtful and painstaking observers of the changed conditions that sweep over the commercial world, and careful to note every circumstance having a bearing upon the successful prosecution of their trade, the managers of the com pany have noted that there is a present insistent demand for a lower price of every article that reaches or approaches an universal use. and that the people, although requiring the best of everything, resent being called upon to pay heavy percentage for superfluous wrapping and packing or unnecessary protection against deteriora tion that might result In years, but Is needless in the case of a purchase intended to bo consumed in a week. It has also been discovered and proved by the test of time and actual experience, that these Tabules do not have the tendency to loss of quali ties or diminution of excellence from exposure that might at first have been ex pected. Inasmuch as, under favorable conditions, those that have lain loose In a drawar, a travelling bag or pocket for several weeks or months are found to lie practically as fresh and as efficacious as ever. A.-tlng upon these suggestions, and noting particularly the unimpaired prosper ity of great newspapers now sold for a cent instead of the old rate of five times that amount, and the general tendency In all directions toward low rates and lnoreased sal js. the company have entered upon the experiment of putting up Klpans Tabules in v-istelward cartons, which they will oiler to the trade upon terms which will per mit of a package being sold by the druggist or storekeeper at a price lower than ever before adopted for a proprietary medicine FIVK CENTS ten tabules, or doses, for one-half a cent each. The company will not discontinue the manufacture and sale in the form with which tho people have learned to know and value the Klpans Tabules, but win offer the cheaper sort experimentally for the benefit of such as may desire them. It should be plainly understood that the quality of the medicine is identical in both sorts, the only difference being in the form and comparative cost of packing or put ting up. The flve-cent packages are not yet to be had of all dealers, although It Is probable that almost any druggist will obtain u supply when requested by a cus tomer to do so: but in any case a single carton, containing ten tabules. will be sent, postage paid, to aav address for five cents In stamps, forwarded to the Klpans Chemical Co.. No. to Spruce St., N. V. Until the goods are thoroughly Introduced to the trade, agents and peddlers will be supplied at a price which will allow them a fair margin of protlt, viz.: 1 dozen cartons for 40 cents, or by mall 45 cents. 12 dozen (141 cartons) for lJi 5 gross (73) cartons) for MAi. S gross (3.600 car tpns) for $100. Cash with the order in every case. 1 ( W? tfUilUiUUliUlUlUlUlUiUlUUllUiU b c Vb&'i rZ$&r&KS i m 1 4 for cleaning the scalp Three Opinions: Removing Dandruff, preventing the hair from turning gray, and pro moting a luxuriant growth, no finer thing can be used than the electric treatment, given by Mrs Demarest at Herpolsheimer's store --- my T. J Tlxoirpo & Co., GENERAL BICYCLE REPAIRERS in a branches. - aUpeiring done as Neat and Complete u from the Factories at bard time prio All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN. Thta FaaoaaKeiaely cures quickly, permauently ai, nervous diseases. Weuk Memory, Lus of Brain Power. Headache. Wakefulness, Lost Vitality. Nlghllr Kml inn. evil dreams. Imootencr and wasting diseases caused br ItouUtfultr-ort or exeetsrt. Contalnsno opiates. Is serve tonic mad Ussi ballder. llnkestho paleand puny Mronsand plac:;-. Easily carried lnTtpocket.lrr box; SfnrSS. Br mall, pre paid, vil a a writltn giHtranUe ormimrf rtfuniUd. Write us, I "rv aacdleal bank, sealed plnln wrapper, with testimonials p-'i finfwifittnnriincr- Xn eluirim fnr etmttultatitmM. Bevranof im tiaru. L.ltyrcita,TdclrwitKTBBICOl. MllTlll.CHcl. - Vox sal- In Lincoln. H. W.3UOWX. DvUt. "The CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense of the word. Harrisburg (Pa.) Call. 'There is no paper published in America that so nearly approaches the true journal istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD. From ifNewspaperdom New York). "f have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily journal as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores.' Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston (III.) Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI CAGO RECORD, 181 Madison-st. i t i "J- ll -"""-