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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1896)
wy" -t--.. f.ty , r THE COURIER. L&. iwE' I 'jr. 5.. fe ?- THE MIMIC WORLD By the Saunterer. well Off as now? That would be a per- SUMMER formance fit only for a- desperate Rambler. It Is throwing away a cer tainty for an uncertainty, with the as surance that the uncertainty. If real ized, would, after all. he not a bit bet ter than the present certainty: and REDUCED. TRIPS AT RATES. The North-Western line Is now sell ing tickets at reduced rates to many tourist points in the western, northern and northeastern states and Canada. Any one desiring a summer trip would Mr. Richard Mansfield Is known to be a man wholly averse to publicity, and his arrest for riding a bicycle in front of the Casino, in the Central Park, and declining to get off his wheel when warned by the particularly good natured and benevolent policeman with a white beard who rules that district and is loved by nil the children who play there, must be deeply painful to Mr. Mansfield's sweet and sensitive nature. The officer seems to have been Impressed by the fact that the dis tinguished lecturer told him that Is was his the policeman's duty to get down on his knees when he. spoke to him lecturer Mansfield. But. in Mr. Mansfield's opinion, this attitude of genuflection Is one which all the world, from policemen to potentates, should assume when venturing to approach him. Surely, even under our system of democratic-republican self-government, genius ought to be allowed to enjoy certain privileges and Immun ities; and if anybody doubts that Mr. Mansfield Is a genius, just ask him. I think, too. that the captain or ser geant at the arsenal ought to have, in quired if Mr. Mansfield's wheels did not move unconsciously. Irresistibly, in spite of Itself or themselves or himself. Besides, it should be remembered that, in addition to blng a native of England, an Ulustrous lecturer .actor, and Ad miral Crichton, Mr. Mansfield used to be a dry-goods clerk in Boston, and therefore has a double extra right to be double, extra haughty. I wish to make an appeal to Mr. Reginald De Koven, not as a musician and a composer, but as a man and a friend of man. It appears that he has "completed, and is prepared to rehearse, "'his new opera. "The Mandarin." a ' work surcharged with Chinese noises and full of all the tumult of Pekln and Pell street. It Is creditable to Mr. De Koven that he should still pursue, even disrespect to Mr. Hllllard. I may be altolwed to say that Miss Yohe might have made, a more Impressive Van Bibber. Still, the man whom any In telligent manager would select as the fittest person to assume the respon sibilities Is Dr. Davis himself. He cre ated; he could best portray. Nobody but him ever saw or heard of an actual Van Bibber; Indeed, an actual Van Bibber would be likely to get his head punched, on account of his kindly In terest in the affairs of his neighbors. Nobody but Mr. Davis can understand Van Bibber. Miss Yohe could give the character voice. Mr. Hllllard may give it intelligence, but If he does he is wrong, for Van Bibber Is neither In telligent nor Intelligible. Only Mr. Davis Is capable of letting the world know what this remarkable, person Is and what he is for. I have said that if Mr. Davis was In the theatre, last night, the play must have been a suc cess. At the same time I must confess that I do not understand how the audi ence and Mr. Davis could, have got Into the theatre at the same time. with the odds, as universal experience do well to secure our figures before pur nas proveu, overwneimingiy against cnasing tickets elsewhere. the uncertainty ever being realized. ,. u . , .. No by such vain devices are prudent .The tinest. ice cream parlors in the and Intelligent American citizens to city are at 1211 O M. "hpbeiuar." be fooled. Sutton & Hollowbush. 12th and O, Funke opera house corner, make a spe cialty of serving families and parties with the finest Ice-cream and Icea, In all varieties; also fine cakes, etc DO YOU WANTTOSAVETIME? Well the new flyer leaving Liucoln at 3:20 p. m. via Missouri Pacific will savo you several hours to St. Louis, Cincin nati, New York and all eastern points and connections are made in the St. Louis union station, the most expen sive, completn and finest in the world Any information or sleeeping car bertha tcity ticket office 1201 O St. WHAT "16 TO 1" WOULD MEAN. is w m MITE II TK Oomeand See 17t B. O. Towwszmd, F. D. CocireiL. G. P. & T. Agt. C. P. Sc T. Aft. Ol Trilby's "Truthful pills" is a BpeciHc in all cases of kidney and liver toubles Just one pellet at night does the work At' Riggs pharmacy cor 12 and O. fit Louis. Mo. 1201 Amid all the demagogism of the day there is nothing at once more foolish and more wicked than the. talk about "poor men's money" or the "money of the people" as distinguished from the "money of the. rich." Men of the Alt-geld-Bryan-John Most stripe are try ing to persuade voters that a currency of fifty-cent silver dollars, while It might lessen the income of "gold bug millionaires" and Wall street sharks," would greatly benefit farmers, wage earners and the common people gen erally. Now. apart from the palpable wickedness of a proposition thus to set class against class, and to enrich one part of the nation by robbing an- For a cooling, refreshing drink drop into Frank M. Rector's, 1211 O street New fountain, the latent drinks. Canon City coal at the Wbitebreas Coal and Lime Co. HINTS TO TOURISTS. WHERE TO GO AND WHAT IT COSTS Is the subject of a little pamphlet pub lished by the North-Western line, giv ing a large amount of Information re garding the lake regions of Minnesota A SUMMER RESORT. A delightfully cool and attractive place these warm days Is the handsome store of Sutton & Hollowbush. 12th and O street. A new addition is a large and beautiful onyx soda fountain, one of th finest In the state. This Is presided over by an expert fizz clerk. This sea son nut ice-cream and many new flavors In cream and Ices are strong favorites Mr. Sutton's cream has a state reputa tion; he fills orders dally from many sinrY Wlsiniln Vftv nnnv biiImh f1w If he never catches up with, the study other, a little reflection will show it to Ticket Agent, 117 South Tenth street, outside points: and is making a speclal of music. H has saturated his mind be equally false and delusive, and that Lincoln. Neb.' ty of this irade. The line of candy Is with the study of European composers, these demagogues, in preachlntr nlun He has produced popular and success- der of the rich, are really plotting for ful works, and has won a right, by the eminence which he has attained as a Joiner and composer and decomposer of sound, to that high critical station which he occupies upon the largest Yiddish paper in New York. Honors and dollars pour upon him in full streams. His fame is great in the world of music and fashion; he is loved alike, by St. Cecilia and Mrs. Grundy; his cravats are the wonder and the despair of artists. Having, at a com paratively early age, made so much noise in the world having roamed like a troubadour with a notebook and a score, through Europe and America, culling their choicest flowers It Is nat ural enough that he should look for new worlds to conquer, and should wish to ransack the riches of the gor geous east. But this year the country has much to suffer. The populists, whether of Chicago or St. Louis, have a hundred thousand voices apiece, and use them remorselessly twenty-four hours a day. Think of all those voices and of all the banging of drums and tooting of fifes and clangor of Innum erable bands! Is this a year for Mr. De Koven to spring a battery of Chi nese gongs upo na public that has made him rich and famous? As he Is great, he, should be merciful. If he must produce a Chinese opera, why can't he go to the treaty ports, or Into the heart of China, and make the the further impoverishment of the poor. There cannot practically be two kinds of money In circulation. The. money of the rich and the money of the poor must be the same. The same money that the millionaire receives from his dividends or coupons he must pay out again to his employes and to tradesmen. If It be gold, or currency at par with gold, then the gold Is the money of the poor man as well as of the rich. If it be depreciated currency of silver or peper. It Is the poor man's and the rich man's alike. If by any chance "there be in existence two kinds of money, only one of them, and that the poorer, will be in actual circula tion. That Is a law as inexorable as the law of gravitation itself. The one-hundred-cent gold dollars would be hoarded by every man fortunate enough to possess them, whether the rich man, with a million of them, or the poor man. with a hundred; and the flfty-cent silver dollars would alone, be in circulation. What then? Depreciated currency being universal, who would suffer most now larger and finer than ever. Confec tionery always fresh; many novelties. I Every purchaser of 81 worth of goods will receive a cou pon worth 10 cts. to apply on future purchase. 5c cou pon with 50c Rifics Pharmacy 12 &Q I ON TO CHICAGO. Half Rates, Special Train and a Day light Run. Onder new management MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR. PAXTON. HUUCTT A DATXNPOBT, Proprietors. Metal attention to state trad. neat aai iminlil travelers. Faraam street MM paw the door to and from all parti Time is Mne SHVE IT BY II I from It? Not. we mav bo sure. tht rich men. against whom these populist- Sunday a. m., July 5, 8 o'clock, via anarchists declaim so vehemently. The tn Elkhorn-Northwestern line, a sll man whose Income Is $100,000 a year ver train, gaily and appropriately dec might find It inconvenient to have it orated, will leave Lincoln carrying the cut down to $50,000. But how about Hon- W J- Bryan, the Bryan club, the the man whose Income Is onlv 11.000? free silver delegates, their wives and gentlemen who wear their eyes tilted Would he not find It much more incon- their friends to Chicago. This train up happy by the familiar sounds of venient to have to get along on J500? will be first class In every particular; m . - . ff A A M t a . A-t . W I u a . . & I 1 l m . am nvllf ww a a. n e e I mm v m JM e W . JM a. 1f l a. meir own music; ueuicme me nuns itna me lauorer no is now gelling - " "ivc iui umc, auu uie uitjrnsm. to LI Hung Chang, very well. He Is not feeling Thousands of persons who are in the habit of going to bed early made ex ceptions last night. They waited with sleepless and eager eyes for the hour when The deep dense plumes of night are thinned Surely with glimmering of the win nowing wind Whose feet are fledged with morning. When the printer takes to his butter-cakes or his Raines refection and the elevated cars are laden with news papers Instead of passengers. AH over a day, how would he. fare on only $1? Ana tne rarmer, when he got only Jl for the same amount of produce for which he now gets $2, what would he think of "cheap money?" For be sure that is exactly what It would mean. The free coinage of sil ver at the 16 to lratio would Instantly drive gold and Its equivalent out of circulation, and would leave In circula tion nothing but silver dollars and their equivalents, worth only fifty cents each. The laborer would have to ac cept them for his wages, and the farm er as the price of his produce. Each. man might receive as many dollars, so called, for his labor or his goods. run will enable people to see the finest portions of Iowa and Illinois while traveling over the greatest railroad in the west. One fare for the round trip will be charged. For further informa tion call on or address as below: A. S. Feldlng, C. T. A.. S. A. Moshfr. Gen'l Agt., 117 So. 10th St,. Lincoln. Neb. Remember the Union Pacific will run a special train for the Beatrice Chau tauqua, Sunday, June 28. Rev. Robert Mclntyre, of Denver will preach In the morning. Train leaves Lincoln 8:30 a. m., returning leave Beatrice 7 p. m. Fare only 90 cents for the round trip. fV S PICTO1 Actual time traveling. 37 hours to Salt Lake. (57 hours to San Francisco. 65J hours to Portland. 89 hours to Los Angeles. -FROM- the United States as well as here, there as before, but they would have only was a flame of excitement, a fever of half the old purchasing power. The expectation. At the Court theatre, market value of the farmer's grain London, last night. Mr. Robert Hilliard and cattle would thus be reduced one produced his immortal dramatization half. The laboring man's wages would of one of Mr. Kicnara Haraing uavis De reduced one-half. That Is exactly HALF FARE SPRINGS, EXCURSION TO HOT LI SJgOLN, N g B If you want to travel cheap, note the fnllnnrlnc rntinil trln 0TiupalnTia at fcol? Immortal stories, and appeared himself what the adoption of the Chicago plat- rates this summer via the North- as Van Bibber. Never before were so many papers sold in the United States as were sold this morning. I have not seen any of them, but I am certain that if the inventor of that natural and powerful character. Van Bibber, was In the theatre, the production was a rapturous success, and London today is in a state of intellectual fermenta- form would mean. It would rob th rich. It would ruin the poor. But. its advocates contend, there would Immediately be a readjustment of prices. Wages would go up. Market values of products would go up. No matter If dollars were cut In two; men would get twice as many of them. That is the argument. But who tlon not far removed fro actual drunk- will be convinced by It? Is anv rational enness. I am sorry to learn that Miss man going to vote to have every dollar Yohe, the most athletic and portentous he gets reduced in value one-half. In of modern bassos, had no part In this hope that he will then be able to get sweet little pastoral play. With no twice, as many of them and so be as Western line: June 12 and July 3 to Hot Springs. S. D. June 14 and 15 and July 5 and 6 to Denver, Colo. June 15. 16. 23 and 24 to San Fran cisco. July 4, 5, 6. to Chicago. July 4 and 5 to Buffalo. N. E. A. July 2. 3. 4, 5. to Washington, D. C. July 14. 15, 16. to Milwaukee. Wis. Get Information and tickets at city ticket office. 117 South Tenth Btreet, Lincoln. Neb. CHEAP RATES TO ST PAUL AND RETURN. The North-Western is now selling at reduced round trip rates, tickets to St. Paul. Minneapolis and numerous re sorts in Minnesota. This is the Short Line. City office. 117 South Tenth St.. Wanted-An Idea 331 unaflflu wcuuibbuih CU, Palest AJ aejjLWaeMBttoa. P. a. for tfcetr 13BD pries aaaUst U two aoadred tareaUoaa wasted. H M