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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1896)
WM , mimmimjmiifimyuixMins! '?','- t; THE COUKIKR. 2 t 1 lH fnm js J SOCIAL AND PERSONAk UrfJfJCM V. & - It Is deadly dull in Lincoln nothing going on except politics and what is politics to society or society to politics? They pass each other on the street with tip-tilted noses. Parties have grown smaller and smaller, and more and more exclusive and at the same time more and more numerous. Mr. Thompson charges just as much for gas in the summer time, but the bills are small even If there be a young lady or two in the house. They sit on the porch two, four, six, or eight the number is seldom as high as eight, it is queer how these porch groups avoid the combinations, 3, 5, 7, or 9, the mother and the father with the children old enough to be. out of bed and young to be In "Enfants terrlbles" class sit with their parents, but within range of the Interesting life Just 'round the corner of the house. Take a walk any evening in any part of Lincoln and you will see these even number parties on every other porch. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yates have re turned from a visit to Halsey at West Point. Mrs. Tates is entertaining Mrs. Philllppl of Omaha. Prof. George E. Church, who Is the. esteemed friend of all the old residents of Lincoln, was in the city on "Wednes day. He Is a successful lawyer in Fresno. Cal. He bears the marks of prosperity about him and all the world over a prosperous friend is more wel come than a seedy one. He left 'for Fresno Wednesday evening. Mrs. Keating, nee Lillibridge, has gone back to her home in Chicago. Her mother, Mrs. Lillibridge, will join her there soon. Miss Rlnehart will leave next week for her home in Lafayette, Ind. The young people are arranging some fare well parties in her honor. A camping party composed of Charley Clark, Ed LeRue and Ned Brown have gone to Spirit Lake. They expect to be gone three weeks. The youthful set, of which Miss Frances Maule is a member, are send ing condolences to her at South Da kota Hot Springs, where she was un fortunate enough to sprain her foot while on a mountain climbing expedi tion. Mr. and Mrs. John Dorgan have gone to Chicago to visit friends. F. W. Taylor has gone to Russia. He intends to take fotografs of that part of Asia that the czar governs. If the civilised world would remember that Russia is Asiatic It would save Itself many expressions of surprise. When traveller Taylor returns he will give stereoptican lectures and exhibit a collection of opals and large glass brilliants second to nothing In the wccld. Society athletes feel a certain Inter est la the tennis tournament to take place next week. The Interest is tem pered by the fact that tennis is no longer exclusively an aristocratic game. People who care noahlng about good form will play it because they like the game. When a spect reaches this stage it is hopeless. The smart set Right as well give it up first as last. The committee have arranged to give rackets as prlxes. too, when they might just as well have offered some thiag worth while, like sliver fotograf frames or manicure sets. George Spencer, who now lives in Atlantic Ga., was a charter member of the Pleasant Hour club of this city. Mrs. George Spencer Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Rice. 713 J street. Mrs. Plank is in Colorado Springs. She gave a piano recital at a hotel there test week and created much en thusiasm among the musicians present by her playing. Mrs. Lee Newton, better known in LHaoola when she was Kentucky Mansfield, and her brother Nat Mans field, are visiting their sister, Mrs. C. W. Mosher. D. G. Wing has received a respon sible appointment from the republican national committee for the ensuing four months. He will be connected with the financial department. Mr. Wing has obtained leave of absence from the American Exchange National bank and he left yesterday for Chicago. C. O. Whedon returned Wednesday from Chicago. C. E. Magoon Is in Chicago. T. L. Lyon is expected back from Minnesota next week. Miss Huston of Kansas City, who has spent several weeks in this city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brown, returned home Thursday. Miss Maud Oakley gave a musicale last night Mrs. Campbell, the Dovey children of Plattsmouth, Mrs. Lippln cott and Miss Oakley herself were the singers. The guests are Mesdames F. W. Brown, W. C. Wilson, W. B. Wil son, J. B. Wright. L. W. Marshall, J. White, C. E. Yates, C. S. Llpplncott, W. M. Leonard, L. C. Burr, Beeson, Green, Hargreaves, Ladd, Buckstaff, Ladd, Larabertson, Funke, I. M. Ray mond, Tllton, Oakley, G. Townley. Stebblns. Sewell. Cheney, Dovey, Shel don, Dorris, Misses Hoover, Burr, Sew ell, Raymond. Latta, Oakley; Messrs. White, Fairfield, Raymond. Silvers, Smith. Tyndale. Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, W. D. Robinson, Miss Rlnehart, Miss Mame Carson. Mattson Baldwin and Mr. Grainger spend today, Friday, in Mil ford. The party drives there early In the morning, and back in the morning. Here's hoping it will not rain. Mrs. Dovey and her three little girls are visiting Mrs. Campbell. Mr. Zeis of Boston Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funke. Many Lincoln people will remember the musicale given by Mr. and Mrs. Funke In the spring, at which Mr. Zeis was the prin cipal soloist. Mrs. Putnam. Miss Putnam and Miss Saunders left for Asbury Park this week. The Dovey children sing at the Meth odist church on Sunday. WANTED-A LITTLE GIRL Where have they gone to the little girls. With natural manners and natural curls. Who love their dollies and like their ioya And talk of sumethlngbesldes the boys? Little old women in plenty I find. Mature in manners and old of mind: Little old flirts who talk of their "beaux," And vie with each other in .stylish clothes. , Little old belles, who, at nine and ten. Are sick of pleasure and tired of men; Weary of travel, of balls, of fun. And find no new thing under the sun. Once, in the beautiful long ago. Some dear little children I used to know; Girls who were merry a. lambs at play. And laughed and rollicked the livelong day. They thought not at all of the styte of their clothes. They never Imagined that boys were "beaux;" "Other girls' brothers" and "mates" we're they. : ' Splendid fellows to help them play. Where have they gone to? If you see One of them anywhere, send her to me. I would give a medal of purest gold To one of these dear little girls of old. With an Innocent nettrt and an open Who knows not the meaning of "flirt" or "style." Ell Wheeler Wilcox. The tennis tourament to be played here next 'week beginning on Tuesday will be for all players In Lincoln and suburbs. The plan Is to hold two tour naments simultaneously, one for adults and the other for boys under eighteen This has been a remarkable season for cottton wash dress goods styles have been exceptionally attractive, prices unprecedentedly low and busl- ness proportionately large. Thus for we have bad the most satisfactory trade on this class of fabrics In the history of our business. Our assort ment of the most popular lines is still in good shape, among them FRENCH ORGANDIES. GRASS LINENS. SCOTCH DIMITIES, UNEN BATISTS, DOMESTIC DIMITIES PINE LAWNS. Milter & Paine TOUR 0W BVHiGV TOP Affacle New .; .ci ': .v Buggy top trimmings, cushions and dashes always on hand and made to order. If jour buggy top needs ' fix ing bring it around. Will guarantee you perfect satis-, faction, both in work and price. ---. 1121 P.St. : 7.- fclRiteTOH B0 JOHN T. DORGAN, Manager Light Infantry Ball '-. .: S" !.& - MONDAY EVENING STATE REPUBLICAN LEAGUE "Wednesday Ev-exairafs 11 ,:l ff .:.. i BOATING -'---. ' H -. ' :r ?&' .,.- . "l BATHIM .V!it.:. . tuf,." A" $'$ .. j - ANIN(5 Good Music Every Night. Llfri'JsllHM'.JsTil.llHj Mmm mS JH JNy Ul M.ML MI Tkta FfcaaaaMKni lelfcvN qajcllT, imriiiaimiiij all errou diaeaaea. Wok Mammy, ImM of Biala Power. Ilaadarha WakafiuncM. UM YUaHtr. KlahUr Km . aril draaau. ImaoU'icr and waatuw antawi caused br aaaStfal wara artrtanri. Portal nmooplaa.toaTt u MliMMMcn BUkeathpaleaadpanrtroBaodplamp. per box: ToraSwBraaan.Bre amid, with wrUUn fuarmmte ornumrirtfmitA. Write si, free Kiev piKin wnpprri wit wwi mwmi mn Saanetal tanHlnr. tfoehmrfttnrcimtmlUtttmt. BtwrnnpfirnVm- ' -. la UBeoln.Neb..bT H. W. SBOWH. Dranlat. -Afrji'rit