The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 01, 1896, Image 12
r -- $-. THE COURIXR. THE LINDLN LIFE KSSM, V OCCUPIES MIDDLE GROUND BETWEF.N THE "OLD LINE" OR OLD FABeSnED LIFE COMPANIES AND "AFTER XTDgATH a mpqciupnr fiREDIT SYSTEMS. IT ISSUES A CLEAN PLAIN mmTaSmOS AND .FIFTEEN -YEAR SELF SU STAIN JJNW rixima jii nn a? r 17 V hiu if I f r rr ' i 1JQ ItiWN ? .. ... i xtt -d -ocir. Qan'ir oh .mm a of f ip.flrooms So4-fi-6-7. Farmers ana ift)P lull lnionnawon ayyiy uu vv . v. -- , - -- t7 ranfiral acents -r 'Mercnants insurance oiou.-ur wnviuo. uuwuwi .w. . , - .ID. yimiH9itrowMMmMmttwn RV?MiS-TfUV eaoaly aoaaea on with alight symptoms, which wfcea Mf- biexteataad gradualy grow dangerous. 5tic e ripans tabules kli'c e ripans tabules .stS2:!:S;t5 ripans tabules Far cfftMiT breath ud aTrirrD'lDAMC.TAPITI EQ rfthaateaaaoh '- IMl HJ iauui.l.u aasTabvles act aatly h Btseptly apoa ths liTef, stoma a auM the ajaUM aateefraaUy; re dyspepsia, and hahKaal tic. eaTsaair kmttkaaaUfcMdaato. Ob Tabateat the Imt af iadigeattea. bOiwrnaa, ikaiaesa, distress after eatiag er el spirits, will amrely W qalckly remove the whole dtfa- Tabalee an prepared boat a preecripfckm widely approTad It givwi fak trial Bipaae TakIaa ere iafaliibla rare; they taiaaathiagiajwtovaaBd are eco ieal resaedy. ONE GIVES RELIEF A fMrter-groaa bos will a esat, peatage paid, on receipt of ISO 7 10 SPRUCE ST, J : NEW YORK Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules If requested to do so. They are aaay to take, taiek teaetaad aare many a doctor'e bilL iimiMMimmniMiimniMHMB6eiMiMi Three Opinions: "The CHICAGO RECORD is a model -.. . . newspaper in every sense of the word. " t J$ Harrisburg (Pa.) Call. " "There is no paper published in America 5il' ... m .a t V 'J i" 'i ' fe AS ia so nearlv aooroaches the true Journal' istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD." From "Newspaperdom" New York). "I have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun tries, that TherCHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily journal as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores." Prof. J. T. Hatfield in ThcJEvanston III.) Index. Sold by newsdealers, everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address, THE CHI CAGO RECORD, 181Madison-sL HUP Pi Billxi3.35r3ir & Agents for the i i Ita Dame ia ite guarantee. This 1896 model has . more improvements than all theother makee of bicycles put together. For mechanical coa atruction, simplicity, style, finish, durability and riding qualities. It has no equal. Irio3 4$loo Columbua fcipeoialBloyole Don't iail to see it. ine wooaer oi uw" at MB. We ako carry the genaine Columbus Buggy fW. A.. HVona Hiirpiacraa 'PhaAtniM. Rurrv's aad Baggies etc. Don't fail to call and see our Use before purchasing. Repository li33-3 M. St i l M ; && This ramcnslicuieOy cnrei qolckiy, vermmttvnt ! Merrtxu aiejc. Weak Memory, Lo8 of Bnla Power. Masriu-ha. Wnksf nllieio. Mt VlUtlltT. NlCbtlT Emlc SonlrTU dreamy Impoteiicr ud WMtinff diieaaes esnied bf wnOAut n-wi or txeturt. Contains no opiates. Is a acrrc ten Ic jaslallrTrr Mikes the paleand pony stroocaiid plump. iivMn4inT-rtnnrhpt.Blier box:fnrSSS. Brmall.pre- luu .t& .j, f . ct.vmirM iaAtuffwfMdAL wrltSflLIRV IaacWtrsl aooU. soiled plain wrapper, vita tgMmonlala ard Item. luimtao.cnr.wm'Mn rv q LlncoUi. Ncb.,br H. AV. BBOWN. DrfirtsC 2 cam 5S5;5555 -ALL THE MAOAZMBS f ON&" TteVIEW-REVIEW5 UMtl ay ALBERT SHAW. atatsaa, aBBjajajBavxMBBBsaaafffl9Bfaiaaav CataCSt BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aaYk aBaBaBaBaBaBaBaLIIIH " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBafafafafapa iav. IHbbIbbbbV aaa(asaePSaBBK2 fAaniiBalBaTC9 jam. mB3Skmaw pjfsas' 7r3sBPJ . j3 1s?-ianl a7 bW. iarKsaBBaBBBa eV)tv aaf "T1 BpaaKi M i I I Hlk (SKP. HE PEV1EW OF REVIEWS, as its name implies, gives in readable form the best that appears in theother great magazines all over rtvE BlONTHS rmn $1.00. !. m avni ?. sm. SaVrV sm. SKP1 WFK am ANNUAL auascNimoN $2.50. (an iam. (91 sm (svfx the world, generally oa the same date that they are published. With tbe recent extraordinary increase of worthy periodicals, these careful reviews, summaries, and quotations, giving the gist of periodical litera ture, are alone worth the subscription price. Aside trom these departments, the editorial and contributed features of the Review or Reviews are themselves equal m extent to a magazine. The Editor's "Progress of the World" is an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the. thirty days just past, with pictures oa every page of the men and women who have made the history of the month. Tbt UUraiy World says: " We are deeply impressed from month to month with the value of the 'Review of Reviews,' which is a sort of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole field of periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all punlic topics of the hour. It is a singular combination of the monthly magazine and the daily newspaper. R b daily is its freshness; k is Baosthly in to method. K is the world Vr 1&ai 4ta! ifc Hfei TMRCK RCCKNT SAMPLKa 25 cents. under a field glass.' SaiSMallNws 'am. (ava StafstCaay. sjceats. REnErY-RE?lW3 ZS- 13 Aster Place, New York. Ageats tkti It theriest ProfHate riagaztac. Hfc 'a wt Vr J J f! ! 1 .i M )3933939993nii997t99: aS?. PwMMjilMIM