The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 04, 1896, Image 4

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IMakiBg'ia all nn sf the grandest and most picturesque displays ever pefore witoemod, giving to. the maiy thousands of visitors an .elaborate and
jiin maturing snacia;ia never oerore wunnaoca ana Bemum inau-uraieu uv any amuwaicui cmerpriac.
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not yet Je found to work belter than
balls 'UBflo-a load. It is accord(nc to
good mecBanicaJ law to suppose that
to getJlie,- bfst possible results the
bearing of a wheel should "bear" the
entire length of the hub. Ve under
stand that a number of "makers will
tentatively apply modern elaboration
of this principle to bicycle wheels an
other year. The fact that the. English
retain the gear-case argues for Its
eventual adoption here. Full exposure
of the chain to the. dust and dirt of the
highway must be regarded as a me
chanical absurdity. The English con
sider the gear-case an "extra" to be
paid for as such. To admit of its use
a slight departure from present Amer
ican models would be necessary. We
look to see American adoption of the
gear-case pioneered by a maker cc two
in the near future, but hardly expect
that this much-needed accessory will
be generally included among the Im
provements of S7.
While some lines of business are
complaining of the 'inroads being made
Into their trade by reason of the wide
spread bicycle craze, the proprietors
of the famous whaleback passenger
boat. Christopher Columbus, that first
appeared during' th world's fair in
Chicago, have arranged In a novel
manner to take advantage of the very
diversion that others are suffering
from. Their boat has been at West
Superior, Wis., all winter, undergoing,
repairs and when she started for Chi
cago to resume her summer excursion
route between Chicago and Milwaukee,
announcement was made of the fact
that a bicycle track had been con
structed on the lower deck of the ves
sel fee the use of riders while on board.
The track goes clear around the ves
sel, and is fifteen laps to the mile. The
innovation has caught on with wheel
men, and to further acquaint them
with the unique Arrangement and
popularise the pastime on shipboard
the management offers prizes during
the season for the person making the
greatest number of miles while the
boat is in transit between Chicago and
A true Kentucklan is nothing if not
sangHine. The league of American
Wheelmen numbers today over fifty
thousand members. By August this
list, at the rate it has. been increasing
during many weeks past, will swell
close to the hundred thousand mark.
The Kentucky wheelmen expect that
every one of these iee.606 members will
attend the national meet In Louisville,
and that every member will bring a
friend or two with him. They are
wis ki ngpreparatlQB8 on the same scale
as their expectations, and so energeti
cally have they worked that little more
" 1 1 . "in
remains to bedone. The. money neces
sary" has jrbeen raised," transportation
has, && looked 'after, headquarters
have, been. procured, hotels and board
ing houses have been listed, races have
been arranged that will bring together
the best men In the country, prizes
that will Induce the racing men to do
their best have been secured, and a gi
gantic program of the entertainment
for the visitors has been fixed up.
Maher has been matched with
Choynski, the fight to come off some
time in the latter part of this month.
Maher is in fine condition and he will
put up a fight that will be hard for
Choynski to beat.
W. C. Sanger had a terrible fall
Tuesday in Galesburg, 111., in the one
half mile professional race. Cooper,
E. Stade. A. C. Mertons, Coburn, Stev
ens, Sanger and one or two others
started. Stevens took the lead, hav
ing the pole with Cooper next. At the
half Cooper forged to the front. Down
the homestretch Cooper maintained
the lead until within about ten rods of
the wire. Here Sanger commenced to
gain and at the moment he bent him
self for a great spurt his handle bars
broke off and he pitched headforemost
to the ground. The other riders were
coming like demons behind. Clark,
Coburn, Stade, Hicks and Merton were
hurled off and for a moment the air
was full of legs, bicycles and arms.
Coburn and Hicks were thrown under
the fence; Cooper passed over the tape
alone, followed by Stevens and Star
buck. Sanger was helped to the dress
ing rooms and be was found to be bad
ly scarred and old wounds were re
opened. It will be several days before
Sanger can again enter the races, but
the 'injuries will not be permanent.
The proposed race' between the sextuple-machine
and the Empire State
Express has turned out to be a fake, at
least the days have passed on which
the races were to come off. It seems
strange that the public could be so
easily taken In. The idea that a bi
cycle could be made to travel a mile
in less than fifty Seconds seems pre
posterous. Great things have been ac
complished in (he art of bicycle con
struction both in ways of p'ruducing
speed and durability.but as yet no
machine has been devised that can be
propelled by human power alone at the
rate of a mile a minute or less un
paged. While it would be compara
tively easy for a "sex" to do this be
hind the train, it is an entirely differ
ent matter from doing it unpaced or
without some means to reduce the air
pressure on the machine and the
Removing Dandruff, preventing the
hair from turning gray, and pro
moting a luxuriant growth, no finer
thing can be used than the electric
treatment, given by Mrs Demarest
at Herpolsheimer'8 store
' '
The Indestructible "Maywood"
R float MfB,
est HfeU,
Most OeFsM
WtMl oa Etrih.
THIS S75.00 COM'
IF igf WFS35
.KBBfe -''mono LaVPmaV
j9 I 77SKk. tsmjMt JSf. I KX
TBZlKwfi iaywood yyj Avr
kl 1 1 Vr 3 MoflelNt.5 WM V-
""STBBBfaVaaiM" - - BBBBBBBBL !ui.j j.
Oct, S. 1895
J in I. IK!.1!
Jan. SI, 1800
OlllT !.
The "Msywood" in the UmnrjeM ami timplcM btrjrc (.vcrmade. Auai t if t. r it kinds ot
roads and riderx Made of material that Is olvi, onh and ntry; in.i e in construction,
easily taken npari sad pat together: lias few parts: Izot ouch wiry construction that its parts
will hold toffetb- r even in an anci ent: no hollow tubing to crush in at every contact; a frame
that cannot lie broke : so simple tuat its adjastiue part serve a U connecting part: a one
piece crank s place of a dozen parts: always ready to give reliable and rapid transportation.
Fat - Improved doable diamond, caaraateed fur three yearn. Made ot H-lncb cold
rolled 8t;cl roda (tongbest and strongest metal for Its weight known); Joined together with
aluminum otouze flttings in aacb a m inner that it is impossible to break or any part work
luoe:a marvel of uovclty aimplteity and dorabllitr; tLc L-rr.-tct combination of ingenuity
in li cycle mechanUm known, tobaild a frame without braze joints anil tuliinr. a.- yon know
tint tramescontluaally break and fractnrf at brazen Joint, aim tulx-s wh.-n the. arc buckled
in cannot be repaired. WilKKi. IH-Inch: warranted wood rnim pla'-o w iie tangent spoki s
and brass nipples. Hints Large bsrrrl pattern. Tlltl "ArlinL'to-i" Host-pipe oi mor
gan A- Wright yulck ttepalr. or some other first-class pneumatic-ti c UKAltlMiS Kail
bearings to every part. Injlndln? wheels, crank axle, meeninr he.v1 aivl jtdals. CHI'S ami
CON'KS Hest quality tool s:ee . carefau tempered and hanlcne.l. HAINS-IIMi grade
hardened center. rear adjustment. CRANKS nr celebrated one-Flece crank, fully pro-tesf-d
by patents: ao cotter pins. KRACH Shortest. -js inches: longest 37 Inches. MfcLAlC
U or 72. KKONT KilKK Indestructible; fork crown made fr.mi gun-barrel steel. If AXDI.B
It Alt Reversible and adjustil.le: easllr adjusted to r.nv position desired: rar-'s bom fur
nished if ordered. SAIUM.B P. F Cllliam. or some other first-class make r:iMI,
llat-trrp or rnbber: fall ball bearing. FINISH Enameled in black, with all bright rstts
nictel plated. Kach tllcvcl complete with tool big. pninp. wrench a-nl oiler. We ght. ac
cording to tires, pe lals. .saddles, etc.. 27 to 3 pound.
SID is oar Speei ii Wiiuieotle Frire. Never before sold
for less. To quick! v introdnc the "X tywoou Bicycle, we
have decided to make a special coupon offer, uivinitveiy
-eider of this pap -r i chutes to get a ust-class wheel at the
lowest price ever offered. On receipt of Sat.on al coupm
we will ship to anyone the above Bicvcle. seoorely crated,
and guarantee safe dell-try. Money refunded if not as
represented after arrival and examination. We will ship
C. o. D. with privilege of examination, for S36.00 and coapon
provided is sent with order as a guarantee of good faith.
A written binding warranty with each Bicycle. This is a
cbvice of a lifetime and yon cannot afford to let the oppor
unity pass. Address all order to
ConpM N. 1947
6a Wart Sarea Street. Bx 19 7 CHICAGO. MX.
Ne. 5 Mayweod
ill 'lMiiuim