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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1896)
i&S-Vijf "WWW iSffca?1" '9&r!3K2' :r s&jr&- , - t " - o , '- "-' a - a &-- - "i" - -Jy - It' - -2 i THI COURIEft. j ., ; XHE LINCOLN LIFT JC83N l;. I1' t 2- P fc OCCUPIES MIDDLE GROUND BETWEEN THE "OLD LINE" OB OLD FASHIONED LIFE COMPANIES AND "AFTER DEATH & , ; ASSESSIIENOTOR CREDIT SYSTEMS. ITI83UE3 A CLEAN PLAIN -' POLICY ON THE FIVE YEAR DISTRIBUTION AND FIFTEEN -,. ,; 3v YEAR SELF SUSTAINING PLANS - -. --V SSC ' c . . , v For fall information apply to W. R. Proctor, Sec'y at home of f ice rooms '3o4-ft-6-7, Farmers and Merchants Insarance block or to Fred S. Clinton or Aliens. Green, general agents. SuQsfyifye uill mae your tyome trappy if you use our Sunshine Whxnt. The are our leading brands: SUNSHINE BON TON. Ask your grocer for either of these, and the Clouds Will All Roll By when you bake your bread. The buy a mc gfour celebrated Wfl&flittl$t a most delicious and wholesome Breakfast Food. Made from choice selected wheat. Contains the sweetest and most nutritious of the food elements of wheat There is absolutely no cereal food in the world to C equal it KANdfmcE. The Norfolk Roller Mills, 315 North oth Street, BIRCHARD, BRIDGE & CO., p"374. Lincoln, Neb. Proprietors. AS3 tlBg riMI.Ml aaartmtk hair-eat, try I f. tan POPULAR TON90RIAL ARTIST. kwu elegant barber shap ek chain, eta, ceHea'4te at 117 North Tail tesalh taef Leasing AtM ffftr mr jjtv , CLAEKSON TAUDBY (Af -' la aa4 for Lancaster county, la aa action wherein L. B. Leach is plaintiff, and Dewitt dfosher, et al., defendants, I wil', at 2 o'clock pm., on the 9th day of .Jane, A. D., 1896, at -the east door of the court house, la the city of Uncota, Lancaster county, Nebraska offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing dsscrlbt real estate to wit: Lot seven (7), in block eight (8) in Hosts Place addition to the city of Lin coin, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Gives under my hand this 8th day of May, A. D.,1896. John J. Trompen, Sheriff. June 6 First Publication May 9. MOTSCB IB HXRKBT OITIN THAT ay, htae C aa arise at aula iasae ay the stack aC the sastrlet esvrt at the tUr'jsnsml amtrtst of Nebraska. wMk- H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. 5 aad J CaUtnfcCards 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. . 8 1100 DOIXAB8 KEWABDtlOO The readers of this paper will be pleasedto learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core is the only positive cure bow known to ie medical fraternity. Catarrh .being a constitutional disease, requires- a constitutional treatemeat. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, cting adirectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of thedisea as, aad giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its Curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi monak. Address, F. J. CinurET& Co., Toledo Oiuo. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. SBBX S Time Reduced Great Kocfe Island Route .Runs their Phillips' Pullman Excursion Cars to "Queen Victoria," La&ie Favorite Her Majettw' Perfume, is the late mott delicate and reined opera Per fume. At Riga Pharmacy, corner Twelfth and Ottreet. A on their fast trams. Examine cards and see that we are nearly tim REKITt! k . wul !ln ut 1 1 ij-. WkMamk moved to 121 N 12th; for irst class work lMie(h-Ml l06aUrsS& k., T"WO HOURI SasMrtSSka MMImUlMIVMM. The Maest ice cream parlors lathe city are at 1211 O 8t. -fipaesaar." 1 II For a cooling, refreshing iriak drop ate Frank M. ReeterV 1M1 O street New fouataia, the Utest driaka. guicker than any other route Chicago to Los Angeles. The Phillips excursions are popular He has carried over 125,000 patrons ia the past if teen years, and a comforta ble trip at cheap rate is guaranteed, aad he fast time bow made pHts the Philips-Rock Island Excursions at the top Post yourself for a California trip be. ore deciding, aad write me for explicit iaformattea. Address, JOHN 8EBASTIAN, 5?. , 'It r ir ii". & 1 v i ; 1 "V 1 4 I jit '0t&. V? &1