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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1896)
Sip THE COURIER. I P Ev . s fcf- If s. r . Pit If. I l&. F MaudMulIef Maud Mailer on a summer'a day. Mounted her wheel and rode away Bnutk her blue cap glowed a wealth Of large red freckles and first-rate health, SiagiBf, ahe rode, and bet merry glee - Frightened the sparrowfrom his tree. Bat when ahe waa several miles from tews, Upba the hill slope, coasting down, The sweet song died, and a vague ua, rest And a sort ot terror filled her breast A fear that she hardly dared to own, For what if her wheel ahouid strike a stoae! The Jadge scorched swiftly down' the'. road Jaat thea she heard bis tire explode! . He carried his wheel into the shade Ot the apple tree to await the maid. And he asked her if ahe would kindly loan Her pump to him, as he'd lost his own. She left her wheel with a sprightly jamp, And is leas than a jiffy produced her pump. And she blashed as she gave it, looking dews At her feet, -once hid by a trailing gown. Thea said the Judge, as he pumped way, "-Tis Tsry fine weather we're having today." He apohe at the-grass ;aad flowera and trass; Of twaaty-mito runs and centuries. And Maad forgot that no trailing gown Was ever her bloomers hanging-down. Kit the tire was fixed, alack-a-day! The Jadge remounted and rodo away. Maad Mailer looked and sighed, "Ah bm! That a Jadge'e bride I might be! "My father should .have a brand new Of the costliest wearing them was a confessed: "It might have Or wondering if bin, And then been Alas for the Judge! Alas for maid! Dreams were their only stock in trade. For ot all wise words ot tongue or pen. The wisest are these: "Leave pants for men! Ab, well! For us all hope still remains For .the bloomer girl and tbe man of br sine, And, in the hereafter, bloomers may Be not alloweu to block tbe way! i - THE SUICIDE.. - 4 Unannounced, headlong he tell Into the frightened court of hell; And Satan, swift his javelin lrig, cried, "E'en hell's to such as thou niedl" William Reed Dunroy Tliree Opinions: lift-de- Crete Chautauqua TRAIN SERVICE BY B. HOAD." & M. RAIL- make and the' finest Trains from Lincoln on July 4 and": A special morning excursion train will leave Lincoln Passenger a. m. Returning, leave Crete 10 1 p. m. On July 6, ,8, 9. 10, 11. 13 and 14 a morning train will leave Passenger Station at Tata m Returning, leave Crete at 10 p. m. In addition to above morning and evening -ttralns, pas sengers can also leave as -follows: Leave Lincoln. Leave Crete. 1022 a. m., Dally 6:55 a. m.. Dally 10:30 a. m., Daily 925 a. m.. Dally C-20 p. m., Daily 12:40 p. m.. Daily Except Sunday. 3:40 p. ni.. Dally Except Sunday. Trains from the West. Main Line On July 4 passengers from the west can take No. 4 br No. 2 for Crete; both of these trains will stop at all. stations between Hastings, and Crete, and can return same evening on No. 3r-whJch leaves Crete at 6:42 p. m.. and will stop at-all stations between Crete and Hastings.. Trains from the South, Wymore Branch On July 4 and 7 passengers from the south can take No. 90 or No. 92 to Crete, and can return on a spe cial train which will, run on these two dates' as' far as Beatrice, leaving Crete at 10 "o'clockr p. m. Rates of fair on all the above Jtralns and from all. points' in Nebraska will be as follows: On July 3 and , adults, one fair for the round trip: children five to twelve years.- one-half the above rate; children under five years, Jree. From July 5 to 15, from all points within 156 .miles of Crete, the fare will be the same as stated above. Final limit on all tickets. July 16. "The CHICAGO RECORD Is a model newspaper in every sense of the -fvprir,' . Harfisburg (Pa.) Call. "There is no paper published in America x that so nearly approaches the true journal',, istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD."- From "Newspaperdom" (New York). ' " have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the Journals of many cities and coun tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily Journal as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores." Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston (III.) Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI iCAGO RECORD, 181 Madison-st R?MlS T)&VJit$. "Aad I'd give one to Ma ot the same ON TO CHICAGO. Sa that she'd cease to borrow mine." The Jadge looked back as be climbed the hill. Aad saw Maad Muller standing still. "A prettier, face aad a form more fair rWssidom gased at, I declare! "Weald she were miBe, and I today Caald make her put those bloomers away!" Bat he thought of his sisters, "proud aad cold, Aad shuddered to think b"w they would scold ttheBo1d-OB oaeot these afternoons, Oasae home with a bride in pantaloons! Me swrried a wife ot the richest dower, "Who had never succombed to the bloom ers' power; Yet, oft while watching the smoke wreathes carl. He thought of that freckled bloomer girl; Of the way she stood there pigeon-toed. While he was pumping beside the road. She married a man who clerked in a store, Aad saaay chSdrea played arouBd her Joor. Aad thea her bloomers brought her joy ; Ska cat them dowa for her oldest boy. Bat still of the Jadge ahe ottea thought Aad sighed o'er the loss that her Day- Half Rates, Special Train and a light Run. Sunday a. m.. July 5, 8 o'clock, via the Elkhorn-Northwestern .line, a sil ver train, gaily and appropriately dec orated, will leave Lincoln carrying the Hon. W. J. Bryan, the Bryan club, the free silver delegates, their wives and their friends to Chicago, This train will be- first class in every particular; will make fast time, and the daylight run will enable people to see the finest portions of Iowa and Illinois while traveling over the greatest railroad in the west. One fare for the round trip will be charged. For further informa tion call on or address as below: A. S. Feeding. C. T. A.. S. A. Moshcr, Gen'l Agt., 117 So. 10th St, Lincoln, Neb. Remember the Union Pacific will run a special train for the Beatrice Chau tauqua, Sunday. June 28. Rev. Robert Hclntyre of Denver will preach in the morning. Train leaves Lincoln 8:30 a. m.. returning leave Beatrice 7 p. m. Fare only 90 cents for the round trip. troevvcvv e94 latoaly somas oa with sUght symptosaa, wbieh Isstai laorsase hi exteat aad gradaaly grow dangerous. S."'"X& RIPANS TABULES -."SLiZTAKeRiPANSTABULES mUSStSZl J- RIPANS TABULES Far offensive breath aad aH- .rnr KlO TAD1T1 T?0 lofthastoBeh........ ,trirlNO IADULCO iTabulea act ajaatry hat promptly upon th liver, stomach and the syateaa effectually; cure dyspepsia, aud habitual eaaatipatiaa, effeaaiTa breath and bedaoha. One Tsbule at thr first . ladicatioa at fadjgeatioa, biliousness, dizxinesa, distress after eating or ispreaahia at spirits, wiD surely aud quickly remove tbe whole difl eulty. Rlpaas Tabwka ara prepared from a prescription widely approved by Baodara science. If givaa a fak trial Bipaas Tabulsa am an infallible cure; they awatala nothing iajurioas and are aa economical remedy. ONE GIVES RELIEF A quarter-gross bus wUJ ba sent, postage paid, on receipt ot "50 aaats by RVPMIS Cr,tmCfvi C0!n?M 10 SPKTJOEST, NEWYOBK Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabulos If requested to do so. Thay at easy to take, quick ta act aad save maaya doctorabUL iiiiiiiHUHinnniiHimmmiHHmmrtui IT HINTS TO TOURISTS. WHERE TO GO AND WHAT COSTS Is the subject of a little pamphlet pub lished by the North-Western line, giv ing a large amount of information re garding the lake regions of Minnesota and Wisconsin. For copy address City Ticket Agent, 117 South Tenth street. Lincoln, Kb. ... -it r&? -j'?! M HALF FARE EXCURSION TO HOT SPRINGS, S. D. Jane 12 the Elkhorn will sell tickets to Hot Springs and return at one fare. Limit, thirty days. For pleasure or health this trip la unsurpassed. For tickets call at city ticket office. 117 South Tenth street. Lincoln, Neb. Don't make apyour miod'on a bicycle before seeing .the makes handled by BtUsMyer ft Sadler. 1133-35 M street. IX The CocarEB is on sale in Omahaat Megeath's stationery store, 1308 Farnam.street' .: " ' -.--;-, Jr"'-- :?$. - -$:& iy rr J i- -, v? ? . - .V!-J- .-.:& .- - v ,-a . .-J H -: NrtX - BaBBBBMiMSMSBgaaStMiii-aai&a-iia.-- a . . " ' i i - .- s . . &&&&iY