The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 20, 1896, Image 11

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Many counties ave been dilatory
In holding: their conventions this year,
and it has been difficult on that ac
count to make anything, like a satis
factory estimate of the work of the
republican state convention. A num
ber of Important counties will not hold
their conventions till next week, and
in some instences the county conven
tion will be held only two or three
days before the state 'coaveBtioa. Bat
this week there has been" a -decide
lining: up of the ranks, and It is. pos
sible to look ahead to the proceedings
of the state convention with some' In
telligence. At the outset "Jack" MacColl will
be one of three leading candidates,
but he will lack considerable of a suf
ficient number of votes to nominate,
and he will be the kind of -a candi
date who will lose instead of gain
when the balloting begins. The only
Increase he can hope to get will be
the few votes that Eugene Moore will
be able to turn over to him. These will
be vecy few and they will be more
than offset by desertions from the
"Jack" candidate. MacColl will be
forced to get out of the way and the
battle will then be fought between
Meiklejohn and Hayward, with
Adams an interesting factor. Nearly
everybody thinks Hayward would
make a good governor, but the most
of the delegates to whom Hayward
will look for support, wllf be instructed
for Meiklejohn, and there will' be be
hind the congressman a quality and
quantity of enthusiasm that will .be
disheartening to the other 'candidates.
Mr. J. H. Ager and other well known
representatives of the well-known in
fluence in Nebraska politics who, but
a few weeks ago, were going up and
down the state whooping it up for the
man who Is making bis canvass upon
a platform of whiskers and affability,
are now singing the praises of Hay
ward, a fact that is not calculated to
inspire "Jack" with any feeling of
fondness or consideration for Hay
ward, and it Is only natural to expect
that a great deal of MacColl's strength
will go to Meiklejohn. And Meiklejohn
will get nearly all of the votes that
will be cast for Moore at the outset.
The people in Captain Adams' district
want Adams for governor, but if they
cannot get Adams, a majority of them
want Meiklejohn. and it will be found
that the candidate from Fullerton will
receive substantial support from this
locality. But not counting the acces
sions Meiklejohn. will receive as the
balloting progresses, he will have a
positive, out and out support from the
first that will make him the most for
midable candidate. He will have a
greater number of counties than any
other candidate, and at this writing
his nomination seems fairly well as
sured. "Jack" cannot and will not be
nominated. A few people are saying
that MacColl is still In the race, but
they have nothing substantial on
which to base their claims. The Mac
Coll strength is chiefly holler and
There is going to be a big fight for
the nomination for treasurer, and the
man who is to be successful must go
Into the convention prepared to down
Joe's combination of Macks and Jacks,
the syndicate that includes the pow
erful influence of the present state
treasurer, used to perpetuate the Bart
ley regime, the candidacies of McNish
and Balch, and the more or less exten
sive pull of the Omaha National bank.
All of these influences are pulling to
gether, and the director of the syndi
cate, Joe JJartley, Is one of the coolest,
shrewdest, boldest political manipula
tors in the state. But with all its pow
er the syndicate seems predestined to
defeat. The combination is rendered
weak by the fact that the people un
derstand fully the purpose of the men
who are making such a frantic effort
to retain the control of the state treas
ury. Suspicion and distrust are stalk
ing about the state, and the people
everywhere are demanding the nomi
nation for treasurer of a man who is
altogether ulear of the syndicate's in
fluence, and that demand will be rep
resented by a commanding number of
votes in the state convention. Of the
candidates for treasurer who may be
regarded" as possibilities there are two,
Casey and Jewett, who are under no
obligations to Joe's syndicate, and It
is the opinion of thinking republicans
that the welfare of the party demands
the nomination of one of these two
men. Both are strong candidates, and
either would safely guard the inter
ests of the people.-
There will be some excitement when
it comes to the nomination of a can
didate for attorney-general. Republi
cans have not forgotten the theft In
the state convention of '92, and retri
butive Justice Is very likely to assert
Itself. The convention may expect a
spontaneous demand for the nomina
tion of Summers as an act of simple
justice, and If anybody starts a move
ment of this kind it will surely result
In Summers' nomination.
l;Mr. McCaly continues, to look after
his Interests and he. and his friends;
are hopeful. .'; '- "
' ?'
'" HereTfs a ticket that has many- of the
earmarks of probability upon it.. It Is
given, not as what the writer would
like to see,-but as what he thinks may
be the ticket:
Governor George 1V Meiklejohn. . t
Lieutenant-Governor, R. E. Moore
or Orlando Teftt.
Secretary of state, J. A. Piper.
Treasurer, Charles E. Casey or I. H.
Commissioner of public lands and
buildings,' H. C. Russell.
Attorney-general, W. S. Summers.
Superintendent, H. R. Corbett.
Auditor, P. O. Hedlund or "W. M.
Supreme Judge, Ryan and Bartow.
Regent of the university, "Some
good Omaha man."
is above all other things, the
remedy for sickly, wasted chil
dren. It nourishes and builds
them up when ordinary foods
30c. and $1 ml mil drmggimtm.
We do the genuine French dry cleaning ot shirt waists
and fine garments of every description. Gleaning and
pressing of gent's clothing a specialty
- A delightfully cool and attractive
place these warm days Is the handsome
store of Sutton & Hollowbush, lXth and
O street. A new addition Is a large and
beautiful onyx soda fountain, one of the
finest in the state. This is presided
over by an expert fizz clerk. This sea
son nut Ice-cream and many new flavor
In cream and ices are strong favorites
Mr. Sutton's cream has a state reputa
tion; he fills orders dally from many
outside points; and is making a special
ty of this trade. The line of candy Is
now larger and finer than ever. Confec
tionery always fresh; many novelties.
.OFFICE, 115 JNV 1 t.
In Omlxa.
The Flier will make better time by
several hours to St. Louis, Ctnclnnattl,
Washington, New York and to all east
ern points, than any other line out of
Lincoln. It is a screamer.
For information about rates, connec
tions, ets, or for sleeping car berths,
call at city ticket office, 1201 O street.
F. D. CORNELL, C. P. T. A.
The North-Western line Is now sell
ing tickets at reduced rates to many
tourist points in the western, northern
and northeastern states and Canada.
Any one desiring a summer trip would
do well to secure our figures before pur
chasing tickets elsewhere.
The Courier is on sale in Omaha at Megeath's stationery
store, 1306 Farnam street. .
T J Tlxcxrp dto Co.,
In a branches. -
Repairing done" as Neat and Complete m from the Factories at hard ttaee
AU kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST
Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLU.
IrlNCOlKr, 2VE13
Open at all Hours Day and Night
All forms of baths.
Acknowledge no equal, no peer. They have proven to be not only "good
aa the best" but actually the very best wheel made.
Call at 1217 O and examine them
Insure your wheel in the American Wheelman's Protective
association. New wheel if your" is stolea.
O. A WIRICK, iai7 O St
With special attention to the
cation of natural salt water bat
Several times stronger than sea w&l
Special department for surgical
and diseases peculiar to women.
Kaeuraatua, Skin, BInod and Narrows Dfe
ease, Lirer and Kidney Trouble and Ckraata
Allmanta are treated sneeearfollr.
Sea batbln may be enjoyed at all iiiiiii JP
oar lane aalt awitamlas pool, 50x142 faet, S M
8 feet deep, heated to uniform teaperatara a
Managing Physicians.
Removing Dandruff, preventing the
hair from turning gray, and pro
moting a luxuriant growth, no finer
thing can be used, than the electric
treatment, given by Mrs Demarest
at Herpolsheimer's store
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