1 THI CQTJRIJS1L, MeiklejobB.. One of these men will be BwniuteJ for governor. Without dis paraging Judge Hay ward in any way the opinion is freely expressed that Meiklejohn is most likely to be tha aesaiaee. It is felt that the congressman 1ms the requisite ability and dignity and integrity, and that, moreover, ha coHld make a more effective campaign than any other man who is a candidate Mr. Meiklejohn is just now looking after votes and be is getting them. He will come to the state convention with a .large and eataustattc following. W Af .r STOCK REDUCING SALE ELEANOR'S LETTER 1 1 GERALD I II (ill S Lipcota, Neb. , it My Dear Penelope: You say you are getag away for a little while. I wish I aright go with you, hut really Burl ington beach and Lincoln park are such superior places that I can for swear the seashore with fairly good grace. Not many young people have left Lincoln for the summer yet, but the exodus Is beginning, and I am afraid a. good many will work the rail roads or the banks and get away. Dr. Spahr left -the first of the week for York, Pa., where he will reside In future, and Mr. Faueon said a per manent good-bye to Lincoln "Wednes day. He goes to Boston, where they sake beans. Guy Hurlbut is having thirteen large extension trunks made and Just as soon as they are finished he will pack his wardrobe and leave far the summer. There Is said to be a- ghi down In Massachusetts whose faee will light up with a glad, sweet ssaMe when Guy's trunks appear: Mr. McCloud, who 'for the past year has Been instructor la the English depart ment m 'the state university, left for the east this week. It is understood that he will not return next year. The remains ef the awath that he cut la Lincoln society are still visible. Charley Magoen told me the other day that he would spend the summer M Hawaii, taking up the work begun ay Kate Field, and spreading the movement for woman suffrage among the natives, but I Imagine be was only Jeting. I suggestted that he go to Cuba and put down the Insurrection by stepping on It. Tltwlllow Jones wHl leave Monday for his native place a the Island of Lllllput Frank Burr may spend July and August In Wy oming looking for gold and trout. Dr. White, of the university, wHl go home to Maryland. Prof. Owens will spend the summer east Frank Zen rung will spend several weeks decorat ing the BJalto In New York. The Baldwins are talking of moving out to Meadowbrook farm for the summer. Last Fourth of July society, or rath er the younger element, was rent asun der by two rival outings, one under the direction of Messrs. Frank Burr, R. M. 1 Joyce et al., and the other headed by Mattaon Baldwin. The feeling between the projectors of these outings was not so very pleasant, and there was a 'merry scramble to see which could make the biggest showing. Between the two the town was dragged, and both parties were successes, especially in attendance. This year there will. In all probability, be a repetition of the experiences 'Of a year ago. Ar rangements are already being tmade for two' outings at South Bend and Meadowbrook by these two factions. Next year guests will be booked for the annual picnics as early as Janu ary 1. The dance given by Mr. and Mrs. John T. Dorgan at Burlington beach last Friday night was one of the most successful out-of-door entertainments given thus far. Mr. and Mrs. Dorgan and 'Mc. Amasa Wilson and Miss Bine hart received the guests. The party was large, and the people danced with something like the enthusiasm of the early winter. The cool breezes blew, the steer was la prime condition, and the brave men and fair women made the most of the occasion. Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock Mr. Edward B. Ransom was married to Miss Maude May McCain, daughter of George H. McCain, 1536 Vine street. Dr Lasby performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by relatives and a small number of intimate friends. Mr.. Ransom is the assistant cashier eCthe Lincoln Street Railway com pany, and Is well known In the social circles of the city, while the bride is an exceedingly popular young lady. After the ceremony an informal re ception was held prior to the departure of the young couple for Denver and Colorado Springs. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. George J. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Woods, Mr. Mattson Baldwin and Miss Rlnehart left for Hot Springs, S. D. They will remain till the latter part of next week. Mrs. A. S. Raymond had a Kensing ton on Monday afternoon. It was for the special entertainment of Mrs. Brown, who Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Aitkin. Had you heard that Mrs. A. S. Ray mond is going abroad with her chil dren? She goesln a few weeks. She will meet Mrs. Andrew Raymond, who Is already there, and the two families will travel In company. In the winter Arthur and Ruth are going to school and Mrs. "Raymond will settle down In some quiet pension with her children. Helen Harwood will sail a week from tomorrow, Saturday. Miss Ames of Boston chaperons and conducts the party, which consists of four young ladies. Miss Harwood means to do as much of Europe as she can comfort ably this summer and spend the win ter in Paris. When she is settled for the winter she has planned to con tinue work on her theses the Bastlle. She will have access to original docu ments and looks forward with much satisfaction to this 'especial plan. Captain and Mrs. Gullfoyle gave a card party on Tuesday evening and another on Thursday evening. There were five tables, the game was whist the north and south kind, you know, that Lieutenant Townley knows all about Mr. R. J. Greene, Mrs. Ladd and Mr. Ogden took prizes for rapid and sound deductive reasoning, Tues day evening. Mrs. Buckstaft gave an early morn ing card party on Wednesday. The ladles stayed to luncheon and got heme in time for an afternoon nap. Thursday evening the young men at Worthington academy gave a dancing party. The court of the school build ing was full of frlends(of the boys. Nothing marred the enjoyment of the evening except the last car home and that about broke it up. On Saturday night Miss Henrietta Hollowbush will give a party for Miss Houston, Mrs. F. W. Brown's guest They say that the party given by the Lincoln club at the beach tonight will be the most elegant and lavish of all the club parties of the winter. It will probably be the close of a brilliant season for this new club. Mr. Cook, Mr. Green and Mr. Wilson, who In vented the Lincoln club, certainly de serve choice praise. I have not missed one of the parties so far and I can truthfully say that there have been no functions so elegant and exclusive since Lincoln society drew its first conscious breath. Yours lovincly Friday, June 12. Eleanor EVERYBODY ATTEND THE Chautauqua Assembly at Beatrice, June 18-28. For above occasion the Union Pa cific will sell round trip tickets on June 18 to 28 inclusive for $1.20, and on Sun day, June 21, and 28th, a special train will be run, leaving Lincoln at 8:30 a. m., returning leave Beatrice 7 p. m. Fare for these special dates, 90 cents. For full information and tickets call at city ticket office, 1044 O street, or depot Fifth and O. : i Lincoln's popular dry goods'store crowded to overflowing ANOTHER WEEK OF BARGAINS Take advantage of the low railroad fare and attend the . greatest money savin; sale ever held in Nebraska. 100 DOZEN LADIES' r LAUNDRIED SHIRT WAISTS Made of fine Ivory finished Per cale that retails for 12Kc yard. Made with extra large Bishop sleeves. Made with double pointed yoke In front and back. Made with high turn down col lar. Made In the best possible manner by expert shirt makers. Made to retail as a bargain for $1.09. A great many houses sell no better waist for $L25. Take a look at them In our west show window. They are la all sises from 32 to 44 and In fifteen-styles. J . DURING THIS SALE YOU CAN 'HAVE YOUR PICK OF THE 100' DOZEN FOR -49c each- $1.98 eaoh UiJl LADIES' READY TO WEAR DRESS SKIRTS. - Made of figured Black Mohair, 4 and 4& yards wide, lined throughout with canvas or Rustle Cambric, bound with a good quality of Velveteen. Twenty five styles of large and small figures, and 38 to 42 Inches long. They are worth $4 each. -4 Jv '"'" i. -'? - . P 78o eacl LADIES' EMPIRE ' NIGHT DRESSES. Made of a good quality of Cambric, handsomely trimmed with embroidery and fine tucking. Sizes 14 to 16 and 58 Inches long. The regular price is J1.25. During this sale, choice of two styles, for 75c each. t -s WASH '' DRESS GOODS DEFT. 6o yard No such value anywhere else for less ' than 12ic 100 pieces Empire and Montrose Dimities, 30 In. wide, a superb assort ment of colors and styles. See the dis play of them in our east show window. They look like 25c goods. They are actually worth 12c. During this sale they go for 6c yard.. lOo yard 200 pieces Jaconettes, fine Dimities and Persian figured Organdies, worth 15c. lfl Axacx oxaeiaclf oeats 100 pieces fine Corded Dimities and new figured Organdies. A magnificent collection of high class novelties, worth up to 20c I! & : 4 o. H "S iwsjigaS i L$S :&? , -.