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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1896)
?& g$i?$emfem?'-.-T pt? ?,-. THE COURIER. GMO WHERE SHAfaL WE GO THIS SUMMER? & rV99S9e9S'9A9ft99AA9999'9S9 $m&.;:r BilXrrL5rejr ; lv- ?v . ."' v. -. J KBEEr 8P LSKSawroa f&v- TV HE first B'ege mbking the Yellowstone Park tour leaves niainm tn Hot springs, June 1 at; the last, October 1st. The equipment is the beat obtainable, consisting of Concord coach es of a upeciul pattern, made to tit tho ne. ceseitiesof purk tmvel. While strong and durable, they are light and roomy, easy to get into and of. ; d open at the sides. To reach the ark t) m.-iin line of tho rail road is left at Livingston, from which point a branch lines run to Cinnabar, on its north ern bordir. At Cinnabar the stages of the Yellowstone National Park Transportation Company are taken o Mammoth Hot Springs seven miles dis!tpt. and the first of the natural wonders the tourist has come to see. Mammoth Hot Springs, there are more than seventy-fire of them occupy a mound upwards of 170 acres in extent, nearly 200 hundred feet high, and embracing eight separate and di tinct terraces, com (weed mainly o f lime d e posited by their own (the springs) action. The temperature of the spring-pools varied from 80 to 163 Fah renheat. About the rims of their bowl chaped basing and on the sides and bottoms of the numerous litth: rills formed by their bubbling wave-like overflow, coloring mat ter more or lets strik ing, and varying in tint from the most delicate shades of cream and pink to deep red, is constantly being de posited, though tho greater bulk of the formation is devoid of color resembling in general appearance frozen cascades more than anything else. At the base of the mound stand "The devil's thumb" and Liberty Cap"' the latter forty-three ft. in height by twenty feet in diameter at its base conts or chim neys of liot Springs or geysers (possibly) long i-ince extinct. The several cave-like open ings, vipible from the hotel veranda, are merely the crumbling vents of ancient springs similar to those upon terraces above. The altitude of the Hot Spring mound, 6.5S7 feet is 1,000 feet higher tbau that of the Gardiner river into which its pcald ing overflow drains, and 2.000 feet higher than the railroad ter minal at Cinnabar. Immediately after breakfast, on the morning succeeding arrival at Mammoth Hot Springs, tourists begin the regularly scheduled tour of tho park. , HOTEL, YELL WSTOXE PARK JUPITER TERRACE Everything is pleasant at home when you have nice tender juicy beef steak to eat there. That's the kind we keep. You will always get just what you order Salt pork.." 5c 1 i Breakfast bacon ... 8c '. . v Bo'ogna .........'..iir.'..'. 5c ' ,Ji Boiled beef as low as ., .....3c " Spring chickens from 15c up "f ' -'".'" f Evverythingelseat hard time prices. ' ' '' -U " - '-fs . --- THR CAPITAL CITY 3VIEJAT CO 1014 P ST. PHONE 365 Agents for the Its name is its guarantee. This 1896 model has more improvements than all theother makes of bicycled put together. Fur mechanical con H'ni2tion, simplicity, style, finish, durability bjJ riding qualities. It has no equal. Price floo Columbus ipeoiatl Bicycle Don't fail to Bee it. The wonder of the world at 965. We also carry the genuine Columbus Buggy Co's rlno Traps, Carriages. Phaetons, Surry's and Buggies etc. Don't fail to call and see our line before purchasing. Repository .-"-, f 1133-38 AX. 8t f. J 'Tlxoirp & Co., GENERAL BIOYOLE REPAIRER8 in a branches. - Repairing done as Neat and Complete u from the Factoriea at hard tlas prto All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN- Tne Entire - HAT STOCK Of Bi owning, King & Go. IS NOW ON SALE! Everything to be Closed Out at Wholesale Prices. Nothing Reserved. All the latest styles in Stiff Hats, Soft Hats. Straw Hats, Caps and Fancy Headwear. Everything that covers the treads of Men, Boy's, Children and Misses', GOES: Store will not be opened until 8:30 o'clock It will pay you to be on tine. BR0WNING,KING&C0