'"vi "T Fstr.:f ,: - - --r-j I --Jr -r r A" TH1 COURIER. FOR CLEANING THE SCALP a Sr Removing Dandruff, preventing the hair from turning gray, and pro moting a luxuriant growth, no finer thing can be used than the electric treatment, given by Mrs Demarest at Herpolsheimer'8 store -: - The Courier is on sale in Omaha at Megeath'e stationery ' store, 1308 Farnam street. TMt raaa a slenaMy car qniekir. permanency a nervous dlaeaae. Wok Xeaiurr, Lum of Brain Power, BNtelM. Wakef aliwae. Eet VludttT. NlcnUy KaUa- atom. eH oreams. impoieticr ana niuw auciwi oeaeea By RNKBtrnorxe(K.CoBtaluDoopUtea.lsBBerratalp ad Masai liariMer. Makeatbepaleandpunyftrnacandpliimp. MIt eanlefl In rmt pockPt. SI per box; f or Br sal Ipre aM.M(aavrU(riewAramtMartiuMUVfTfuiid. Wrttena.fV'ee miFa pmin wrapper, wiia muisoBiiB ru ISaanrlalatanmnc AVtckanwnremumttaMon. Btwanpfimff ttiuMwanMtfMUfMtmiimm.lMaAIwab.aiaCfc araatetaUaooln.Neb..by H. W.SUOWK. Drnsglet. T J riroi?po Jte Go., GENERAL BIOYOLE REPAIREBS in a branches. - aUpairiag done m Neat and Complete u froaa the Factories at hard tiae fritft All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN. ! OolaLli. summer opera Mascot I :. MStU BOSTON GOMIC OPERA CO bast peSnng Popular Prices, lOc. 20c, 30o and SOc 5 Olivette . . . Said PsSls.1i.el I t. . SULPHO-8 ATiTNE MIMliMIlM -' ' -. i - COR 14 AND M bnrcobur, ibb ika. Open at all Hours Day and Niglt All forme of bathe. TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN With special attention to the appli oatioa of natural salr water bathe. Several Usaes stronger than sea water. Special department for surgical caeee aad diseases peculiar to women. KhenaMtiew, Skin. Rood and Nerrona DU mm, Liver and Kidney Troubles and Chronic Baaenta are treated amceaifally. Sea bathing may be enjoyed at all aeaaoca in oar lawtt it awimminc pwl. 58xli2 feet, S to feetdeep. heated to uniform temperature of 8S degrees. M. H. AND J. O. EVERETT Managing .Physicians. In and for Lancaster county. In an action wherein L. B. Leach is plaintiff, and Dewitt C.Moeher, et al., defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m. , on the 9th day of June, A. D., 1896, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate to wit: Lot seven (7), in block eight (8) in Houtz Place addition to the city of Lin coln. Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 8th day of May, A. D 1896. John J. Trompen. Sheriff. June 6 First Publication May 9. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT by varta ef aa order of sale issue a by the stark ef the district court of the third Jasirisl district of Nebraska, with- 8 ooocoooocoo H. W. BrOWN Druggist and Bookseller. -V<n(EaB Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. ! PHONE 68. Wanted-An Idea Who c of aoa taJac to Bateatf TVseaet year Meat: taeynay Brtacroa weeKn.. Witti JQaX WaVBKBBCBM a CO, Patent Attar- aaaimii r r r i mil snrirm nair ; ot two Bwasrad lavaatione wanted. I mm B YEAR $100 DOLLARS REWARD $100 The readers of this paper will be pleasedto learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive care now known to ie medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatenient. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is -taken ' internally, cting adirectly upoeAthe blood and mucous surfaces of thVevBtem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disea se, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution saxC assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi monals. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo 0!iio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. "Queen Victoria," Ladies Favorite Her Majesty's Perfume, is the latest most delicate and refined opera Per fume. At Higgs' Pharmacy, corner Twelfth and O s treets. BENKE, the popular tailor has moved to 121 N 12th; for first class work and low rates give him a call. The finest ice cream parlors in the city are at 1211 O St. "Ephemar." For a. cooling, refreshing drink drop nto Frank M. Rector's, 1211 O street. New fountain, the latest drinks. $tos8HH!y Time Reduced (reat ftocb Island Route Runs their gbillips' Pullman Excursion Cars to 111 Rector's confectionery store, 1211 Ost. on their fast trains. Examine tim cards and see that we are nearly TWO HOURS quicker than any other route Chicago to Los Angeles. The Phillips excursions are popular He has carried over 125,000 patrons in the past fifteen years, and a comforta ble trip at cheap rate is guaranteed, and he fast time now made puts the Phill-pe-Rock Island Excursions at the top- Post yourself for a California trip be. "ore deciding, and write me for explicit information. Address, JOHN 8EBA8TIAN, .' 5xa "-M 4 Vj ., -J3 -? ;fl"i.- :.., i -VWjJfc-f