Pr?PlF5T . -' S. ' 0!. i THX COURIER. "3 K fvfO jf?s? . X v - .. - V - &,- 'O :-' . X-' ".-- F "s 10 6 & SG r - Of SPilD0R The Great 10 cent store in their new quarters, lowering skies are but a foil for the brightness and elegance that reign in their displaying Lincoln, has never before had such an array of useful articles and novelties as is now seen at their new place. If you step in you will certainly find something that you want among the thousands of ' different articles. The great 10 cent store I nmm o - N0V1R 0UO BUGQ.N TOP Made SJ-w Buggy top trimmings, cushions and dashes always on band and made to order. If your buggy top needs fix ing bring it around. Will guarantee you perfect satis faction, both in work and price. - 1191 P. St. HIGH ART BICYCLES Acknowledge no equal, no peer. They have proven to be not only ' as the best" but actually the very best wheel made. Call at 1217 O and examine them 'good Insure your wheel in the American Wheelman's Protective association. New wheel if your's is stolen. O. A. WIRICK, 1217 O St emiFOfliii MED GOODS! WJEJYKO Iet xm sell you your erooerlea? Don't buy cheap, old shelf worn goods when you can get the very NICEST AND FRESHEST At: te mct.xn.0 rrloeS THE ROYIL GROCERY, 1028 P STRET. PMOHE 224. 1 W FEE I piED I FRUITS I SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby riven that by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Judi cial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county. In an action wherein Charles H. Morrill as receiver of the Nebraska Saving's bank of Lin coln, Nebraska. Is plaintiff, and Mary A. Hughes et a!., defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 23d day of June, A. D., 1896, at the east door of the court house. In the city of Lincoln, Lancas ter county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lot three (3), In James O Young's Ir regular tract of East Lincoln, as per recorded plat thereof, further described as follows: Commencing at a point 159 feet south of the northwest corner of block three (3), of James O. Young's East Lincoln, running thence west six ty (CO) feet, thence south one hundred forty-two (142) feet, thence east sixty (60) feet, thence north one hundred and forty-two (142) feeet, to place of begin ning. In Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 20th day of May, A. D., 1896. JOHN J. TROMPEN, Sheriff. June 20. SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Judi cial district of Nebraska, for Lancas ter county. In an action wherein Charles M. Hauthaway Is plaintiff, and Major J. Bohanan et aL, defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 30th day of June, A. D., 1896, at the ast door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, eNbraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate, to wit: Part of Lots two (2) and three (3), In block flfty-four (54), In the city of Lin coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, de scribed as follows, viz: Beginning- at a point on the north line of said block forty-two and one-half (42) feet west of the northeast corner of said block, and running thence south sixty (60) feet, thence west twenty (20) feet, thence north sixty (60) feet, thence east twenty (20) feet, to place of beginning, known as lot "B" in the sub-division of said block. Given under my hand this 27th day of May, A. D., 1896. JOHN J. TROMPEN. Sheriff. June 27. HALF FARE EXCURSION TO HOT SPRINGS, S. D. June 12 the Elkhorn will sell tickets to Hot Springs and return at one fare. Limit, thirty days. For pleasure or health this trip Is unsurpassed. For tickets call at city ticket office, 117 South Tenth street, Lincoln, Neb. Time i MoneV SHE II BY TIKIIK IK m M rOsnfMHl C&M H S m& CTO'V Actual time traveling. 4 37 hours to Salt Lake. C7 hours to San Francisco. "-; 65J hours to Portland. 89 hours to Los Angeles. -FROM- LIN60LN, NEB For High Polish or Domestic Work TRV pe Best Laundry 2219 O Street. Phone 579. H. H. Towssejid P. M. Plomon doji Uadar new managesaat MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA. NEBR. 9 AXTOH. HUOTT DATKXVeST, Fraprtetera. lal att tina to itati trad, gi ssMMNial tfavUts. Faraasi ftt asBBMS U Astir to aaanoaiau The Nebraska McKInley club will have a special train of sleepers from Lincoln to St Louis to attend the re publican convention, leaving Lincoln about 3:20 p. m., June 15, via. Missouri Pacific The total cost, including sleeping car for Ave days, attendance, etc.. will be but 125. While in St. Louis the cars will be located three blocks from the convention auditorium, with complete sanitary arrangements provided for. All desiring to avail themselves of this privilege will communicate with F. W. Collins, secretary and treasurer Ne braska McKInley club. nmm mm ii tie Ootne and 9 U V. O. Towiwbhd. F. D. CoRifzu, G. P. A T. Agt. C. P. T. Aft. fit Louis. Mo. 1X1 OWL IT HINTS TO TOURISTS. WHERE TO GO AND WHAT COSTS Is the subject of a little pamphlet pub lished by the North-Western line, giv ing a large amount of Information re garding the lake regions of Minnesota and Wisconsin. For copy address City Ticket Agent, 117 South Tenth street, Lincoln, Neb. DO YOU WANT TO SAVE TIME? Well the new flyer leaving Lincoln at 3:20 p. m. via Missouri Pacific will save you several hours to St. Louis, Cincin nati, New York and all eastern points and connections are made in the St. Louis union station, the most expen sive, complete and finest in the world Any information or eleeeping car berthe at city ticket office 1201 O St. Wm wanting a cleaa. eaay r aa artistic hair-cat, try THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST. who haa aa elegant barber atop with oak chairs, eta, called "Tfca Aimi" at 117 North Thirtawtk atnat, south of Lansing theatre. r mju sua rar meat mtm The very best of everything in th drug, stationery and notion line, lowest prices, at Roy's. DR. F. B. SHERWIN, DENTIST, Porcelain Fillings, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. BURR BLOCK Purple pansy, Her Majesty1 s Per fume, has that delicate, yet refined and lasting odor, much desired by the con ROOMS 17, 18, 19, sumer. Biggs, the Druggist, is head quarters for all the latest Toilet arti eles, corner Twelfth and Ostreets. Lincoln Nebrask SECOND FLOOE. n C .