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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1896)
WJSStlS T-jH5 .M. y - . ( R- .rf THI COURIER. i SUMMER BatF - M 1 ' aaaaftafflftdEiiffiffiffiffiffisS'OTOTSSS saaaamf fcsSSsjMt1 ImVEIh -BnBBaaAsmw9aW bbbk i-r. 7 -""r""J w: SGHOOL Is now open in the Lansing Theatre building GRADE WORK Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial course, Mathematics History, btin, English and German. Grades accept ed at University and High School Chamberlin Commercial College, Lansing Theatre Building, Lincoln. !Xs& vurat mm l ' 1 1 1 1 lVTfci MISS ALICE HUNTER Accredited teacher of Latin at the State University t . . , , . , t, H. W. QUAINTANCE. former principal of Commercial Depart ment of Northern Illinois College. ....,, C. M. SKILES,four years experience in teaching the higher brandies. MISS NELLIE CLARK, German and French. J. C OLSON, Penmanship andbook keeping 11IEM 11 CHIN II LIIIX WES BEGIN JUNE 15 M. Ackermann has gone to Dead wood, S. D.. for a visit. C. a Fletcher of Spokane, Wash., Is -visiting his parents in Lincoln. Mrs. Jane Walker of Terre Haute, lad., is visiting Miss Eleanor Ray mond. Sirs. J. H. Luke went to Toledo, la., yesterday, having been called there by the serious sickness of her father, Mr. Sperry. Arthur Bishop, who has been attend ing the Chicago medical school, has re turned to his home in Lincoln for the summer. 4-3Ht Mrs. S. A. Pratt has gone to Pawnee City to visit friends. She will be absent for three weeks. Mrs. Pratt is the moth er of Captain Harry Pratt of engine house No. 1. Mrs. Belle M. Stoutenborough, Miss Maude Maussee and Miss Margaret Davis of Plattsmouth are In the city to attend the commencement exercises of the state university. Mrs. Albright of Red Cloud and her daughters. Mrs. Swart and Mrs. Price, and grand-daughter. Lilla, of Lewis ton, Pa., are visiting at the home of W. C. Cunningham, 1411 G street. Deputy Auditor Hedlund has re turned from his Phelps county home. He attended the county convention at Heldrege, which instructed a delega tion of twelve to work for his nomina tion as auditor of public accounts. George B. Frankforter, professor of chemistry in the university of Minne sota, an alumnus of Nebraska state university class of '85, arrived any to attend commencement festiv ities. He is the guest of Chancellor MacLean. The announcements for the Colorado summer school have just been received la the city. Among the lecturers ap pears the same of Prof. Amos G. Warner, who Is highly spoken or. with the statement that he is from the uni versity of Nebraska. The university people are much pleased. Professor Warner win deliver eight lectures on private corporations. Dr. Warner is new living at Green Mountain, Colo., at an altitude of 8.649 feet and his health Is somewhat better. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Fame and J. R. Sutherland went out on Saturday to visit the state indus trial school at Kearney and on their return yesterday Mr. Sutherland said they were well pleased with what they had seen and the hospitable manner In which they were entertained by St perlateaaeat John Mallalieu and his corps, of assistants. He said that tha laatitutJea had about four acres of strawberries that were now yielding several hundred quarts of berries a day, and that their principal diet while there was strawberries and cream, with new mown alfalfa hay and many other good things on the side. ThJ farm consists of 400 acres and is under a high state of cultivation. The crops consist of alfalfa, corn, oats, sugar beets and beans, and all varieties of vegetables are grown In abundance. The Kearney canal that furnishes the power for the cotton mill and electric plant in the city runs through th south part of this farm and will be very valuable for irrigating purposes in dry seasons. IWIHIW9MSgWfHtCTHfttMttffmWfW8ttH R?MlS TfA!WE. Disease commonly cornea oa with slight symptoms, which when neg lasted increase in extent and gradualy grow dangerous. THE JUNE RACES w Lincoln park association of Lincoln, Neb., will g!ve,June 16, 17, 18 and 19,the greatest trotting and pacing races that have ever taken place in the west. The track and grounds are in mag nificent condition. The horses entered for the many races are exceptionally good ones, $1,000 purses being the at traction that brings great horses. Many of the famous horses and driv ers for 1896 will be on the grounds and racing. People who enjoy good racing and fine horses should not fall to attend this meeting, as no other opportunity like this will be afforded this year in or near this locality. The first day will see the 2:09 pace, sixteen entries, -eight of which have records of 2.-08J4 to 2:10. No such lot of horses ever started In this state be fore. The 2:28 trot, fourteen horses to start, is composed of very evenly matched horses and will be a great race, probably five to seven heats. The 2:25 three-year-old pace has in it some of the prospective sensational race horses for the year 1896. They start under conditions that make every heat a horse race and no mistake. This purse Is 1900, 1300 to be paid on each of the three heats, 30 per cent. 25 per -cent. 15 per cent, 10 per cent to first four horses out. The second day has the 2:15 pace with a number of very fast ones and promises to be finished In very fast time. The 236 trot with its large list of horses, and 2:23 pace, twenty horses, complete a day's program that will be remembered by those witnessing It. Thursday, June 18, will be a red let ter day la trotting history. Like the first day In pacing it has the great eld of eighteen entries in the 2:12 trot and will be a sensational race. Then ! : T RIPANS TABULES -.a!2S-SS RIPANS TABULES JXSZtSl u SZ RIPANS TABULES C2t:.:u.TKERiPANS TABULES Haas Tabulea act gently bat promptly upon the liver, stomach aad Intestines; cleanse the system effectually; cure dyspepsia, and habitual aoaetipatioo, offensive breath aad headache. One Tsbuleat the first indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression of spirits, will surely aad quickly remove the whole dial eulty. Siaaaa Tabulea are prepared from a prescription widely approved by modern science. It given a fair trial Ripens Tabulea are aa infallible cure; they eamtaia nothing injurious and are aa economical remedy. ONE GIVES RELIEF t, postage paid, oa receipt of ff O A auarter-gross box will be seats by R?MIS CEaUCJOi COUPON 10 8PRTJ0E8T, NEWYOBK Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabuloe If requested to do so. Thay are easy to take, euJek to act aad save many a doctor's MIL cornea the 2:35 pace with the largest field in any class and likely to be one or the fastest races of the meeting. The new phenomenal pacers generally start in this class to find easy money and as a rule it proves one of the greatest races of any meeting. This one will be no exception. The 2:23 trot has a large list or even ly matched horses and this day will prove one or the best. In fact, every day will be a Nebraska day. The races are on at Omaha and Den ver this week and both strings of horses will meet at Lincoln on the 16th to 19th and make the contests so much better than either that any lover or racing should not miss It. The usual price for such races is SI. The management has cut the prices, and admission will be 50 cents. The business men and citizens gen erally or Lincoln are In full accord with the management and will co-operate In making these meetings the greatest ever-held In this state. "Queen Victoria." Ladies' Favorite Her Majesty's Perfume, is the most lasting and perfect Perfume. Ask toys' the Druggist," for a sample. Canon City coal at the Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. A. good dinner every day at Houck'e Everybody goes there to eat. v '.K U ,3 i wvs AmtZ la- -, .