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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1896)
m it, ' f. re sr- prv .W y v; v' '""'n 'r'sapp VOL 11. N 0 23 &STABLISHBD ifc 1&3 HKICE FIVE CENTb LtNCOLN NBB., SATURDAY. JUNE 13 185C JgH ENTERED IN THE POST OFFICE AT LINCOLN AS SECOND-CLASS MATTKS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY TK COWIER raiNTING AND PUBLISHING GO Office 217 North Elerenth St. Jelephone 384 W. MORTON SMITH SARAH B. HARRIS Editor and Manager AMoeUte Editor Subscription Rates In Advance. Per annum 82.00 Six months 1.00 Three months 50 One month 20 Single copies 5 ure as the present bill when the treas ury is depleted, and when congress has already, in the face of govern ment bankruptcy, exceeded all previous congresses in the profligate appropria tion of the public funds, is a monstrous outrage, and Mr. Cleveland was right In vetoing the bill, and Mr. Strode was right In upholding the president. There is no intention in these remarks to reflect on the Honorable Dick Ber lin. Senator Thurston was not present when the vote on the measure to pro hibit the president from Issuing bonds was taken. Senator Allen voted for it. Erratlcus Sockdolager Dundy is not the only one of his kind. There is one of his species on the bench of the court of general sessions In New York. His name Is Cowing. In an ad dress to the grand Jury he referred pointedly to some recent criticisms of popular clamor. An honest and inde pendent judiciary is u prerquislte to good government everywhere. But that Is something very different from ' Conceding to judges divine attributes, regarding them as too sacred for criti cism and leaving them to do good or ill without scutiny of their action by those who created them and whose servants they are. It is not disrespect to Judge Cowing to say that Judges have been corrupt In this and other countries. It has been necessary to watch them as well as other officers. Some of them have been seen to pro tect criminals and to take bribes, and people have first talked about them, even 'assailed, and 'attacked' them, and finally impeached and removed them. That is a prerogative which the citizens reserve to themselves In all cases. A judge is man like other men. He Is selected by the people, from among the people, to discharge certain definite duties. He Is entitled and beat her." This Isn't the confes sion of a wife-beater or murderer. It Is only an extract from David Belasco's recital of how he made an actress of N. K. Falrbank's Mrs. Leslie Carter. Mr. Belasco said: "I taught her to weep for the different emotions in a different way In fact, I tried In the brief period of one year and a half to make her such an artist as It would ordinarily take a lifetime to become. I took her arms and trained the muscles from the hand to the elbow, then from the elbow to the shoulders, then from the shoulders to the hips, from the hips to the knees, and from the knees to the ankles. I showed her how to weep over the body of a murdered husband, over the body of a dead lover; how to laugh when sad, how to laugh when her heart was breaking, how to smile when she feared the villain." And Mrs. Leslie Carter's N. IC. Fair- I OBSERVATIONS 1 ' 1 tin W k(SS)( There Is a scrawny, red-headed man who receives 15,000 per year for repre senting one of the Nebraska congress districts. He is without form or fash Ion, and when he makes his appear ance on thefloor of the house of repre sentatives it is in the character of a charlatan and apostate. He is a popu list and a picaroon. His name Is Kem and his portion Is Ignominy. Ration al people in this state regard him with a feeling of utter contempt His popu list brethren repudiate him. The re publican candidate for congress In Kern's district was not good enough. So the people took Kem, and ever since they have been getting the devil. Look not upon populists, especially when they are red-headed. This populist plckthank, Kem, stood in the way of the consideration of the Trans-Mississippi exposition bill be cause the house refused to consider the Fort Sidney reservation measure. He set himself against a project in which the whole west Is interested be cause congress had not Ignited when he protruded his flaming forelock Into the house. It is refreshing to note that the Honorable Silas Adipose Holcomb and other life-sized populists have not hesitated to express their disapproval of Kern's puny pusillanimity. It is worth while to consider, for a moment, the votes of the Nebraska delegation on other recent measures. Mr. Mercer was the only Nebraska congressman to vote to override the president's veto of the river and har bor legislative steal. Messrs. Strode, Andrews and Hainer voted with the president. When the vote was taken Into the senate both Thurston and Al len were absent. Mr. Strode has been unkindly criticised in some quarters for his vote, but he is upheld by the great majority of the think ing people of the First district. It Is bad enough to pass a corrupt river and harbor bill when there is money in the treasury. To pass such a meas- btJ?5S mii2&s'i 2PSte9E3 r$M&- tfii 1 4t his conduct, and went so far as to say: "He who assails the judiciary becomes a disturber of the public peace and order, and Is an enemy of our government. Such a man should be regarded as a pirate. "Woe betide him or her who undertakes to attack the judiciary." This Is exactly the idea that animates Erraticus Sockdol ager Dundy and which is indorsed by our patriarchal friend, Mr. Gere, ed itor emeritus of the State Journal, and hia infantile water carrier and sponger off, Titwlllow Jones. But the New Tork Tribune, a pretty good sort of paper, notwithstanding" the fact that it Is not guided by a Gere or decorated by a Jones, disagrees with the Dundy Cowlng view, and says, very reason ably: "Now let It be conceded that courts should be treated with respect. Judges must be above personal influences and prejudices and free from the sway of ma JLI'UMM.MI At Lincoln Park to personal respect, and a chance to do his duty fearlessly and have the orders of his court obeyed. Those are his rights, and there is no disposition to dispute them. But some judges are not content with this. Sometimes they regard a seat on the bench as Louis XIV regarded a seat on the throne. They become dictatorial in manner, violent of temper and capri cious in official conduct. Dignity too strenuously asserted makes itself un dignified." It will doubtless occur to a great many people that the closing sentences of the above paragraph from White law Reid's newspaper constitute a fairly good photograph of a judge not unknown to the people of Nebraska. "I pulled her around by the hair like Nancy Sykes. I would pound her head on the floor and drag her around bank refuses to pay the nominal sum of 163,000 for all this beating and teach ing! Mr. Fairbank has dealt in gross products, such as pork, so long that he Is not properly appreciative of the value of the service that takes a mere society woman and by pulling her hair and dragging her around the floor and beating her and pinching the muscles of her arms and legs, makes a finished emotional actress of her. Mr. Belasco's revelation throws an Interesting light on the trials that the ambitious so ciety woman who is anxious to become a theatrical star has to undergo. It is a fact to be more or less regretted that the hair pulling and dragging and beating seldom prove fatal. Usually the maimed and palsied victims live to be turned loose on the public, and we all have to suffer for the trainer's violence. The people of Lincoln and the people -v w J r 1 ! J: mJaTiriirt .-- - . .-'. Jak