tjfe?. 4T-'.u:pj -v sr: 'SS? ffJ' 7 ?: V a f&k -IS 4 -.' , ',ft.. ,. ' - . ?rf-T &&TZ!zJ r-Jr"- sTJMCOUPUKHr "-Si s3tsS!izryTsfSi&r.K.n'j.''i's.'.-'.-urx X 43 I Wlir not dwn W I -- I Henley, I) K (' F- ?: . - ?ooctiooagX!)sii)a(Be: THESE - -e . .- -- ARE-WHEELS in which the bicycle art reaches each year its highest expression. The builders cannot make them better. Every attribute upon which Fame has been based is there, together with the fruit . of years' of study and progress. 'ie(DS)sS)s m BBBBBBw "aSMhaaw. 9? TM&I IK VyVfT wyJ KVW CtSJ We repair wheels and enamel them in any color, striping, names. monograms.. We navo tne vulcanizer wnicn makes .your old tires good as new. Gall around at the Salsbury block and help yourself to free air for your wheel. While waiting for your tires to be tilled step inside where Emil will be pleased to meet you. EMIL ROHbFP, 212 S. 12 - 8ULPHO-SALINB MVHMMliM COft 14 AND M- OpentrtaU Hours Day and Niglt J . All forms of baths. TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN' With special attention to the appli catiea of Batural salt water baths. Several tiases strosger than sea water. Bpeeial department for sargicaJ cases aad diseases peculiar to women. IHiwithm. Skim, Bine aa-i Xerrous Dm Ma, Llrer im Kidaer TroHbles and Chronic Heta aie to tod aacceartallr. Sea feathiaa mar be enjoyed at all seasons in ar teffeaaHMriwaiaa pool, 98x142 feet; 5 to W last i eg).' heated to aatferm tesperatsre of OR. M. H. AND J. O.EVERETT MaaagiBg Physicians. In and for Lancaster county, . In an action wherein L. B. Leach is plaintiff, and Dewitt CMosher, et al., defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 9th day of June, A. D., 1896, at the east door of the court 'house. In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate to wit: Lot eeven (7), in block eight (8) in Houtz Place addition to the city of Lin coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. . Given under my hand this 8th day of May, A. D.,1896. John J. Trompen, Sheriff. June 6 8 OOOCOO"00000 H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. 'Will tin ae Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street, j PHONE 68. oooooooooo o First Publication May 9. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT fey Tfetaas aa seder et sale tawed fey T the district ceart of the I district ef Nebraska, wKa- Warted-An Idea SS amtf aeirfrWaeMatSea. B. tatr ailas am. aadlfea et f aaaawa aw Meaa wags, 0! i YI $100 DOLLARS REWARD S100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that, is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to .he medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatement. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, cting adirectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disea se, and giving the patient strength by buildicg up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative, powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi monals. Address, F. J. Cheset A Co., Toledo OIiio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. BENKE. the popular tailor has moved to 121 N 12th; for first class work and low rates give him-a call. The finest ice cream parlors, in the city are at 1211 O St. -Ephemar." For a cooling, refreshing drink drop Bto Frank M. Rector's, 1211 O street. New fountain, the latest driaks. Time Reduced Great ftocfe jgiand Route Runs their El2iliip8 Pullman Excursion Cars to "Queen Victoria,"' Ladies Favorite Her Majesty's Perfume, is the latest most delicate and reined opera Per fume. At Biggs' Pharmacy, corner Twelfth and O streets. I Rector's confectionery store, 1211 0 at. on their fast trains. Examine tim cards and see' that we' are nearly TWO HOURS quicker than any other route Chicago to Los Angeles. The Phillips excursions are popular He has carried over 125,000 patron in the past fifteen years, and a comforta ble trip at cheap rate is guaranteed, and he fast time bow made puts the Philips-Rock Island ExcarsioM at. the top Post yoarself for a California trip be. "ore decidiag, aad write me for explicit iaformatioB. Address, JOHN 8EBASTTAN, . ss s- ""'"? i. 3s. vS- , j t i .1 'J - -, 1 ,--j r-ji .-- ? .yp.f ...,-:.. ----.t.- '- . rUri& - iTliT lTtrVi:fi.-;flftfijj Sblr ,--;,--&&&t, -,-.r