The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 30, 1896, Image 6

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Mrs. Feattle's book of light stories.
the "Mountain Womtn," to too lnter
"esttag to toy down ubUI It to finished.
The story of "The Three Johns" to as
realistic as the most modern art etn
deat, who puts down his brash when
worthy of a good audience. Omaha has
an Idea that Lincoln to jealous of her
stoe and opulence and culture. This to
not so. Only we do not like to be bul
lied because we are puny, and gauche.
Let Omaha be kind to us once and we
the sua
under a cloud; caa pro- will fas' for'her like a younger brother.
dace. The bUasard. the stampede, the
, hot wmd which has all the cswsaafer
tottos of the simoom of the desert. Mrs.
'Peattle reproduces with horrible ex
actaess. The despair, the loneliness,
the teU of the prairie dweller of westers
Nebraska are pictured with a sympa
thetic hand. There to not much of the
glorified mosaic of the sprint time, nor
'the beauty of the slanting rays of
morning and evening, nor much of the
rustle-soar of the corn. The prairies
are aever ending and make the farmers
aad their wives craxy. The sua to
pictured at his worst aad highest aad
his most devilish act of burning up
the corn. From first to tost the book
Is true so far as the climate aad the ' which will be. put on
hardship k causes are concerned. The raiser,
conclusions arc net exactly correct, he-"
cause a stranger would not know that'
the Nebraska cMmate to one of the most
healthful aad stimulating weathers on
the gtobe. Cool, fragrant, musical,
summer nights, a fall that lasts from
October into. January of next year
more than overbalance the truth she
-.has told about an unusual spring and
midsummer. To be sure, the agony
and suspense of drought is not exag-
aerated, the Infernal vladlctlveness of
a Mteaard to uaderezpressed aad the
hero ism of the men and women who are
fighting storm aad- drought with the
broken weanons of oovertv is only
faithfully recorded. The Impression OLtew of the river. A greater number
Mr. Short has established a flourishing
dramatic school In our big sister's yard,
which is beginning to show excellent
results. At a recent exhibition in the
Creighton theatre the house was cram
med. And the critics were either mux
sled or very much pleased. It must
have been the latter, for experience
teaches that there are very few mux
ales that at a critic's mug.
Every one who went to the Omaha
minstrel show will rmember the stump
speech delivered In Mary Ellen Lease
style by Mrs. Matheson. She and Mrs.
Wheeler, a semi-professional will ap
pear la "Koeberry Shrub," or the New
England Spinster's involuntary orgy,
a curtain
The fine houses in Omaha are scat
tered about even more than In Lincoln.
On the bluffs that command the river
are Kountx Place, Bishop Clarkson's
residence aad other piles of brick and
stone with a view attached. The
Kountx house is imposing by its stoe
aad repose. The lawn slopes from the
street perhaps three or four hundred
feet to a terrace in front of the house.
It is the gently rising lawn and the
quiet masses of the house that make
the place impressive. JSYom the win
dows in the rear there must be a noble
wouM netbe so strong If the author
had decorated and draped her stories
in Sowers aad showers. As one of these
'who live where plumbing, artesian wells
aad arboriculture have made the cll
aate fatal only to the old and the
young, 1 am grateful to Mrs. Peattle
for reminding me of these, my brethren,
-who toll without reward and give up
the struggle without recognition. There
or tae more costly houses are in the
western part of the city. Richardson
is the architect of Mr. Yates' house
built of gray stone, with towers, bal
conies, bay windows, a porte cochere
and everything that the XDC century
mind considers magnificent. Nearly
all the large houses have spreading
lawns with terraces. The trees have
been planted to conceal one part from
are sentences that recall "The Ancient another, so that the guest wandering
Mariner": "The heat of the summer ut Has a new view at each progress,
was teihrible. The sun came up in that Tae Wct of views has not been given
blue sky like a curse, aad hung there attention It deserves In Lincoln.
tlH alght came to comfort the blistering Tere is no remedy for melancholy or
narrow-mindedness like a view. Just
to watch the changes of the Missouri
river, today a stretch of sand with here
and there a little pool of water, tomor
row a muddy, rushing stream, and the
next day a river a mile wide and still
rising. Is enough to keep the mind out
of a rut. Of course here in Lincoln we
are thankful for a dancing
room in the third story, let
alone a view which we should
have to share with beggars anyway,
and besides Omaha has so much more
room. The pressure on the real estate
agents of Lincoln by the hordes from
the east who have 4o take what they
can get, view or no view, becomes more
of a problem every day. Seriously a
view will contribute more to the proper
raising of children than a rod. A fam
ily man owes a view to the next genera
tion more than he does a bay window
or a porte-cochere. When the childish
heart to filled with bitterness and the
boy goes to the window to hate his par
ents, miles of upland and lowland in
shadow and sun will convey their mes
sage and keep him from spoil
ing In spite of himself and his parents.
What of courage, and faith the Swiss
have more than their neighbors Is due
to their habitation of the mountains.
We cannot have much mountain scen
ery In Lincoln, bHt the resident who can
choose Ate location will build his house
on a hill where, when night comes he
can aee the clouds pile up In purpole
and carmine masses that do not re
mind him of the district court, ' the
bank, the university or even of Shaks
pere. Whistler discusses the peculiar
advantages of a picture with a light In
the background, a suggestion of a
The "Jim Lancy's Waterloo" story
doses with the sentence: "I've got
Just enough to buy a ticket with.
There's a kind of satisfaction in giving
the tost cent I have to the railroads."
The narrative has shown that Jim Laa
cey's crop was destroyed by drought.
But as the weather to unresponsive to
curses or compliments and never asks
any; favors of man he lays his poverty
to the' deer of the railroads. Even a
populist caa see that it to not the policy
ef the -raltoaads to depopulate the
farms.' Seleag as all the farmers pay
the same .rates they get Just as much
profit from their grain, within certain
Masl to, aa .though, the rates, were smal
ler. For the market price, among other
things. Includes the cost of transporta
tion. If it coat less to send it, it would
sell for less. Jim Lancy's irony is as
excusable as a drowning man's curses
against water.
Mrs. Peattle has the spirit of a knight
errant. Women erased by injustice aad
the fear ef starvation, frightened chil
dren, sun-defeated farmers who cry
out against what seems the unrighteous
cans of their trouble as the sick some
times curse God, find in Mrs Peattle
a wrathful champion. I think she
will yet make that small, whining man
who goes about saying he did not kill
Mrs. Notsoa and her children appreci
ate if he cannot emulate the power of
The tost story is called "A Lady of
Testerday." Why "of yesterday?" Her
dainty "ways aad Christian charity
were hers whea she died as 'much as
when she was she was first lady-in-
In our drapery department we are offering a very
large and attractive assortment of choice new and
stylish fabrics, among them
Tamboured Muslins, Figured Swisses, Fish Nets
Art Denims, Cretonnes, Japanesse Tinsel Capes, Fancy
Bilks, Silkollnes, Cotton Brocateiles, Jute Brocateiles,
Wool Brocateiles. Silk Brocateiles, etc., etc. Prices are
low. You are invited to come and see for yourself.
Miller & Petiole
Mrs. TURBETT.Prop. 427 North 10 St ,
Lincoln, Neb.
-j- i. '-- : -. .'f"5("- ' v,,r
It you desire a Lice, pleasant quiet place to board you
shoul&xo to the .Albion Cafe. Everything nice and
neat and every paiu takes to make it the most desirable
place in the city to take your meals. A splendid, we1,- :j
cooked, well served dinner every day. in the week for 15c 3-,
- ... ' - 4
Removing Dandruff, preventing the
hair from turning gray, and pro
moting a luxuriant growth, no finer
thing can be used than the electric
treatment, given by Mrs Demarest
at Herpolsheimer's store
T. J Thorpe As Co.,
In a branches. ....
" " picture or light beyond. Everything:
'TheBelto." aad Sosbero Sarub" .thaLwe do not see to better than th.t
that play here on Saturday night are we do see.
dose as Neat aad Coatpleta as treat the Factories at hard tiate aria
All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 8. 1ITH ST
Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN.
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