ir'--'Ssf?wtfi gswwK ' i.jt-fi' ' "-S 'cs''?'"yps'z''w?vrrr TmcoomnuL. I ARE YOU F In tlxo put r& tSf- 5.. i I 2 It eu this will interest you. Every ttumbler rider whogoea the mile in less tbau 'Tvato minutes paced or unpaced, atany ranctionpd L.A.W. race rfill receive an jm(belllsli.ed souvenir with name nnd details ot performance engrave! upon it. Riders ot Any ottir wheel fitted with J. A G, ifres will receive a little less valuable souvenir for like performance. The holder ot the greatest number of. "two min ute" souvenirs by Jan 1, 1897 will receivo a grand souvenir. R. GUTHRIB, 1540 O m RAMBIvER I Z I St. : TRIBUNE Political Points This week there have been the usual receptions in this city. "Jack" Mac Coll and Charley Casey and George D. Melklejohn and a halt doxen other can didates for state offices have been here and "at home" to their friends. It is only a month now to the state con vention, and the preliminary canvass is assuming definite shape. Up to three weeks ago "Jack" was undoubtedly In the lead for governor, but things have changed considerably since then. "Jack" had exhausted himself before Congressman Melkle john came home, and while the later has been forging ahead with remark able rapidity "Jack" has not only not made headway, but has failed to hold his own. It is seldom that such a radi cal change is effected in state politics in "two or three weeks' time as that which has been brought about by Mr. Melklejohn. There is now a powerful movement in his direction and it is constantly gaining in force. He is leading the field today, and there does not seem to be any risk in haxarding the prediction that he will be nomi nated. Of late the candidacy of Judge Hayward has been considerably talked about, and It is generally admitted that he Is a strong and entirely unob jectionable candidate; but the judge's aversion to making an active canvass Is known, and it is not probable that he will be a very considerable factor In the race. Everybody, including even the poli ticians, has at last come to recognise the Importance of making a. proper selection for the head of the ticket, and It is significant that Melklejohn is gen erally looked upon as the one man available to meet the demand for a big man for the big office of governor. Jewett appears to be gaining in strength in his canvass for state treasurer. It Is believed that R. E. Moore Is a candidate for renomlnatlon for lieutenant-governor. It is the sentiment of an over whelming majority of republicans that a renomlnatlon should be accorded the republican state officers now serving their first terms. There hasnot been much change In the local fight for the office of county treasurer. Major Pierce is now ad mitted to be a serious candidate. It Is impossible to determine at this day Just what importance his candidacy will assume. Mr. Sullivan Is making an active canvass of the county, and his friends consider the outlook favor able. Every day there Is additional evidence that Frank Graham will be a strong candidate, and as It looks now the fight will be between Sullivan and Graham, with Buckstaff or KImmell a possibility In case both of these fall to win. Buckstaff Is sure of his ward, and KImmell is in a fair way to carry the Fifth. Harry Abbott still carries around with him title deeds to the First ward. Charley Branson will have Yankee Hill and some additional following. Greenameyer has the prom ise of a good suport and Reller and "Weller and two or three other candi dates are In the field for votes. The county central committee will meet Monday to call the convention, when there will be a test of strength. An early convention may be regarded as favorable to Graham. TODAY'S BICYCLE RACES. The new bicycle track at the M street park was tried by a large number of local wheelmen Thursday night and there Is every indication that it will be one of the fastest tracks in the coun try. George Woods and E. E. Mockett have given the building of the track their personal supervision, and It will be in prime condition for today's races, when the new track will be given its first formal trial. The races will be gin at 2:30, and there will be eight dif ferent events, with entries from all nearby states. Frederickson. who will participate In the sextuplet race with the New York Central express June 20, will ride In the professional race against Mockett and others, and there will be many other noted racers. The prizes will aggregate nearly $1,000, and It is the intention of the management to make this Decoration day race a lead ing wheel event, and It Is believed that some records may be broken today. The admission price is 25 cents. TO WHEELMEN AND BLOOMER GIRLS. If you decide a wheel to buy And do not know which one to try Step In at Rohlfl's. The Norwood's sound And if for symmetry and grace 'Tis not the best In all the place I'll give in and say I am wrong For praising up the wheel so strong. But when I know they are made so well And still for a $100 sell. It calls to mind that a one hoss "shay" Which Oliver Wendell Holmes did say Was made so strong In felloe and spoke It ran a hundred years then broke And so with the Norwood.We can say 'Twill run a hundred years to a day; And then of a sudden 'twill ah! but stay 'Twill sell to the pawn broker for more pay Than many a wheel that has seen but a day. BURLINGTON BEACH. Elaborate arrangements have been made for the opening of the popular resort. Burlington beach and Salt Lake, today. There will be free bathing, free steamboat rides and in the evening a grand free band concert from 7 to 9, after which there will be dancing. The beach has ben brightened up and Man ager Dorgan expects to make it much more attractive than ever this summer. All of the boats have been gone over, and are now In excellent condition. They will be rented upon the same terms as last year. Music every even ing at the beach. Manager Dorgan has made a new departure in rebating the admission price. 10 cents, to every per son who goes boating or bathing. Don't make up your mind on a bicycle before seeing the makes handled by Billmeyer & Sadler, 1133-35 M street. First publication May 30. Notice of foreclosure of chattel mort gage by sale of mortgaged property. Whereas. On the 7th day of March, 1896, C. C. Clemens executed and de livered to Lew Marshall a certain chat tel mortgage conveying one "Turnbull" lumber box farm wagon to secure the payment of one certain promissory note for $13.50 by C. C. Clemens, exe cuted on the 7th day of March, 1896, due May 7. 1896. said mortgage being filed of record with the county clerk of Lancaster county, Nebraska, May 23, 1896, and demand having been made and payment refused, notice is hereby given that I will sell the above de scribed property at public sale to the highest bidder, said sale to take place at 1224 U street at 10 a. m.. Tuesday, June 23. 1896. LEW MARSHALL. June 20. S Makers of the Delicious ice cream 5 finest confectionery and ices, nut ice cream, j always fresh. all flavors. , The newest and Families served promptly. JS ( most palatable The best soda water and A candy specialties. cooling drinks, and J Jg Bon-boos, etc. pleasant parlors. JJ I 12 & 0, Funke Opera House Corner (SXj)(5Xi)(98S BANKRUPT Large assortment ot ele gant bed room sets, parlor suits, upholstered and plain old chairs, all sizes, unique center tables, desks, bric-a-brac, etc. A very choice lot ot bruss els carpet, best make; Ax minster, rich designs; in grain carpets; matting and exquisite rugs all sizes and styles. ALL AT HARD TIMES PRICES 6R!CTTOt OWS 230-238 S. WST. Full line of cooking uten sils at prices way below cost. Window shades, curtains lace curtains, window shade fixings, etc. Fine brass bed steads, antique side boards, an tique bed room sets, beautiful lounges, beauti ful aivans. FURNITURE 5 &&&M fri MHWiiiiwaKw;ii fZHSeMm, imfaifriit srfaar- - Vf- -wf