" ''.S THE COURTS. Personal Mention These natty little junior suits For boys from 3 to 7 yean old -; Professor Taylor spoke at Friend test night." Mrs. John M. Stewart is visiting in John M. Bigger left for Cadis. O., Dr. H. M. Casebeer is home from Cripple Creek. Mrs. W. W. Wllaon left Thursday for Muskegon. Tke Second Presbyterian church has accepted Mr. Bradt's resignation. The English club will meet Saturday evening with Harry J. Shedd. at the Phi Kappa Psi house. Prof. L. A. Sher ehb wHl lecture on the short story and Hiss NeUie Grim will sinr. Mr. C. H. Rudge has been elected a member of the standing committee for this diocese. There are six mem bers of this committee, three laymen and three clergymen. The clergy are Dean Gardner and 'the Rev. Doherty of Omaha and Canon Burgess of Phttts mouth. Chanoellor Woolworth, Mr. C. W. Lyman and our Mr. Rudge of Lin coln are the laymen. The funeral of Ralph F. Andrews took place Thursday. The pall-bearers were: D. W. Hawksworth. Harry Doubrava. L. R. Packard. V. P. Shel don. J. W. Dixon. J. H. Mallalieu. E. F. King and George Risser. The body was taken to Kearney for interment. Ralph Andrews came to the univer sity in 18si. Me was not here long be fore he became a prime favorite with all who were acquainted with him. He was known as "Curly." although the sobriquet was applied from love rather than a desire to give blm a nickname. He was bright and immediately took a prominent position m his class. That place was held until his illness. This commenced last fall shortly after he had sustained a violent fall from a bicycle. He went to the sanitarium for treatment and later was taken to Chicago by his father and brother, Kenneth, who has been his constant attendant during his illness. The visK to CMeago flailed to restore his health and he was brought back to Lincoln. Human skill failed to effect any Im provement and his sufferings culmi nated yesterday. The deceased was a member ef the Sigma Chi fraternity and of cadet company C. His is the third death suffered by the local fraternity chap ter, a fatality seemingly having at tached itself to it By the death of Ralph Andrews many a student loses a l6vlag friend and classmate. He was ever bright and cheerful and was one of the most lovable characters In the university. His death will be universally mourned aa it Is safe to say that he had few, K any, enemies in the city. Alpha Epsllon chapter of Sigma Cbl has adopted resolutions expressing deep regret at the death of their brother and the members will drape their fraternity pins wRh mourning for thirty days. "Ephemar" tee cteam is the beat. Franc. M, Rector, 1211 0 St. Everything is absolutely pure and dean atFraakM. Sector's, 1211 0 St Beginning May 10th the Missouri Pa dnc wlfl ran a new fast daily train leaving Lincoln at 159 p. m., arriving at TTsnsst City at 11:00 p. m. and at St. Levis at 739 a. au making direct con nections at new St. Louis union sta tion with aH east bound trains. Rudv's Pile Suppository :- guaranteed to cure Piles and Con stipatiea, or money refunded. SO cents perbex.8ead two stamps for circular and Free Sample to Martin Rudy, Registered Pharmacist, Lancaster, Pa. No postals answered. For sale by all f rat class druggist everywhere. H T. darke Co- wholesale agents Are all the style We will show you a fine assortment of these In prices from $1.50 up " III iinis Cor. O and 10th St .. ux A Mrs. Kopkina Boy. A comfortable California trip can be taken every Thursday at 10:30 a. m. in a through tourist sleeping car, Lincoln to Los Angeles without change via the Burlington. Remember this when ar ranging for your winter trip. Depot ticket oflce, 7th street between P and 8 streets. City office, corner Tenth and streets. "Queen Victoria:' Ladies' Favorite Her Majesty's Perfume, it the moat lotting and perfect Perfuwe. Ak iggs1 the Druggist? for a sample. M ST. PARK Josephine toilet preparation face blench, face tonic, hair tonic, etc at Kleinkaaf k Grimes', 117 North 11th We are the originatara of "Ephemar" nut ice creams. Imitated but not du plicated. Frank M. Rector, "Ephemar." 1211 0 Street Call on Frank M. Rector, 1211 O St and be refreshed at the finest onyx soda fountain in the state. The severe wind which caused so much damage yesterday afternoon, un roofed the two-story brick building at Ut South Ninth street, one of the old est brick buildings la the city, havtur been buUt ta 74. The heavy rains which followed, did much damage to the stock ef harness and eta, contained therein. The entire stock will be sold at barelv cost of manufacture. Call and examine the big bargains. Nothing i The latest novelties in candies, salt ' taffy, Jersey lilies, butter squares. and. salted pesiiHts. iniro- Trilby s Truthful pills" is a specific in all taees of kidney and liver toublee Just one pellet at nigbt does the work At Riggs pharmacy cor 12 and O. SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Judi cial district of Nebraska, for Lancas ter county. In an action wherein Charles M. Hautbawayds plaintiff, and Major J. Bohanan et aL, defendants, I wlH. ax 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 30th day ef June. A. D.. 18M, at the ast door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, eNbraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate, to wit: Part of Lots two (2) and three (3), in block fifty-four (54). In the city of Lin coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, de scrlged as follows, vis: Beginning at a point on the north line of said block forty-two and one-half (42) feet west of the northeast corner of said block, and running thence south sixty (SO) feet, thence west twenty (20) feet, thence north sixty (60) feet, thence east twenty (36) feet, to place of beginning, known as lot "B" In the sub-division of said block. Given under my hand this 27th day of May. A. D.. IMC, JOHN J. TROMPEN. Sheriff. June 27. o o CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OFGROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS X x SpC$9nfiMjht The Photographer. 129 SoHth Eleventh Street WGVCViE RMiS.S voH miw Ji 2:30 p. m. ydnissiorv 25c amw&amtn: tSMuSjrcuiM aateur. Bsnusassnrsa . Wta Menarr. Luu of Btsla rower, CmlneM, ! TtMWgr. XlCbUy Sad WskafmliieM. J wM iw. tspotaiicr sad wmUs iHimmi eaaaed by ir IfmUitmi0imt or uoi. CortlaMpUt. Uimnto lc aaaatoaanaHdets MateitbaM.laaDdBnnrtroaaBdDlamr. Bn(lrearitoSlnTestseekat.SlpcrboztS)foraa. BrsMiljrc- Heal Ink, aaaJed Blala iT. wttk taaMnoatel t-. IS iw-lulf nnlng. KnetutrwtpwtmamKtltmt. JumofW nil, wapiif iiaii.trii i.i 111 iw .1 muaesla.l(b.,7B.W..BOWll. HIGH ART BICYGkES Acknowledge no equal, no peer. They have proven to be not only "good as the best" but actually the very best wheel made. Call at 1217 O and examine them Insure your wheel in the American Wheelman's Protective association. New wheel if yours is stolen. O. A wirick, lair o St Telephone 198 FRANK. It RECTOR Confectioner 1211 O.St ICE CREAM Our "Ephemar" ice cream is made from pure Jersey cream which is brought to us every morning fresh from the farm. Orders for family use a specialty. jPURE CANDIES Special care is taken in the manufacture of all confections by our expert candy makers, supplied with the very best and purest materials and latest apliances. '? ii r- : by us. We originate. -Ephemar," 1211 oat. OOOOOd -1 ssTJaa'-Jia -vv ". ..'SstS i-t - s