The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 30, 1896, Image 3

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thirst. .-Numerous bars ud. marker
UMii nave aoHsbt
i off second best
kjpds like a cinnamon bear, and mile
likt.a happy child. He can spend
mosey royally when he baa it and
make it when he hasn't. 'He can shoot
balls in the air and craps on the floor.
He can ride with the grace of centaur
and sing like a duplex nightingale.
Buffalo Bill is -.a great man and he
would make a great governor.
. Bill was one of the glories of. the ad
ministration of the late Lorenzo
Crounee. On the day of the opening
of -the Nebraska building at the
world's fair it was Bill's Indiana and
cow boys and gew gaws and clap trap
and what notthat, under the personal
he debate these gentlemen
cope witfcytaad vtiave bee carrying on in their newa
He can ahaka; papers since. The two papers of late
are little more than dally bulletins of
Mr. Rosewater's opinion of Mr. Bryan
and Mr. Bryan's opinion of Mr. Rose
water. Much Interesting information
concerning the revolution in Cuba and
the war cloud in Europe are necessar
ily crowded out to make room for a
display of personal pyrotechnics that,
is somewhat wearing to honest people
who pay 15 cents per week In the hope
of getting 15 cents worth of. news, In
stead of a job lot of RosBrywata
ner!! ? !.
for thie
Mr. Rosewater's speech was a good
speech. To make good honey the bee
sips firom many flowers. Mr. Rose-
water, to make a good speech, sipped
Its name la ita guarantee. This 1806 model has
more improvements than all theother makes
of bicycles put together. For mechanical coo
ttruclion, simplicity, style, Uaiah, durability
and riding qualifier. It baa no equal.
supervision of Governor Crounee, Big- from a good many other speeches, and
nalized that event and made memorable he appears to have dipped rather ex-
the'day. Crounse and Garneau and tenslvely into one In particular. And
Buffalo Bill made Nebraska day a Mr- Bryan calls him a "peerless pla-
himmering, howling success. And in z1" Then Mr. Rosewater writes
k. i:n :- ,.i-, nl.nn. ki.k..!,. one ot those ball-bearing, signed edl-
case Hill is made governor of Nebraska, . , , ...... : .7 v
. ,, , , ..,' -.. torials. AH this comes at a time when
hecoulddofortheTran8-MissMsipp,ex. Nebra8ka.8 fleId8 are 8mlUnff, and u
position m Omaha what he did for Ne- bIrds are 8lnglng and everybody Is
braaka at the world's fair. Governor happy In the hope of harvest. Let us
Bill at the Trans-Mississippi exposition have peace.
P-i5 flOO
Columbus Special Bloyole
Don't fail to see it. The wonder of the world
Jt &
We also carry the genuine Columbus Buggy
Cos Hne Traps, Carriages, Phaetons, Surry's
and Buggies etc. Don't fail to call and see our
line before purchasing. Repository
1138'36 M.
Gxa.xxci Canon o time Yellowstone
'. - .
'surrounded by cowboys and cow girls
and painted Indians would be a sight
very much in the nature of a sublime
-spectacle. Hurrah for Bill!
- When-anesp3per becamai so foul
that parents, for the proper protection
of. their children, are forced to pass it
directly from the carrier's hands to the
stove, it would seem that a press censor
would not be superfluous. One of the
evening papers in this city would keep
him busy.
In Omaha it waa not only possible
to secure the conviction of Bolln and
the imposition of a sentence of nineteen
years' imprisonment, but official zeal
sought out men charged with tamper
ing with the jury In the first trial of the
case, and caused their arrest. The peo
ple of a state who have grown accus
tomed to seeing criminals of the Bolln
stripe given their liberty and an offi
cial vindication, must regard with a
mingled feeling of wonder and amaze
ment the accelerated movement of jus
tice in Omaha. The sentence was just
and right.
It is worthy of note that the man
who consigned Bolln to nineteen years'
imprisonment was the same man who
was successful as United States dis
trict attorney in getting C. W. Mosher
off with a sentence of Ave years. Mash
er's reputed stealings amount to $1,000,
000, while Bolln's shortage was $112,000.
Red Ben Baker has apparently ob
tained a much clearer Idea of justice
on the district court bench than he
did in a several years' term of dally
juxtaposition with the Honorable
Erratlcus Sockdolager. Dundy.
Readers of the Bee and "World-Herald
are sorely afflicted these days. The
debate In the Creighton theatre be
tween Mr. Everlasting Rosewater and
Mr. William Jingling Bryan wasn't a
Al Falrbrother has suddenly reap
peared on the scene and is contributing
to the general political unpleasantness
that obtains in this state. Colonel Fair
brother is a man of varied and peculiar
talents, and the possession of these tal
ents has discouraged any Idea the
colonel may have had of retaining a
residence In any one place for a con
siderable length of time. Since he left
Nebraska he has set up his Lares and
Penates and printing press in many
an unfamiliar place, only to And, after
a short space, that circumstances, like
the poifceman said, "Move On." He
has blazed a trail from Lincoln to Dur
ham, N. C. and from Durham through
Pennsylvania and New York, and life
with him has been, if not a continual
round of pleasure, at least a continual
round or excitement. Colonel Fair
brother could settle on an uninhabited
isle and In three days have the entire
population by the ears. He could sell
extra editions in the Desert of Sahara.
He has a sensational hat and sensa
tional hair and he wields a sensational
Now he Is back on the old stamping
ground writing breezy letters about
the "Joes" and "Jacks" of Nebraska
politics for the weekly papers. Not
many years ago there flourished an am
bitious journalistic school in this state.
O. H. Rothacker and Fred Nye were Its
shining lights. Walt Mason and Al.
Falrbrother scintillated around the
greater orbs. Those were great days.
The Omaha Republican, Omaha World,
State Journal and the Lincoln Call used
to flash and sputter with brilliance.
Erratic geniuses they were most of
them but they used to write things
that it was a pleasure to read. In the
past five years our newspapers have be
come less brilliant, but, perhaps, more
prosperous. Certainly they have Im
proved In balance and discretion. Fair
brother cultivates a gruff, uncouth,
battering-ram style, but he knows how
Only Practical
Making hats a specialty. We
always carry in stock as fast
as they are designed the very
lateat novelties.
Latest novelties in GOLF and BICYCLE
caps. Largest line of straw hats in the city.
College colors
And other combinations
In our furnishing goods department you will Hind the
latest and most exclusive novelties. A full line of bi
cycle hose, bells and sweaters at prices that are right.
" i I-
to work In sentiment very effectively,
and whatever criticism may be passed
on his writing. It cannot be said that
he is ever dull. Some sensitive Ne
braska politicians may And him decided
ly interesting in the next few weeks.
Councilman O. VT. "Webster In his en
deavor to bring down the expenses of
the city government to a point within
the city's means, has the cordial sup
port of the business men and taxpay
ers of the city.
The city council Is respectfully urged
to make haste in the granting of relief
to the large number of Lincoln people
who are compelled to drink salt water.
Through the persistent efforts of Mrs.
Ada M. Blttenbender and Brer "Wblfen
barger the people of Lincoln have at
last so accustomed themselves tojthe
drinking of water that they rather like
It. But they prefer It without the ad
mixture of sulphur and salt.
"Epbemar" ice cream is the best.
Frank. M, Rector, 1211 O St.
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