The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 30, 1896, Image 2

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Hjfa of all m Lmavasmsf Pow LMat U. S. GoVl Report
Dfe I Bakins
The Slate
No Combinations
A delightfully cod and attractive
-, place these warm day Is the handsome
Let the republican convention dob- store of Sutton & Hollowbush, 12th and
:n.t. tiAmt mmnoMd of its best men O street. A new addition is a large and
inate ticket composed oC its Dest men, beantIfllI onyx Boda fountata, one of the
and while slate making cannot be flnest ,n tne 8tate .,3 , preided
prevented, the slate should be knocked over by an expert flax clerk. This sea-
;t naiaa Jho &a'HtrUta am rtaarmtmrtt mn nut ice-cream and many new flavors
. . ...J ,, ha sm fattA44ttfl
in cream auiu iwb c duwu .....r
Mr. Sutton's cream has a state reputa
tion; he fills orders daily from many
outside points; and is making; a special
ity of this trade. The line of candy is
now larger and finer than ever. Confec
tionery always fresh; many novelties.
.and bqnest men. Wahoo Wasp.
anted--A New Deal
devil himself should com to Nebraska
(a very improbable suppojihon). and
announce himself as a republican and
become a candidate far office, thous
ands of republicans like the gentleman
quoted above would say "Don't 'say
a word against him. He might be nom
inated, and we wouldn't want him
defeated if be is the devil." The re
publican party in Nebraska has suffered
seriously from this sort of partisanship.
Two years ago s notorious gambler
settled him:elt upon the republican
party as candidate for governor, and
though every decent man in the state
recogaixed his monumental unfitness
for the place, he was allowed to secure
the nomination and lead tho party to
humiliating defeat Had the respectable
elemeat exerted itself the gambler
would not have been nominated and
Holcomb would today be loaning
money on chattels out in Broken Bow,
Bat the majority preferred to take a
weak man and bring defeat on the party
rather 'than rebuke the presumptuous
gambler-politician .
In the preliminary campaign now in
progress thare is just one question at
issue "Shall we do our own washing he
lore the state convention and put up a
good, clean ticket, or shall we allow
things to take their course, and naming
-palpably unfit men, go into the cam
paign and court the strongest oppo
sition and risk defeat?" Isn't it better
ler republicans to do a little pruning
.themselves than to turn the job over
to the democrats and populists and be
.driven to defeat by them? Nobody
known bow what the democrats and
populists will do is the state campaign
but an effective combination on some
such man as Holcomb or Bryan would
mean that the republican candidate
would have to make sharp contest. Just
consider the men who are aspiring to
lead the republican ticket; how many
of them would make a proper antago
nist ef Bryan or Hoteemb?
Every candidate for the republican
nomination for state office this year
should be patriotic enough to go before
the state convention on his own merits,
and upon his own claims, without any
combination or tie-up with other can
didates. If he is not the voluntary
choice of the convention he should go
out of the convention without a frown
or murmer and give bis cordial support
to the tic'jet. Combinations and
schemes always leave a bad taste in the
mouth, and men who are defeated by
them and their friends, feel as though
they had not a fair chance and are
grieved if not disgruntled. It is very
desirable that this presidential year
our state should give a genuine old
fashioned republican majority for the
national, state and congressional tick
ets, and in order to do it every repub
lican must be in line and must have his
heart in the work. York Times.
There are seven republican candi
dates ler the eSee of governor, and
six of them will get left. Two of them
are chestnuts who have been on the trail
of the offices in the state ever since she
became a state, and their pictures
should be turned toward the wall. Let
us have a little fresh blood for a change.
Beatrice Express.
The Filer will make better time by
several hours to St. Louis, Clncinnattl,
Washington, New York and to all east
ern points, than any other line out of
Lincoln. It is a screamer.
For information about rates, connec
tions, ets, or for sleeping car berths,
call at city ticket office, 1201 O street.
F. D. CORNELL, C. P. & T. A.
Whiskers and Affability
The Courier is going after the Mc
Coll McNkh combine as it calls it;
and says MeCell is making a campaign
for the nomination upon a platform of
whiskers and affability. Probably if
Jack had no beard Ibe Courier would
say it was on his cheek. We have in
our neighboring town of Fullerton a
gentlemen who has no whiskers, who
, is making the race, and The Courier
should get acquainted with him. Cent
ral City Nonpareil.
what is milk
The most perfect food in the world is milk. Nature
has provided that the youngest and most tender child shall
have this food. In milk there is a generous supply of oil, or
fat This exists in the form of minute globules, or tiny
drops. They are so small that it takes hours for them to
rise to the surface, as cream. We say, "milk is an emul
sion," because the oil is in this finely divided condition.
of Cod-liver Oil with the hypophosphites, has the cod-liver
oil in these fine globules, thus making it an emulsion. Boys
and girls, as well as delicate invalids, can take cod-liver oil
when prepared in this manner. In fact, it is well adapted to
young children. The hypophosphites give strength to
the nervous system and needed material to growing bone.
Learn from nature : take cod-liver, oil only as an emulsion.
si cts. and fx abottte.
SCOTT ft BOWNB, CsitH, New Yarn,
The Combine
For their own good McColl and Mc
Clay should disclaim any connection
with the three Mc's combine. The
move k not a popular one and its ob
ject is quite apparent Webster County
Argus. "
Fine Confectionery !
1211 OSt
1 The Bee miggssti a new candidate
ler governor, the Honorable William F.
'Cody. By all means let us have Mr.
Cody brought in aa a candidate. We
seed a BiU along with our choice assort
ment of "Jacks" aad "Toms" and
Jsachu" aad "Joes." It k a wonder
teeedy thought of Buffalo BiU before.
Judged by the standards by which a
considerable number of the people in
'this state judge of the capabilities of a
candidate for governor, Bill would be
what k known as "a hot thing- in the
gubernatorial quarter stretch. He
would dim the lustre of be-whiskered
"Jack" aad his carertings would put
'iute disparagement the wildest ex
hibitions ef the Poker Player of Pern,
fondly known as "Tom." It k quite
probable that "Joe" might be induced
o let him into the political syndicate.
Buffalo BUI would be a good can
didate for governor. He k, if anything,
more of a freak than "Jack" Hk som
brero k a thing of massive beauty,
matched only by the wide-spreading
'headpiece worn by oar own John
TrempsB. flk mustachios are brilliant
picturesque, several times more
i than the fading whiskers of
"JaekMacCeU. He has a very able
Bartley vs .the Republican Party
A story k current that a "combine"
has been formed which has McColl for
governor, McClay for auditor and
McNish for treasurer. Bartley the
present treasurer, k said to be doing
the figuring and for the very ostensible
object of naming hk own successor. Jt
may be all very well for him to arrange
in advance the terms upon which his
successor shall take charge of the
office. Possibly it may be of some in
terest to the people that they take a
hand in naming the officers themselves.
The probabilities are that they will, and
regardless of the "combine."
Webster County Argus.
I you fall -to set:
cl jpalxro nloe
for yourself or children at our store. i
Ours are perfect in fit, latest styles, low in price, and
good .to wear.
in m
10-S8 O St.
Mr. Bartley, Manager
There are several men in the state
house who seem to be more interested
in politics thk year than those who are
candidates. It k a pretty narrow man
who will deny to anyone the right to be
in politics and to support whom he will.
but one cannot help feeling a curiosity
to know what it k all about York
T. J TIxojci & Co.,
In a branches. -
Vpakiag done an Neat aad Complete aa from the Factories at hard time prkei
All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST
Machinist and General Repair Work. LINOOLM.
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