'- "l.iri frr. &sii y . S -'- . .Ccf-'V? -4-?' ? W&V '"- .'j - , " TH1 COUHIEJL KV--V , --. ; ff t . . . .. . ? fluitt . IIIKff M' I, I 9? -"F .bJbkbbbbbbV nri :NLWEII BE svflfi 111 -s WWBBBMBBb LIB ssTR- bfbhbbIKbbSEbbB- F -Ji '-VstJOOsaaaBsssaaaaaavEsl rrrnrrliiFffliTn If rfPiliirTif niin --jf-tSKTim - FlSEBBPPK'Sr 2 ES-Sc-SB k SSUMMEIfc SCHOOL California In uTouiiat aleeper It k the RIGHT way. Pay more and you an extravagant. Pay less ad you are uncomfort able. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest riding Tourist sleepers are used for our Personally conducted excursions to California which leave Lincoln every Thursday at 10:30 a. rot, reaching San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los An geles Monday noon. Ask G.W.Bonaell city ticket agent, cor 10th and O St., Lincoln Neb for full information or write to J. Francis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb. 0 Lincoln formal University, crt Lincoln, Xet OPENS ITS FOURTH SESSION JUNE 15TH, 1896, AND CLOSES AUGUST 6TH, 189G, EIGHT WEEKS. PREPARATORY COURSE FOR YOUNG TEACHERS -Classes will be organized at the opening of this term that will specially fit the needs of this class of our patrons. Our regular instructors will have charge of this work. COLLEGE PREPARATORY STUDIES-Students who desire to make up some Latin, Greek, German, or other studies preparatory to entering college somewhere this fall will find this Bummer school the best place in Nebraska to do this work. Grades made here in these studies will be accepted at the State University of Nebraska and at other high grade institutions. HIGH SCHOOL PREPARATORY STUDIES Pur its in the grammar grades of our city schools, desirous of en. tering the high school this fall, but lacking the necessary preparation in one or more studies, should by all means come to our summer school to make the grades required. Speolaltiea to e Brnptiaslzed ixx our Summer Sotiool, Child Study .... School Superintendence Methods of Teaching Nature Study .... First Grade Certificate Studies Second Grade Certificate Studies Third Grade Certificate Studies College Preparatory Studies State Certificate Studies High School Preparatory Studies Latin, Greek, German, French Course for Young Principals DK. F. D. SHEEWIN, DENTIST, Porcelain Fillings, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ROOMS 17, 18, 19, BURR BLOCK SECOND FLOOR. Lincoln ------ .' Nebraska For complete information address HILL j&I BI&LL, 2kL S, Pxfe,9 Normal Lincoln, Neb , (First Publication May 16, 1896.) Edward Olcott, etc., vs. Edward O. O. Lawrence, et al., 18-100. To Benjamin A. Gibson, Mary C. Gib son, his wife, Alexander S. Porter, De wit C. Wheeler, William H. Sullivan. and Mrs. Sullivan, his wife, first real name unknown, non-resident de fendants: Tou and each of you are hereby no tified that on April 18th, 1896, Edward Olcott, as executor of the last will and testament of George Olcott, deceased. "Francis C. Faulkner, as assignee of The Connecticut River Savings Bank, and The Connecticut River National Bank, a corporation, as plaintiffs, began an action against you and other defend ants in the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, the object of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage on the following land In said county, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section number 11, town 10. north of range 6, east of the 6th Princi pal Meridian, made by Edward O. C. Lawrence, dated June 26th, 1893, to se cure the payment of five promissory notes of said Edward O. C. Lawrnce to said Benjamin A. Gibson, four being for 15,000 each, and one for $10,009. amounting In the aggregate to the sum of 130,000.00 on which there is now due 130,000, with interest from June 26th, 1813, at ten per cent per annum. Plaintiffs pray for decree of foreclos ure' and sale of said land to satisfy said liens as aforesaid, for deficiency judg ment and general relief. Tou are required to answer plaintiff's petition on or before the 22d day of June. 1896. Edward Olcott, as executor, et al.. Plaintiffs. By S. L. Geisthardt, Attorney. June 6 G. SHERIFF SALE. Notice la hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third judi cial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, In an action wherein Charles H. Morrill aa receiver of the Nebraska Savings bank of Lin-' coin, Nebraska, Is plaintiff, and Mary A. Hughes et aL, defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 23d day of June, A. D., 1896, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancas ter county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot three (3), in James O Toung's Ir regular tract of East Lincoln, as per recorded plat thereof, further described as follows: Commencing at a point 150 feet south of the northwest corner of block three (3), of James O. Toung's East Lincoln, running thence west six ty (60) feet, thence south one hundred forty-two (142) feet, thence east sixty (60) feet, thence north one hundred and forty-two (142) feeet, to place of begin ning, in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 20th day of May, A. D.. 1896. JOHN J. TROMPEN, Sheriff. NOTICE UF INCORPORATION. Notice is hereby given that on the 25th day of April, 1896, the undersigned did duly organize under the laws of the state of Nebraska and under the name of the Clarkson Laundry company. The principal place of transacting the business of this corporation shall be in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, and the general nature of the bueiness to be transacted ib the establishment, main tenance and development of a laundry, manufacture and sale of articles and processes useful in and pertaining to the said business, buying and selling of real estate, negotiable and commercial paper and such other business as may be necessary to the proper conduct of said business. The amount of capital stock author ized is $20,000, divided into 200 shares of $100 each; 50 per cent, of the said amount to be paid in at the time of commencing business and the balance thereof at such time as may be required. The time of commencing busineds of the said corporation is April 25, 1806, and the termination thereof April 25 1946. The highest amount of indebted ness or liability to which this corpora tion shall at any time subject itself, shall be $13,000. The affairs of said corporation shall be conducted by a board of three directors. SEAL ClaBKSON IiACSDRV Co . , By John N. C. Lottrtdge, Secretary-Treasurer. May 30 SHERIFF SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Judi cial district of Nebraska, for Lancas ter county, in an action wherein Charles M. Hathaway is plaintiff, and Major J. Bohanan et al., defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 23d day of June, A. D., 1896, at the ast door of the court house. In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, eNbraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate, to wit: Part of Lots two (2) and three (3). in block fifty-four (54), in the city of Lin coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, de scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at a point on the north line of said block forty-two and one-half (42) feet west of the northeast corner of said block, and running thence south sixty (60) feet, thence west twenty (20) feet, thence north sixty (60) feet, thence east twenty (20) feet, to place of beginning, known as lot "B" in the sub-division of said block. Given under my hand this 20th day of May. A. D., 1896. JOHN J. TROMPEN, Sheriff. For the best soda water, ices and candy, boo bons, etc., The Courier recommends Frank M. Rector, 1211 O street. r he hit hmtetitk Oome sand. fitoa Usb L O. TOWBSBTD, F. D. CoRKBXL. G. P. T. Agt. C. P. T. Act, fit Louis. Ms. 1201 Whaa wasting a cleaa. easy r as artistic hair-cut, try 8. F. tare THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST. wko has an elegant barber shsjp with oak chairs, eta, called Th Abmz" at 117 North Thirtesmtk stisst, south of Lansing theatre. r MM AL39 WEHY HEAT BATH mm EXCHANGE MliOWi mi LINCOLN, NEB. T M. RAYMOND, President. S.H.BURNHAM. Cashier. A.J. SAWYER Vicee President D.O.WING Aitint Casnier CAPITAL, $250,000 SURPLUS $25 000 Directors I. M. Raymond, 8. H. Buraham, C.O.Dawes. A. J. Sawyer, Lewis Gregory NZSsell.OMLambertaon, D G Win. S W nrnbam. HI I m Wfl 1 4 J M as i Jl XI il - 3 1 IK i:-il'i'jSli.ji.. -.