The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 30, 1896, Image 1

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VOL 11. N022
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Office 217 North Elerenth St.
Telephone 384
W. MORTON SMITH Editor and Manager
SARAH B. HARRIS Associate Editor
Subscription Rates In Advance.
Per annum $2.00
Six months 1.00
Three months 50
One month 20
Single copies 8
under the present arrangement, woman
has a rather large assortment of rights
in love. The arerage man has played
the game and he has found woman
abundantly able to hold her own. He
would be greatly interested in an
article on "Man's Rights in Love." Miss
Bell says that the girl knows nothing of
the man who has called on her three
hundred and sixty-five times. The
average man has found that she knows
entirely too much about him after he
has called six times. One question has
agitated the human race ever since the
Eden fruit party, and Miss Bell consid
ers it "How far a girl has a right to
encourage a man in love." But having
taken the momentouB subject up, she
looks at it first from this side and then
from that and finally puts itdown again
without a conclusion. We had a right
The coronation .of the Czar of all th
Ruseias is an event of considerable
brilliance; but it has not in the least
overshadowed the festivities of the
Duke and Duchess of Marlborough.
England has seldom, in recent years,
seen such magnificent festivities as
those in honor of this pair. The Van
derbilt's, as they note the success of the
Marlboroughs, must feel abundantly
satisfied at their bargain in disposing .
of Consuelo to the indigent son of one
of the greatest rakes and spendthrifts
of modern times, the direct descendant
of the most noble family that had its
origin in the marriage of Sarah Jen
nings, a fair and frail creature who won
royal favor, and the young man Church
ill, whose marriage portion was the
wages of prostitution paid him by
the Duchess of Cleveland. In a
country where heredity and an
cestry and family count for so
much it is not surprising that the
Marlboroughs are shown unlimited def
erence, Ex-President Harrison, Ruth Ash
more and Lillian Bell vie with each
other in the June number of the
Ladies Home Journal, and the pro
ductions of these illustrious persons are
so uniformly exciting that it iB diffi
cult to select any one article as the
leader. If we are charmed by Mr.
Harrison's discussion of the power of
the president, we are more than de
lighted by Miss Bell's very important
article on "Woman'sRights in Love,"
and passing on to "our girls" corner we
find that Ruth is still the same gay old
girl we have, to adopt the Ashmorean
phraseology, '-learned to love so well."
Miss Bell's plea for woman's rights in
love is ingenious. The average man
has a pretty well grounded belief that
side talks will believe that.
Delegates to the republican state
convention will enter upon the work of
making up a ticket with their eyes open.
If they name as candidates men who
will be a dead load on the party, men
who will put in jeopardy the success of
the party in this important president
ial year, they cannot plead ignorance.
For they have been informed.
Delegates who are already elected and
those who will be elected know the
character of the various candidates
They know that there are candidates
for governor who are respectable, able,
dignified, manly, clean men, and they
know there are candidates the mention
of whose nameH in connection with the
office of governor is a shocking absurd
harmony in this far reaching scheme. It
is well known that every state bank,
examiner and every employe con
trolled by Mr. Bartley or Mr. Moore or
the banking board is working might
and main and traveling up and down
the state in the interest of the syndi
cate. It iB well known that for governor,
Mr. Bartley's choice and Mr. Moore's
choice is "Jack" MacColI, and that Mr.
Moore's candidacy is a blind. It is well
known that for certain peculiar reasons
of a delicate character, Mr. Bartley is
anxious to name his own successor in
the office of state treasurer, and that
he has settled on C. C. McNish, of Wis
ner. It is well known that Mr. Bart
ley and Mr. Moore and Mr. McNish and
"Jack" are in this deal, body, soul and
breeches. No delegate to the state
convention will be ignorant of these
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(Where the June races will be held)
to expect that the Ladies Home Jour
nal would issue its ultimatum on this
point. Perhaps it will come later. It
is respectfully submitted that the
other Lillian might handle this subject
with great ability. Miss Lillian
Russell's views would be eagerly read.
Ruth Ashmore prefaces her depart
ment this month with a personal state
ment, two inches long and four inches
wide. She is hurt. The humorous
papers have intimated that Ruth Ash
more is Mr. Bok. If Ruth is hurt by
this suggestion one would think Mr.
Bok would be paralysed. Ruth tells us
that she is "just an ordinary woman."
But no one who is familiar with her
ity, men whose claims for the highest
office in the state are a maudlin giin. a
promiscuous hand shake, an insatiable
desire to hold office; men without abil
ity, dignity or reputation. Can the de
legates afford to take the iisk of head
ing the state ticket with a candidate,
whose principal strength is Joe's com
bination of Macks and Jacks?
There are a few facts well known to
the republicans of the state. It is well
known that there is a gigantic deal on
foot to capture all of the important
offices in the interest of a political syn
dicate It is well known that the state
treasurer's office and the auditor's
office are working together in perfect
things, and it does not seem possible
that the convention will lend itself to
the schemes of the syndicate.
A certain very respectable gentleman
who is himself a candidate for office
remarked the other day, that he was
sorry to see The Courier taking the
part it is in the ante-convention contest
in the republican party. "You are simp
ly furnishing ammunition to the en
emy," he said, "and making the way
more difficult for the men who will be
placed on the republican state ticket.
I am sorry to see a republican paper
pointing out weaknesses in republican
candidates." There you are! If the
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