The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 23, 1896, Image 10

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    'Jlt-f&l''-' "tr
"THE f MWiS"
,, ijrtr4fsr,'-,''MS
apt. 5i w-
LOT NO. 1 50dozen Leghorn Hats, in
black and white, worth 50c
.- for 19c each
LOT NO. 280 dozen opera straw Bail
ore, all colors, high or low crowns,
worth 40c for 19c each
LOT NO. 3-63 dozen Pearl Straw Sail
ors, in black, brown and navy,
high or low crown, worth 50c. . . .
for 19c each
LOT NO. 4.-25 dczen Union Milan
Flats, in bluck only. The proper
thing for the garden. Well worth
45c for 19c each
LOT NO 5.-33 dozen American Beauty
Roses, with foliage, all colors.
Worth as high as 65c
for only 19c por bunch
LOT NO. 6 25 dozen beautiful Long
Wreaths, all the colois. Others
sell them for 50c for 19c
FREE We give away an after dinner cup and saucer, an individual cream and sugar, a cream pitcher, or
'bon bon basket, with every $3.00 purchase.
fering with his canvass. He seems to
be popular notwithstanding. He Is a
business man of wide experience and
-would be a safe man to put in the office
of auditor.
The fight for the republican nomina
tion for county treasurer is becoming
interesting. Mayor Graham has dissi
pated all doubts as to the genuineness
of his candidacy. It Is apparent that he
has gone into the race to win. and this
fact Is causing the other cand dates to
exhibit a greater activity. It is pretty
well settled that Aaron Buckstaff will
be the only candidate in the Fourth
ward and some of the politicians of
that ward figure that the Fourth ward
candidate will be in a good position to
get the nomination in case there is any
thing like a deadlock between Graham
and Sullivan, who are Just now con
ceded to be the leading candidates.
In the Fifth ward the fight is between
Manley and Kimmel. Both are mak
ing an active canvass of the ward. The
indications at the present time are
that Kimmel will carry the ward. In
the Fifth ward are some persons wno
say Kimmel will be the next county
treasurer. It is asserted that Roche
will not be a candidate, and Major
Pierce is not considered as in the race.
Mr. Sullivan maintains a serene ex
terior and gives it out confidentially
that he will be nominated. The bank
ers and other persons who are particu
larly interested in the county treas
urer's office appear to be well satisfied
with the way In which he is managing
the affairs of the office and he has
strong backing In his candidacy.
The republican primaries In Douglas
county will be held next Thursday.
Three weeks ago it looked as if Broatch
would carry the county, but things
have changed materially In the past
week or two. Attorney - General
Churchill, "Jack" MacColl and some of
the minor candidates for state offices
in Douglas county have Joined forces
and things begin to look a little squally
for Broatch.
The talk against the combination,
MacColl. McNlsh and Moore, continues
n A-A-r lov rin tnprA
fcts to grow uuub - " ;h
is a very general icchus -.. -combination
candidates will be defeat
ed. Shrewd figurers in this city say
that neither MacColl nor McNlsh can
be nominated. Many people believe the
fight for treasurer is between Charley
Casey and George Brooks, with Jewett
still in the running. All over the state
there is a remarkable enthusiasm for
Meiklejohn for governor, and he is un
questionably In the lead. It is noticed
that a very marked Meiklejohn senti
ment manifests itself in every county
vlslted by this candidate. Back of Mei
klejohn there is a real enthusiasm that
Is constantly growing. Republicans
who are tired of "Jacks" and deals and
combinations are turning to Meikle
john as a clean man who is running on
his merits.
Interest that would otherwise attach
to the candidacy of Eugene Moore for
governor is withdrawn owing to the
conviction that he Is merely running in
the interest of the "Jack" candidate.
The candidate for governor on the
republican ticket this year must be a
man who can stand up and box, if nec
essary, as well as shake hands. Give
us a man who is deep enough in his
sentiments to feel stirring within him
the sentiments of republicanism. He
should know what republicanism is and
what it oneans. He should not only
know It. but he should feel It. and he
should not only know It and feel it. but
he should be able to stand before the
people and tell what he knows and what
he feels, so as to impress his convic
tions upon others. No man Is fit to be
governor of a state who Is not strong
enough In his mind force to have strong
convictions on-public affairs and to im
press those convictions on others. Good
fellows are all right in their way as
hand shakers and Joshers. but the pub
lic weal demands high grade men for
high grade positions. Give us candi
dates this year whose nomination will
not be tainted with the odor of pre.
vious manipulation. Sterling Sun.
Mayor Graham Is quoted by an after
noon paper as saying that while at first
he looked upon the idea of his being a
candidate for county treasurer as a Joke
he has finally decided 'to enter the race.
The mayor said: "I would rather hold
an office with less executive and politi
cal responsibility."
The idea may occur to some people
that His Honor lightly regards the re
sponsibilities of the office that drove
Cobb to the grave.
I sit alone on the rock when I'm raising j
tne wina.
But the storm once abated, I'm gentle
and kind.
I have kings at my feet, who await
but my nod
To kneel down in the dust on which I
once trod.
Though seen by the world I am known
to but few;
The Gentiles detest me; I'm pork to the
I never "have spent but one night in the
And that, was with Noah, alone In the
My weight is three pounds; my length
is a mile;
And when I'm discovered you will think
with a smile.
My first and my last are the best In
our isle.
"Will some reader of the Courier "dis
cover" this remarkable being or thing?
"Sam'l of Posen." This successful
comedy will be given at the Funke
opera house on Friday and Saturday,
and Saturday matinee. May- 22 and 23,
with the original Sam'l. Mr. M. B.
Curtlss, supported by Miss Albina de
Mer, who has always shared the hon
ors with Mr. Curtlss in her old role of
Celeste, the adventuress. They will be
accompanied by an exceptionally
strong cast. "Sam'l of Posen," "der
most Innocent man on der roadt, Re
becca," to quote Mr. M. B. Curtlss, Is
a comedy calculated to display the pe
culiar talents of Mr. Curtlss in imper
sonating the drummer. That Mr. Cur
tlss is head and shoulders way beyond
other actors of similar character on
the stage, it only requires a few min
utes observation to convince one. His
comical walk across the stage is half
the battle, while his plausible manner
and audaciously conceived and boldly
carried out explanation, would weana
man from a twelve months' worry.
Seats go on sale this morning at 9 a.
m.. at Dunn's drug store. Regular
prices, 23, 50, 75 cents and JL
Christopher Colt, sr.. a self-made
millionaire, has a son, Christopher, jr.,
of whom he wants to make a gentle
man. Christopher. Jr., inherits the
mercantile Instinct, but makes no
figure in the civil service examinations.
He has acquired expensive habits,
debts, and the paternal anger and,
what is worse, he has accidentally ac
quired a wife. This was the result of
an adventure on shipboard. He was
on the way to Trinidad to accept a
government position, and accidentally
slept for a couple of hours in the state
room of a young girl. He got there by
mistake and got out without the young
girl being any the wiser. But her mili
tary papa catches him In his retreat
and forces him to marry the daughter,
or die. He marries without seeing the
bride, who is in the next room, and
signs the contract. By accident he
gives the angry father the car of a
friend instead of his own and that be
ing done, he adds to it by signing the
friend's name to the contract. In the
play, which opens" three years after
these circumstances, the hero and
heroine meet, and do not know each
other. She had never seen him and his
name is strange. He does not know her
face and her name has been changed
because, when her father died she as
sumed the name of her uncle. They fall
in love, and the complications thicken.
The appearance of Mr. John Drew and
his admirable company will be seen on
Monday, June 1, at the Lansing
S Makors of the Delicious ice cream
nnest confectionery and ices, nut ice cream,
g always fresh. all flavors.
5 The newest and Families served promptly. S
8 most palatable The best soda water and (
candy specialties. cooling drinks, and
6 Bon-bons, etc. pleasant parlors. g
I 12 & 0, Funke Opera House Corner
T. J Tli.o:i?p & Co.
in a branches. -
Repairing done" as Neat and Complete as from the Factories at hard time priest
All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST
Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN.
In aTouristsleeper I
It is the RIGHT way.
Pay more and you are
extravagant. Pay less
and you are uncomfort
able. The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest
riding Tourist sleepers
are used for our
Personally conducted
excursions to
which leave Lincoln
every Thursday at
10:30 a. m., reaching
San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los An
geles Monday noon.
Ask G.W.Bonnell city
ucKei agent, cor awn 4
and O Sts., Lincoln 5
Neb for full information jv
or write to W
J. Fbancis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb.
lowing described real estate, to-wlt:
Lots sixteen (16), seventeen (17, and
eighteen (18), in block two (2), in Houtz
and Baldwin's sub-division of the west
l half of the northwest quarter of the
. ( kjuiuwch 4iiurior ui tjeuiiuu uiueieou
(19), township ten (10). north range
cprpn 11 pnet rt thn Kn T5 TVT in T.nvi.
caster county, Nebraska.
Given under my band this 23d a ay of
April, A. L., 1896.
John J.Trompen,
May 23
Canon City coal at the WhUebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
&6$iYirijhl k
The Photographer. 5
129 South Eleventh Street 8
by virtue of an order of sale issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
Third judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an
action where'n Charles M. Hauthaway
is plaintiff, andErastus M.Wheeler, etal
are defendants.
I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 2nd
day of June A. D.. 1896, at the east
door of the court house, in the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the fol-
South Eleventh Street.
ssssss Telephone 270.