THB COURIER. ABE YOU IT I ! ODro If eo this will interest you. Every Rambler rider who goes the mile in less than minutes paced orunpaced, at any Functioned L.A.W. race rill receive an Xrr&tellisli.ecl souvenir with name ind details of performance engrave 1 upon it. Riders of Any otlir wheel fitted with J. & G, tires will receive a little less valuablo souvenir for like performance. The holder of the greatest number of "two min ute" souvenirs by Jan 1, 1897 will receivo a grand souvenir. J. R. GfrUTHRIS, 1540 O St, ; RAMBLER f i !mJi trisuotb Personal Mention Dr. Frank N. Riale. who Is supplying the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church, is a scholar of fine taste, wide experience and thorough training. In 18S7 he took the Williams Fellowship at Harvard university. He Is a frequent contributor to the Popular Science Monthly and other magazines. He was a member of the Advisory Council "f Parliament of Religions. The Saturday Review, Des Moines, in an article on Dr. Riale's departure from that city, said: "He is a man who stands well to the front, not only In his profession, but in the held of scientific religious thought and literature. He is one of a group of men In this country, related to similar groups in France, England and Ger many, who believe the time has come when the religions of the world should be scientifically investigated and classi fied. Spiritual facts, 'heart facts, must be classified as physical and scientific facts have been." Ex-Governor Thayer has returned from Beatrice. Mrs. Peter DIerks has gone to New Albany, X. Y. George McArthur, George B. Scott, Ben Floyd and Lew Franklin are In camp near Ashland. They will remain several days, hunting and fishing. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mary have re turned from their wedding tour. Rev. E. H. Chapin delivered a lecture on "The Bond of Social Unity," at the meeting of Capital City lodge No. 80. A. O. U. W "Wednesday evening.- The twenty-eight annual meeting of the Nebraska state medical society will be held in the federal building of this city. May 19, 20 and 21. Dr. J. E. Sum mers, Jr., of Omaha is president and Dr. "W. M. Everett of Lincoln chairman of the committee of arrangements. The local committee consists of Drs. H. B. Lowry, G- H. Simmons and J. H. Tyn dale. The Lincoln medical society will give a banquet on the evening of the 20th at the LIndell hotel. A. W. Field and C. T. Boggs visited Omaha the first of the week In the In terest of the local racing association. The Round Table will meet at the Commercial club May 18. Mr. R. E. Moore will lead the discussion which will be on the subject of universal suffrage. The severe wind which caused so much damage yesterday afternoon, un roofed the two-story brick building nt 133 South Ninth street, one of the old est brick buildings In the city, havlnff been built in 74. The heavy rains which followed did much damage to the stock of harness and etc, contained therein. The entire stock will be sold at barelv cost of manufacture. Call and examine the big bargains. Nothing reserved. CANDIES that you can cve any member of the family, even though it be the smallest tot, without harm, on account of the absolute purity and freedom from in jurious substances. Frank M. Rector. "Ephemar." 1211 O St. Beginning May 10th the Missouri Pa cific will run a new fast dally train leaving Lincoln at 3:20 p. m., arriving at Kansas City at 11:00 p. m. and at St. Louis at 7:20 a. m.. making direct con nections at new St. Louis union sta tion with all east bound trains. The Flier will make better time by several hours to St. Louis. CIncinnatti. Washington. New York and to all east ern points, than any otherline out of Lincoln. It is a screamer. For Information about rates, connec tions, ets, or for sleeping car berths, call at city ticket office. 1201 O street. F. D. CORNELL, C. P. & T. A. SUTTON & HOLLOWBUSH'S OPEN ING. The annual Sutton & Hollowbush op ening will occur today. Hagenow's or chestra will furnish music. Each lady purchaser will be presented with a Cap Jasamlne and a box of candy. The beau tiful soda fountain, presided over by an expert, will furnish delicious refresh ment for the thirsty. "Queen Victoria." Ladies" Favorite Her Majesty's Perfume, is the most lasting and perfect Perfuice. Ask I' the Druggist" for a sample. Empress Josephine toilet preparation face bleach, face tonic, hair tonic, etc. at Kleinkauf & Grimes', 117 North 11th Don't make up your mind on a bicycle before seeing the makes handled by Billmeyer & Sadler, 1133-35 M street. Well Dressed Men. There are oiany nobby suits seen on our streets this spring. They come from the shop of Paine, Warfelit Bum stead.who have the largest and finest as sortment of woolens ever 6een in Lincoln "Ephemar" ice cream is the best. FranK. M, Rector, 1211 O St. A comfortable California trip can be taken every Thursday at 10:30 a. m. in a through tourist sleeping car, Lincoln to Los Angelos without chance via the Burlington. Remember this when ar ranging for your winter trip. Depot ticket office, 7th street between P and Q streets. City office, corner Tenth and O streets. (First Publication May 16. 1896.) Edward Olcott. etc., vs. Edward O. O. Lawrence, et al.. 18-100. To Benjamin A. Gibson, Mary C. Gib son, his wife, Alexander S. Porter, De wit C. Wheeler, William H. Sullivan. and Mrs. Sullivan, his wife, first real name unknown, non-resident de fendants: You and each of you are hereby no tified that on April 18th. 1896, Edward Olcott. as executor of the last will and testament of George Olcott, deceased. Francis C. Faulkner, as assignee of The Connecticut River Savings Bank, and The Connecticut River National Bank, a corporation, as plaintiffs, began an action against you and other defend ants In the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, the object of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage on the following land in said county, to-wit The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section number 11, town 10 north of range 6, east of the 6th Princi pal Meridian, made by Edward O. C Lawrence, dated June 26th, 1893, to se cure the payment of five promissory notes of said Edward O. C. Lawrnce to said Benjamin A. Gibson, four being for $5,000 each, and one for $10,000. amounting In the aggregate to the sum of $30,000.00 on which there is now due $30,000. with interest from June 26th, 1S93, at ten per cent per annum. Plaintiffs pray for decree of foreclos ure and sale of said land to satisfy said Hens as aforesaid, for deficiency Judg ment and general relief. You are required to answer plaintiffs petition on or before the 22d day of June. 1896. Edward Olcott, as executor, et al.. Plaintiffs. By S. L. Gelsthardt. Attorney. June 6 G. KVJO "'N fc- " W . S5sss3 liSSSSSSSSeSsi BGYGit flSVHtMlCE Insure your wheel in the American Wheelman's Protective association. New wheel if your's is stolen M.S. tfChOMETERS Model 181X1. These much desired arti cles can now be had of C A. WIRICK, 121T O St SS THE MiB0H CtfE Mrs. TURBETT, Prop. 427 North 10 St. Lincoln, Neb. If you desire a nice, pleasant quiet place to board you should go to the Albion Cafe. Everything nice and neat and every pains taken to make it the most desirable place in the city to take your meals. A splendnl,. well cooked, well served dinner every day in the week for 15c. f -&" 427 no 10J?h STREET. OPPOSITE UNIVERSITY. FOR CLEANING THE SCALP Removing Dandruff, preventing the hair from turning gray, and pro moting a luxuriant growth, no finer thing can be used than the electric treatment, given by Mrs Demarest at Herpolsheimer's store