The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 16, 1896, Image 6

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Archibald Forbes' "Czar and Sullan'tyours and mine, a present from father.
....... . ,, Mark Twain was much moved and had
is, in spiie of the preface, a real account dlfnculty m finding his voice. But
of the distinguised war-correspondent's finally with considerable obstruction
irom cnoKiiiK, ne ui il uui, iwu ui
experiences in the Russian-Turkish war
of 1877 78. In the preface, Mr.
Forbes disclaims his own personality
and at the 6aiuo time destroys the val
ue of the book as an authority by
three words at a time: "Mr. Langdon.
whenever you are In Buffalo, If It's
twice a .year, come right up here and
bring your bag with you. Tou may
stay overnight if you want to. It
shan't cost you a cent."
stating that the moving adventures offe a pesta! by the generous, but
are related oy one jouu Carnegie iu deceived and misguided people or Ten
nis nephews in the twilight hour. The
book contains no maps and no foot-notes.
It beloncs in the list with the "Youth s
nessee. When the statue Is Anally In
place on postofflce square the attention
of distinguished visitors who are being
shown -the sights will be directed to
In our drapery department we are offering a very
large and attractive assortment of choice new and
stylish fabrics, among them
Tamboured Muslins, Figured Swisses, Fish Nels
Art Denims, Cretonnes, Japanesse Tinsel Capes, Fancy
Silks, Silkolines, Cotton Brocateiles, Jute Brocatelles,
Wool Brocatelles, Silk Brocatelles, etc., etc. Prices are
low. You are invited to come and see for yourself.
History of the Rebellion" or Charles Ped, J?ble make no mis- "m -2 J &, - -gi
cides to carve on It some of his airy - ..m. kw'
Dickens" "Child's History of England.''
The absence of maps is the most ser
ious lack. North and South, east and
fancies in relief Tennessee has saved
Lincoln from a recurring, an over-
tvholmlnir mortificAtion. The statue of
west, mean nothing to the imaginations Lincoln prepared from soaked plaster
unleBS accompanied by a map or local of Paris by Mr. Currie shows heroic
. , , r , . x, ,,, patience and faith in himself. He has
ized by a personal experience. ?orth! also a aew metnod in preparing
and the imaginations starts towards his model from -an unelastlc medium
CanadaandsousesintotheArcticocean 8 CnTne SK scut
croseis it ana never stops on account oi
gravity or weather; only another word
can pull it brck to w here it started from
and then the thread of the narrative
is tangled. Mr. Forbes gains in ease
tors, life long students of "the glory
that was Greece and the splendor
that was Rome's" use clay to con
struct their working models. It can be
pulled, scraped and pinched. It can
be taken off or added to in chunks, it
la oliailut aIv nKajllAnt tn ttiA arflct'
ana grace irom me expeuieui uo u jj. Michael Angelo's students used
adopted, but it loses more than it to say he had an Inspired thumb nail.
:., c.,, o Kir irotD Tannin Nevertheless, had It worked in plaster
gains. Such a book attracts people wlnd.blown drapery had remained
who are interested in European pol plaster. Forty years' acquaintance
itics and wars and their patience is with stone's brittle and obstinate char-
auiut lias lAU&uk M.i vuiuc nt jiwto-
tried to tind at the outset
that the witness discredits him
self and disclaims all responsibility by
assuming an alUs. The feats of the
slty of being sure of his design before
expressing it in stone. His work has
the assurance and determination of a
master. Experiment in a plastic ma
terial has become unnecessary. His
Makers of the
finest confectionery
always fresh.
The newest and
most palatable
candy specialties.
Bon-bons, etc
Delicious ice cream v.
and ices, nut ice cream,
all flavors.
Families served promptly.
The best soda water and
cooling drinks, and
pleasant parlors.
1 O fi. "l rr.m1s OnnM Umien Cnrnar
i a u, i unric vpcia nuuoc wvniv-i
Russian generals look like good like- mind can see clearly the gaunt, awk-
KWU IlgUXTS UL Aumuaiii IUIWIII, lie:
has studied -the various lives of Lincoln
nessee; the story is told with simplic
ity and directness, it has strong at
tractions its faults are in what it has
Mann. Louis Mann, whose imper
sonation of the German professor in
"The Strange Adventures of Miss
Brown," was the one artistic feature
of the production, has retired from the
company. Dramatic Mirror.
Eddie Foy was Indeed a great disap
pointment. His voice is long since
drowned in drink. He is not much of
an acrobat he is not anything of an
actor. He found his reputation in
Chicago and lost It there. He is now
losing it again all over the United
B-use sailed a week ago. She refused
so that his statue, as finally cast or
cut, will compel reverence from the
people as the man himself would if
he stood before us and as the -Abraham
Lincoln of St. Gaudens that stands in
Lincoln park, Chicago, compels atten
tion and reverence. Mr. Currie be
lieves in symbols: the rigidity of the
figure he has stuck together finely ex
presses Lincoln's unyielding purpose.
No matter how hard the wind may
rage it cannot blow a fold Into" the
coat nor flutter a lock of the deter
mined hair. The feet stand firmly on
the pedestal encased In a leather that
nor heat nor -weather can make old and
easy. They are new shoes smooth and
hard. After 'Mr. Lincoln became presi
dent of course he was able to buy the
In Omaha,
The Courier is on sale in Omaha at Megeath's stationery
store, 1308 Farnam street.
to make any western engagements, .thlckests and firmest leather, and these W GO TO
but intends to return next year, when
she will make a tour of the country,
showing in the principal cities.
Madame Theo Dorre will star next
year In "Carmen." She had a small
audience when she played here with
the Tavary grand opera company, but
before the curtain went down it was
entirely hers. As Carmen she is dia
bolically fascinating. If Nethersole is
any more of a beautiful fiend there
are surprises below.
"Mark Twain" has never told a tale
with his pen with the effect, in point
of either humor or pathos, or vigor and
felicity of diction that he imparts to the
tale he tells by word of mouth. The
anecdotes related Induce a strong desire
for the honor of his acquaintance. He
loves and he hates with fervor and
he expresses both to the great satis
faction of emotional people possessed
of a deviL This is the way he replies to
a frjend who had informed him of a
piece of 111 luck that had befallen a
person who had been his special antip
athy: "I am more than charmed to hear
of it; still. It does not do me half the
good it could have done if It had come
sooner. My malignity has so worn
out and wasted away with time and the
exercise of charity that even his death
would not afford me anything more
than a mere fleeting ecstasy, a sort of
momentary pleasurable titillation now
unless, of course, it happened in some
peculiarly radiant way, like burning,
or boiling, or something like that.
Joys that come to us after the capacity
for enjoyment is dead are but an
affront." Of course this has nothing
of the chastened Christian spirit in it.
It Is the Old Testament, "eye for an
eye and a tooth for a tooth" doctrine
that all of us subscribe to when our
cheeks are aflame with a new slap.
The vindlctiveness of the extract is
softened by humor, but there Is no
doubt that the party who had met
-with misfortune is unpopular with the
Twain family.
When he came back with his bride
from their wedding journey he was re
ceived by his new relatives in an ele
gant house, brilliantly lighted and
handsomely furnished. Mark supposed
it was a reception in somebody's house.
His wife finally said: "It's our house-
were purchased, I am sure, when he
had plenty of money. So much leath
er and of such an unusual character
could not be purchased by a poor man.
It seems too bad that Mr. Currie
should work on this statue so long
and receive nothing for it excepting
the appreciation of newspapers which,
after all, is not the reward an artist
most covets. The people would be
willing when the statue is set up to
let Mr. Cqrrie build an ornamental
shed about it and charge those who
wish to see it 10 cents. In this way he
might receive some little reward for
his faithful labor and the people would
be spared much suffering.
There are many residents of Lincoln
who may not know that the stone dogs
on guard In one or two yards of this
place are the work of John Currie. One
Is still to be found in Mr. Tucker's
yard on N street, one in the residence
formerly occupied by Bishop Skinner
on R street and there used to be an
other in the William Barr yard at
Eleventh and H streets. When the
old house was torn down to make
room for the double house standing
there now. the dog was lost perhaps
he was put Into the corner stone of
the new house they put all sorts of
things Into corner stones in order
that the people of succeeding ages
may know what we could do in this
Church members are in the habit of
declaiming on the free and enlightened
condition of women in Christian coun
tries and ascribing feminine liberty
and intelligence to the unselfish cul
ture of the church. It may be so, but
there are several historical instances
wherein church members, beginning
with St. Paul, have denied ordinary
rights to women. The church is al
ways slow to acknowledge progress.
The world moves, the church stands
still for long periods, piously sure that
repose Is best. Occasionally some
thing inside or outside of it shakes It
and It gasps and moves a trifle. If it
were not for these disturbances the
Methodist conference would be more
or less peacefully discussing parish
matters at the present time. There la
no church wherein the women labor so
in aTourlst sleeper
It is the RIGHT way.
Pay more and you are
extravagant. Pay less
and you are uncomfort
able. The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest
riding Tourist sleepers
are used for our
Personally conducted
excursions to
which leave Lincoln
every Thursday at
10:30 a. m., reaching
San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los An
geles Monday noon.
Ask G.W.Bonnell city
ticket agent, cor 10th
and O Sts., Lincoln
Neb for full information
or write to
J. Francis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb.
lowing described real estate, tc-wit:
Lots sixteen (16), seventeen (17), and
eighteen (18), in block two (2), in Houtz
asd Baldwin's sub-division of the west
half of the northwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section nineteen
(19), township ten (10). north range
seven (7), east of the 6th P. M. in Lan
caster county, Nebraska.
Given under my band this 23d a ay of
April, A. L., 1896.
John J. Trompen,
May 23
Canon City coal at the WbUebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
&u$nrijhi k
The Photographer.
129 South Eleventh Street O
by virtue of an order of sale issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
Third judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county. In an
action where n Charles M. Hauthaway
is plaintiff, andErastus M.Wheeler, etal
are defendants.
I will, at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 2nd
day of June A. D.. 1896, at the east
door of the court house, in the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the fol-
South Eleventh Street.
Telephone 270.
-,fc.-.2iE&2- --