The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 16, 1896, Image 11

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Mr. Sedgwick's Reply.
In a very able and interesting article
in The Courier, W. Morton Smith
gives a good many cogent reasons why
"Jack" AIcColl should not be nominated
for governor. Mr. Smith is entitled to
the distinction of being not only the
most graceful writer in the state, but of
stating his honest convictions fully and
fairly without fear or favor. He closes
his political article by saying: "Mr.
Sedgwick, the former secretary of the
republican state central committee, has
used up columns of good space in his
newspaper demanding better men for
public office in this state. Other edi
tors, in off seasons, have taken up the
cry. Now that the campaign is on will
Mr. Sedgwick, prosecute the good work?
Will the other editors who talked fear
lessly but a few months back have the
courage to voice their honest convict
ions now? Will the republican news
papers of the state say a word now in
disapproval of the candidacy of such
men as McColl and in advocacy of
bigger men for the state's big offices."
The Times has frequently plead for
bigger, stronger and better men for
office than some who have been nom
inated by the republican party in the
past, but Mr. Snith evidently recog
nized the differenco between saying
"bad birds should be killed" and then
firing into the thicket full of all kinds
of birds, or singling out one particular
bird und blazing away at it. Repub
licans should remember, however, that
we have Holcomb to beat next fall.
They know that he is fleet of foot not
withstanding his weight. It is no time
to redress fancied individual wrongs nor
to open old and malignant sores. How
ever the principals may feel toward
each other, there is a permanent ani
mosity between the personal adherents
of Majors and McColl, which was still
more than embittered by the campaign
of ninety-four. The Majors men have
charged and still charge that McColl
came out of the convention very sore
and fully determined to throw cold
water on the republican ticket; that he
insulted prominent and conscientious
supporters of Majors; that he still is re
sentful and hostile toward them, and that
he was worse than indifferent toward the
republican ticket during that critical
Does anyone suppose that the ardent
friends of Tom Majors, after having seen
him defeated him, as they believe by
the luke-warmness, if not treachery, of
his principal opponent, are going now
to see that indifference rewarded by the
election of that opponent? Some of them
have even said they want to see him
nominated so that they could "give him
some of the same medicine he gave
Tom." Does the republican partywant
to invite this tempest to break upon it
during this important campaign? Will
it not only endanger the head of the
state ticket but weaken the entire
ticket as well? Will it not endanger
the chances of election of every nom
inee of 'the republican state conven
tion and weaken the national
ticket in Nebraska? These are
considerations worth thinking about
and discussing. York Times.
The state bank examiners and others
close in touch with the pres
ent state treasurer are travelling about
over the state giving it out as a pointer
to band wagcn politicians that every
thing has been arranged and .fixed for
the nomination of a treasurer chosen by
Bartley, says the Sterling Sun. It is
given out confidentially everywhere that
Mr. Bartley s influence is sufficient to
nominate bis successor. If this is true
it is a dangerous thing. Nothing could
be more disastrous to the party than to
have it known throughout the state
that the t reasurer is able to chose the
man to whom he is turn over the office
This is no time for this kind of manip
ulation. The very life of the republican
party depends upon the principle that
the party, the whole party, in convent
ion assembled snail chose its own can
didates. Wo have no particular ob
jection to Mr. NcNish but it is unfort
nate that he was brought out by Bart
ley The moment that it is demonstrated
that a state treasurer can chose his
own successor or can even exercise any
considerable influence in that direct
ion, that moment the public will lose,
to a certain degree, its respect and con
fidence not only in the parly but in tho
integrity of the office and its occupant.
We are to have a new Nebraska. The
fields are now green with growing grain
and promise a new era of prosperity in
business affairs, let us, to some extent
at least, inaugurate a new era in our
state politics. Let us set the standard
high. Let the candidates be nominated
by the fair and untrammeled will of the
party in its state convention. Then when
our ticket is in the field we can point to
it with pride and there will be no ne
cessity for apologies or explanations.
There certainly are indications of the
existence of such a combine (McColl,
Moore, McNish) and the republicans
should express their disapproval when
the time comes, aj they no doubt will.
The first intimation of such a scheme
naturally comes from the Lincoln papers,
The Courier publishing the announce
ment in a recent issue of such a rumor
in the loobies of the capital city. Grand
Island Independect.
The newspapers anu republicans gen
erally are beginning to write and talk
about the "combine's slate," which
already seems to be made up of McColl
for governor, McNish for treasurer and
McClay for anditor. With Joe Bartley,
the astute and clever politician of the
state treasurer's office, in the head push,
things seem to be moving along very
smoothly for the "Three Macs." And
yet the quary naturally arises in the
thoughtful mind, why is the state treas
urer so anxious about the successor to
his office? And again, is it good polit
ical sense or sensible political policy
for the state of Nebraska or for the re
publican party to allow this dictation
of a successor to any state office, and
especially of an office with the ramifi
cations of the state treasurership?
Where are we at we brethern? Mc
Cook Tribune.
We are the originatars of "Ephemar"
nut ice creams. Imitated but not du
plicated. Frank M. Rector, "Ephemar."
1211 O Street.
is taken in the manufacture of all con
fections by our expert candy makers,
who are supported with the very best
and purest materials and have the
latest appliances with which to execute
their work. "Ephemar" 1211 0 St.
First publication May 9.
Notice is hereby given that on the
25th day of April, 1896, the undersigned
did duly organize under the laws of the
state of Nebraska and under the name
of the Clarkson Laundry company.
The principal place of transacting the
business of this corporation shall be in
the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, and the
general nature of the business to be
transacted is the establishment, main
tenance and development of a laundry,
manufacture and 6ale of articles and
processes useful in and pertaining to
the said business, buying and selling of
real estate, negotiable and commercial
paper and such other business as may
be necessary to the proper conduct of
said business.
The amount of capital stock author
ized is 20,000. divided into 200 shares of
2100 each; 50 per cent, of the said
amount to be paid in at the time of
commencing business and the balance
thereof at such timeas maybe required.
The time of commencing business of
the said corporation, is April 25, 1896,
and the termination thereof April 25
1946. The highest amount of indebted
ness or liability to which this corpora
tion shall at any time subject itself,
shall be $13,000. The affairs of said
corporation shall be conducted by a
board of three directors.
seal Clarkson Laundry Co . ,
By John N. C. Lottndge,
May 30
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The Indestructible "Maywood"
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THIS $75.00 COM
SpsfesjsC. raurr osititi 7ufiT I atIswV
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The "Maywood" In the ttronqeil amt simplest birycle ever made. Adapted fir !1 kinds ol
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No. 5 Maywcod
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