r:vi kL i r ': . j--uf"-" " '" t VOL 11. NO 20 ESTABLISHED IN 1836 PRICE FIVE CENT!: l"t .J.-.-. .fc;.o:i t: IVY.':-: .x H H B JiBSCClCgtfiUoiWPr'Sr tWBpwwijfcafc ij" h M a LINCOLN NEB., SATURDAY. MAY 1G 1896 reading and learning of such things as these than to bother ourselves about such mere trifles as who shall he the republican nominees for governor, treasurer, auditor, secretary, commis sioner, etc, etc. ENTERED IN THE POST OFFICE AT LINCOLN AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE COURIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING GO Office 217 North Eleventh St. Telephone 384 (Si We ought to be thankful that there is in the republican party of Nebraska a benevolent syndicate not only willing but anxious to assume ali the functions of the party. When Fox made up his book of Martyrs the crop did not become extinct. It is good to know that there are those among us who are willing to W.MORTON SMITH Editor and Manager themselver for the weal of SARAH B. HARRIS Associate Editor the body politic. Subscription Rates In Advance. Per annum $2.00 A correspondent who is enthusiaq Six months 1.00 tically optimistic forwards the following Three months 50 from Lexington. Neb. Sin8 lntes 2 '"To the Editor Nebraska, in this May . month 1896, never looked so radiant as now. The heavens have wept that our fields might smile. The air is fragrant with tliA taMoatn rulnr nt npir lilnocnma. OBSERVATIONS f I he trees hanr heavv with foliasro. The birds sing aloud in a joyful note. There is promise everywhere. The people Perhaps some people are disposed .to bave emerged from discouragement and overestimate the importance of the taken their places on the field of hope, issues involved in the ante-convention Prosperity impends and happiness is campaign in the republican party in become more than a meaningless word, this state. It may be after all, that it This is going to be a great year in Neb is in bad taste to protest. Really, on sec- raska- We are gln& to raise more sug ond thought, it doesn't make much ar beets, more corn, more oats, more al difference what is done at .the coming falfa-the biggest ciops-ever raised in this state convention. For the men who 8tate. We are going to see caravans of are nominated July 1 will, the ensuing returning pilgrims and new home-seek-November, be elected only to state ers moving westward from the Missou-offlces-a mere governor and auditor river. We are going to see our farms and treasurer, etc. These men are sim- sought for, and our cities filled up with ly to be intrusted with the adminis- new comers. We are going to see all tration of the business of an unimport- the people join hands in a great en ant state-Nebraska, comprising a deavor to realize the new Nebraska, mere handful of people, only about a the dawn of a era of Publlc BPmt' mjljj0IK patriotism, enterprise. From this on a we are going to put all that is greatest . ., . and beet forward, and push upward for Of course, there are questions or taxes, ..,..., , t . .l . j,. , j.. the highest development of our treat and the handling and expenditure 4 4 .... , ,. ,r . . L A . , , , u . state. Our political parties, realizing of state funds, and a dozen other incon- ., -..,. . l .. . . . ..... . . . the responsibility that is upon them in -sequential topics of similar import, but . . .:. ... . . , . .. .. ., ... , . . ., this critical time, are going to take the then these things do not affect the , , . .. ."; ,, ... , .. . , lead in promoting the welfare of the people, and there is scarcely any reason . . JT - i r .' . , . . , . : . . state. They are going to stand up for why they should take any interest in XT , ' " . , , ., . .. ... ... ... Nebraska by stamping under foot the the matter of the selection of the ' i-,- u . , .... ,, . . - little men, the clap-trap politicians, the party s candidates. The outcome being . c j i . J . . .. . . . ., . schemers and fixers, and taking up as of no importance it is just as well, if not ,. , , . , . .. . , . ,. candidates for the big state s big offices better, to leave the nominations to the . ,, ... . ., . . . A, . . the biggest men they can hnd, to the small coterie of gentlemen who have . ol . , . . ,, . , b .: . . end that in Nebraska we may elect men kindly taken it upon themselves to re- ... , , ... . , :. , , who will be an honor and credit to tne lieve the party of the burden of respon- . . ...... n ii .. new, revivified Nebraska. Wearegoing sibihty. By all means tell the mem- . ' .... , u- . AL ..i ., - ,. i to take a big step forward in this year hers of the philanthropic political syn- lfinr syndicate to go ahead and pick out our governor and other officers for us. We are too busy to attend to such things and then the syndicate is so much better qualified for this duty. If the gentlemen of the syndicate take entire charge of all matters of this sort we would have so much more time in which .to read the newspapers and learn of atrocities in Cuba, McKinley's triumph. 'official maladmistration, shortages in the accounts of public officers, political corruption, etc. It is certainly much more profitable to improve the mind by This correspondent appears to be lab oring under the imprepsion that Nebras ka amounts to something and is worth taking care of. Inasmuch as the con clusion has just been reached in these columns that it really makes no diff erence what becomes of the state. I am under the necessity of declaring this friend from Lexington, which, by the way, is the home of the Honorable "Jack"' Hankering McColI, foolishly serious. It may be of interest to the people of Nebraska to know that the coming session of the legislature will be dis tinguished for at least one thing. For the past twenty years, at the biennial sessions, there has been a sufficient quan tity of oil to keep the members, from corroding. But arrangements are now being made to produce a supply of leg islative lubricant altogether unparall eled in the history of the state. The oil producer, vulgarlarly known as the lobby will make a specialty of looking after insurance joints. It is understood that certain persons have prepared embarassing questions touching the insurance issue which, at the proper time, will be propounded to candidates for the legislature. At the coming session an effort will be made to repeal the valued policy law, and the insurance lobby will endeavor to pass Buch other laws hb will make it impos sible for the mutual insurance compan ies to do business in this state. Next November when Mr. McKinley reads the returns of elections throughout the country; next March when Mr. Cleveland shall gather together his dogs and guns and say a long fare well to the White House, and make way for the new president, the distin guished Ohioan will feel all the exul tation and exaltation of victory, the consciousness of being first in a nation of sixty million people. But the satis faction that will come to Mr. McKin ley on these occasions can scarcely be greater than that which he enjoys at the present moment, or will enjoy next month. At the triumphant close of the American revolution, the two political parties then existing united in the select ion of Washington as the first president of the United States, and four years later they again united to elect him. All the members of both parties wanted him. When Munroe was chosen pres ident for the second time in 1821 the people of the United States showed their confidence in him by giving him an electoral vote which lacked only one of being unanimous. The first national convention of the republican party met on the 17th of June, 185G. John C. Fremont was nominated for president on the first ballot, receiving 359 votes to 19G for John McLean. In 18G0 Williatn II. Seward, prior to the convention, was supposed to be the leading aspirant Tor the nomination for president, and he led on the first and second ballots. In 1861 at Baltimore, Lincoln was nom inated by acclamation. In 1S6S Grant was nominated for president by accla mation; and 1872 he was given the nom ination a second time by acclamation. Hayes was nominated for president in 1876 on the seventh ballot by a vote of SS4 to 351 for Blaine and 31 for Bristow. In 1SS0 it took thirty-six ballots to nom inate a candidate for president, the vote standing on the first ballot Garfield, 399; Grant, 306; Blame, 42; Sherman, 3; Wasburne 5. In 1831 Blaine won after a contest, and in 1883 Blaine cabled a disavowal of candidacy from abroad and Harrison was mado the republican nominee In 1892 Harrison was bitterly opposed, but was success ful in securing a second nomination. Assuming then that McKinley will bo nominated by acclamation in St. Louis it will be seen that his triumph is com parable to Washington's and Munroe's and Lincoln's and Grant's. Lincoln's renomination by acclamation, with the war unfinished, came as a matter of course. Grant owed his unanimous nomination to his services in the civil war. McKinley's triumph is different from these and proves that peace hath her victories no le.s renowned than war. In 1892 the people thought they had enough of the McKinley tariff and they gave the country over to the democrats. In four years the pendulum of public sentiment swings back, and the author of the re pudiated tariff law is demanded by the rank and file of the party from Maine to California as the party's choice for president. McKinley entered the con test with the people with him, and the bosses against him. From the first he has won steadily, and Piatt and Quay and Clarkson and Manley, with their diminutive candidates will find themselves iu the same position in St. Louis that Napoleon found himself in in Waterloo, only more so. The en thusiasm for McKinley, in a time of peace like the present, is absolutely un precedented in the history of the country, and certainly presages an over whelming republican victory in No vember. When Marcus Aurelius Hanna said that Thomas Corallem-PIatt is "only a baby in politics," some people thought the new Richmond a little presumpt tuous. But subsequent events have tended to develop the idea that Mr. Hanna is a man of excellent judgment. There seems to be an issue in this county, either real or imaginary, as to whether the papers in certain cases at law shall, at the discretion of some officer, be witheld from the press. It is seriously contended by some esteemed attorneys and equally esteemed court officers that the element of publicity should be removed from the trial of certain cases. And this in the age of cathode rays and electric lights. Along in the dark ages the law moved in a mysterious, secret way its atrocities to perform. Decrees emanated from se questered places, and justice walked in a shroud. Corruption danced in dia bolical glee in - the black corridors. Centuries passed. Enlightenment came to the people. The dark ages faded away. Publicity entered the judgment halls and secrecy was cast out of the courts. Justice, still a trifle halt, dropped her shroud and donned a new garb, and her scales, weighed and bal lanced in the public gaze, measured and adjusted differences with some