TH1 COURIER. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Otie of the neatest, most unique and absorbing entertainments of the current season ib "Mies Jerry .'" The title gives no adequate idea of the character of the play, the scenes of which are laid in New York city, whither "Miss .Terry" turns her foot-steps after a more or les: adven turous "bring up" in a Colorado mining camp. In the great, wicked and cruel metropolis, "Miss Jerry" meets her fate; a handsome clever fellow, who seems so far above her, socially, that she bitterly laments the chance that threw him in her path. Among the various characters represented in this, the first pictuieplay ever presented in this country are Chauncey Depew, "Farmer Dunn," the weather prophet, and Supt. Martin of the Brooklyn bridge. Among the out door scenes are views of Broadway, City Hall park, Madison Square, Fifth Ave nue hotel, Washington Square, and Cen tral park "Miss Jerry" was presented last season before an extraordinarily wide range of audiences, including some of themost famous social and literary clubs, prominent churches, Chautauqua assemblies, "Y. M. C. A.'e," in drawing, rooms and in some of the largest lecture halls and opera houses in the United States and Canada. This novel and re fined entertainment will be presented under the management of Mr. Frank F. Muller, Friday and Saturday night, May 8 and 9; at the Funke opera house, under the auspices of the ladies of the Universalist church Matinee today. Leopold Godows'ry, one of the great est of living pianists and of whom it has been said by competent musical authority that his technique surpassee that of Paderewski, which is the same dividuality of style and temperment that invests his playing with a peculiar charm. Since coming to America his appearance in Sew York, Boston, Phila delphia, Chicago, St. Louis and other art centers of musical culture amounted to a revelation and he was received at once as an artist of the very highest rank." It is said of him that his art is infinite, his memory remarkable, hia technique unsurpassed, and his adapt ability to the various musical characters of the different composers and their portrayal has not been excelled. From this it will be seen that a musical feast of rare quality is in store alike for our amateurs, our advanced musicians and our critics. The program is as follows: Carnival opus 9 Schumann Ave Maria ( out t Fruehlings-Glaube j --Schubert-Liszt Invitation to the Dance.. Weber-Tausig .rreiucie Three Studies Berceuse Valse opus G4. No. 1 (arramred in double notes by Moritz Chopin nosenmai) Scherzo C sharp minor Ballade A flat Polonaise opus 53 Ballet Music from Alceste. .. Gluck-Saint Saens Waldesrouschen (Murmurs of the Forest) Liszt Overture "TannhaeuBer" Wagner-Liszt First publication May 9. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is hereby given that on the 25th day of April, 1896, the undersigned did duly organize under the laws of the state of Nebraska and under the name of the Clarkson Laundry company. The principal place of transacting the business of this corporation shall be in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, and the general nature of the business to be transacted is the establishment, main tenance and development of a laundry, manufacture and sale of articles and processes useful in and pertaining to the said business, buying and selling of real estate, negotiable and commercial paper and such other business as may be necessary to the proper conduct of said business. The amount of capital stock author ized is 220,000, divided into 200 shares of 9100 each; 50 per cent, of the said amount to be paid in at the time of commencing business and the balance thereof at such time as maybe required. The time of commencing business of the said corporation is April 25, 1896, and the termination thereof April 25 194G. The highest amount of indebted ness or liability to which this corpora tion shall at any time subject itself, shall be 813,000. The affairs of said corporation shall be conducted by a board of three directors. seal Clarkson Laundry Co., By John N. C. Lottridge, Secretary-Treasu rer. May 30 HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. Great May Sale Closes Wednesday, May 13. Following are a few of the many bargains we are offering in our different departments: DRESS GOODS. COLORED. 36 in. all wool Novelty suitings.. 19o yd Wool Novelty Dress Goods, worth from 44 to fiO cts at 29c yd Silk and Wool Novelty Dress Goods worth from C3c to $1.25 at 39c yd BLACK. All Wool Black Surges 18c yd Line of all wool Surges worth 35 ai 21c 46 in. Black Henrietta worth 85c at 57c Lot of fine Black Mohair Crepon Dres- Patterns, full size worth from 812.50 to $15. Pattern $fi.50 Our Entire Stock of New Dress 6oois Remits At Oie-Hilf Price. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies Dongola Oxfords 39c pr Ladies Tan Oxfords 98c pr Ladies Dongola Turn Oxfords, any style 81 49 pr Ladies Chocolate color Oxfords 81 40 pr Ladies White Kid Slippers 81 47 or Ladies White Canva& Oxfords. $1 09 pr Ladies tan Lace Shoes, cloth top.Elite toe 81 99 pr Our Eitire Stock of Ladies' Capes at One-Half Off. SHIRT WAISTS. Big lino of Precale Shirt WalsU at 47c A large assortment of lino Prccalo and Lawn Shirt Waists at 75 and 85o Beautiful assortment of lino Knglish Precalo and French Luwn Shirt waists, flitted body, large ltishop sleeves at . 97o Better grades at $1.25 and up. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS Black gloria silk umbrellas worth up to 81.25 at 59c Assorted handles, silverfrimnied twilled silk umbrellas worth upwards to 81.75 at 97c Same Btyle as above worth up ward to 82.50 your choice at 81.39 White Japanese silk parasols at 87c Super quality Japanese silk Para sols, ruflled 81.50 Beautiful assortment of figured Japanese silk Parasols, tho very latest 81.29 CARPETS AND DRAPERIES Wo are making ar.d laying Carpets FREE OF CIIAKUE for a short time only. Wwpousmw & oo POE,the photographer Is doing the bes t and finest work in the city and his prices are the most reasonable. Call at the studio and examine the work and be convioced. Remember the place 132 S. lStti St. SULPHO-SAT.TNE i Every purchaser of I 81 worth of goods j will receive a cou- pon worth 10 cts, to apply on future purchase. 5c cou pon with 50c Riggs Pharmacy 12 &Q BATIIH1HIUM ,j - - - - COR 14 AND M. LINCOLN, XEBRASKA. as to say be is the greatest of all tech nicians, is to be heard in this city Fri day evening, May 15, at the Funke opera house in a recital program which em braces some of tho choicest piano num bers of bis vast repertoire. Mr. Godo wsky, a Russian by birth, studied with the greatest masters of the various schools and wherever he has clayed created a furore, including such art cen- MERCHANTS' HOTEL ters as Pans, Berlin and Liondon, wnere royalty, wealth and aristocracy at once threw open its doors to this wonderful artist while uniting the xwo great schools, of music, the German and the French, Godowsky retains a distinct in- TJndsr new manassaeci OMAHA. NEBR. PAXTOH, UUC1T BATnVOST, Proprietor. "--- attention to atata trad. lai EraTUflTK. finiB tuni I tka door to tad frost all arta Open at all Hours Day and Nigft All forms of baths. TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN With special attention to the appli cation of natural salt water baths. Several times stronger than sea water. Special department for surgical cases and diseases peculiar to women. Rheumatiau. Skin, Blood and"Nervo a Dis eases, Lirer and Kidney Troubles and Chronic Ailments are treated saccesrf ally. Sea bathing may be enjoyed at all seasons i our large salt swimming pool, S0zlt2 feet, 5 to 10 feet deep, heated to uniform temperature of SO degrees. DRS. M. H- AND J. O.EVERETT Managing Physicians. In and for Lancaster county. In an action wherein L. B. Leach is plaintiff, and Dewitt C.Mosher, et al., defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 9th day of June, A. D., 189G, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county. Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate to wit: Lot seven (7), in block eight (8) in Houtz Place addition to the city of Lin coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 8th day of May, A. D.,1896. John J. Trompon, Sheriff. June G ( ) ( I" O ooocooooooo H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Wriltlne's Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. ooooooooooo First Publication May 9. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Wdlltfiu 111 IflM oPSomsSSto by Virtue of an order of sal Isuod r.v J"11" IUWH tnta to patent? oy virtue oi an oraer oi saie issuea Dy pmuct your Mmi; tacyjnay brtagyoo waait. the clerk of the district court of the Write John wkooekburn co, Fatcat amot- third Judicial district of Nebraska, with- ?tffiSz!&&SZf&8!r "r